Chapter 231 Prepare to race.

Could such a warm and sweet feeling be given by that kind of ruthless girl?
The very spicy duck head, I'm afraid I can only say, "Brother, you've been touching it all night, can you go up and sing a song?"

If Wang Zeqing knew what Lin Jie was thinking at this moment, he might say that he was offended.

When the time came to 11:[-] noon, Lin Jie's cell phone rang. He looked to see that it was Chen Zhihui calling, but he didn't stop. He played the piano and turned on the cell phone, and put the hands-free on the piano.

As soon as the phone is connected.Chen Zhihui's voice came over.

"Hi! Brother Jie and his sister-in-law are in Chengfei's apartment?"

As soon as Chen Zhihui opened his mouth, he made Lin Jie's arrangements straightforward.

Liu Yushi next to her gave Lin Jie an embarrassed look.

Lin Jie said directly: "That's right, we are in the apartment."

Chen Zhihui said: "We are going to Wuji Japanese food store soon, you come here quickly, they have an 82-jin tuna there, just finished draining the acid, we are the first wave of customers."

After Li Yingjie heard this, he didn't need to think about it. They must have arranged this tuna, he asked deliberately.

"Is it bluefin tuna?"

"You're thinking about farts, how could it be bluefin tuna!" Chen Zhihui complained, "It's yellowfin tuna."

The main problem with bluefin tuna is not whether it is expensive or not?It's that he is very rare, you can't find it, and sometimes you can't get it even if you have money.

Lin Jie said: "Okay, the yellow flag tuna is also good, let's go now."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Liu Yushi asked: "Are you guys making money with you again?"

Lin Jie nodded: "Now they have also invested money in my investment company, and the recent income has been very good, so they have made a lot of money. So they gave me some gifts, this house is the piano they gave Too."

Liu Yushi nodded, and he didn't continue to ask how much money he made. After all, if he only looked at the money, he would have many opportunities with her figure and appearance.

The two walked out of the apartment, and in the parking lot of the apartment, Lin Jie said: "Wait, let me drive there. If you want to drive, we have reserved a space at the car park tonight. You want to drive." The two walked out The apartment, and then in the parking lot of the apartment, Lin Jie said wait, let me drive there, if you want to drive, we have reserved a venue at the car park in the afternoon, from 7:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, during this time you You can drive as long as you want.”

"Really? It's great to be able to race again in the afternoon!" Liu Yushi said happily.

This big beauty with long legs and protruding back is just like racing.

Sister Lin was thinking about the messages sent by Chen Zhihui and the others in the WeChat group. He was thinking that Liu Yushi would be very memorable when he raced this afternoon.

At 12:10 noon, the two came to Wuji Japanese Food Store.

As soon as you walked in, the welcome waiter said welcome.At the same time, I greeted him and wanted to ask if I need help?
Lin Jie said directly, "My friend made an appointment."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, please come inside." The two greeters made a gesture of invitation.

This made Lin Jie a little confused. It seems that he hasn't introduced himself yet. The other party already knows that he is Mr. Lin?
But he didn't care, he just came for a meal anyway, so he walked in under the leadership of the waiter, and soon saw Chen Zhihui and the others.

"Haha, brother Jie and sister-in-law, you are finally here, welcome!" Chen Zhihui greeted him directly with a smile on his face.

Wang Zeqing also said: "Today I invited brother Jie and sister-in-law to dinner, so we booked the place directly."

Ou Feng said: "The 82-jin tuna hasn't been cut yet, so we'll wait for Brother Jie to come over and take a photo together and leave a photo. Then we'll send it to Moments to pretend."

Lin Jie asked, "How much is this tuna?"

Wang Zeqing also said: "There is not much money for big tuna, mainly because such big tuna is relatively rare."

Chen Zhihui said: "The total is 198000. The whole fish is ours. When we can't finish it, we will divide it into four parts. We will send one part directly to Chengfei's apartment."

"Hi sister-in-law!" Wang Zeqing greeted Liu Yushi with a smile on the side.

"Brother Zeqing!" Liu Yushi replied.

Wang Zeqing made a relieved expression, and said: "I thought my sister-in-law didn't remember me? I'm still wondering if I should introduce myself first? Then say hello."

Lin Jie was stunned.

Has there been such an oolong before?

It seems not.

And Lin Jie found another problem, why did these guys come here alone?Without a girlfriend?

He asked these people directly. "What's the matter with you guys? Didn't you bring a female companion?"

In fact, Liu Yushi also discovered this problem, because she was the only girl present, and she also felt unnatural.

Chen Zhihui complained: "Don't mention it, don't mention it, brother Zeqing originally said that he would solve the female partner problem, but he messed up."

Ou Feng didn't speak, but he deserves to be pointed out to Wang Zeqing.

Wang Zeqing said: "Oh, don't mention it, don't mention it. The girl last night was too hot, which made me a little bit overwhelmed. Today's things are messed up."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Zhihui said he didn't understand.

Oufeng said directly. "Brother Jie, don't you explain to Brother Hui?"

Lin Jie shook his head: "What the hell, how do I know what's going on? Since it's messed up now, you're going to go racing in the afternoon, so why don't you go and bring your girlfriends!"

"Don't worry, the afternoon has been arranged, Mr. Shisan's atmosphere team will be in place in the afternoon!" Wang Zeqing said.

Soon on that day, 82 catties of tuna was available, and several of them took a photo with the tuna.

Then Lin Jie took a photo with Tuna alone with Liu Yusi.

Of course, she will definitely not post her group photos on Moments, it's just her life today.

Posted in Moments, didn't he die fast enough?

Good men don't post on Moments, but scumbags do!
However, it is still possible to take a photo as a souvenir.

After all, it was the first time for both Lin Jie and Liu Yushi to eat such a large tuna, and it was the two of them who ate it together. This is a shared experience.

Since we were going to go racing in the car park in the afternoon, everyone didn't eat much. They just ate some to pad their stomachs, and then left the address and asked the Japanese grocery store to deliver the remaining tuna.

After doing all this, the few of them rushed to the car park aggressively, preparing for this time of drag racing.

(End of this chapter)

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