Chapter 232 A little episode.

But when they came to the car park, they found that there seemed to be something wrong with the entrance of the car supply. There seemed to be people arguing and blocked there.

Even their cars were blocked and they couldn't get in.
Wang Zeqing, because he reserved this tower production area, he called the person in charge of the car park directly. Let me ask what's going on?
Soon a person left, came over and said to Wang Zeqing nodding and bowing, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, there is something wrong here, we are solving it, please wait a moment."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, if we delay your time and all losses incurred, we will double the compensation."

Wang Zeqing looked at the situation over there and asked a question. "Manager He, what's the problem?"

Manager He suddenly showed a wry smile, and then he said. "Isn't the car park reserved by you? But the second son of the Huang family brought his friends to play. I have already explained the situation to him and said that it has been reserved, but he still insists on coming to play. So this is what happened now."

Wang Zeqing frowned and said. : "Is it Huang Ergou?"

Manager He didn't answer this sentence.

Wang Zeqing dared to say that the other party was Huang Ergou, but he didn't dare to say so.

"Brother Zeqing, this Huang Ergou seems to be a bit drifting, let's talk about him?" Chen Zhihui said.

"Okay!" Wang Zeqing nodded, ready to get out of the car.

Ou Feng said: "I'm here to accompany Brother Jie and the others, you go. Didn't this Huang Ergou go to study abroad? Why are you back now?"

"Who knows? Our manager will find out about the situation." Chen Zhihui walked to the front together with Wang Zeqing as he spoke.

After the two walked down the front, Ou Feng introduced to Lin Jie. "Huang Ergou is the second son of the Huang family. His name is Huang Ming. Because he is the youngest son in the family, the family loves him. In addition, the eldest brother in his family has a strong personality, so his personality is a bit bad. Already!"

"It's not a big problem, is it?" Lin Jie asked.

"No problem." Oufeng said.

Wang Zeqing and Chen Zhihui walked into the crowd, watching the young man with thick head and thick head greet him. "Hey, isn't this Huang Ergou? Long time no see, what's going on?"

Chen Zhihui also said: "Yes, Huang Ergou, didn't you go to study abroad? When did you come back?"

Huang Ming: "..."

He immediately cast a death staring expression on the two of them, making him even more unhappy.

When these two dogs come to say hello, can you pay attention to what is called Huang Ergou?
These are nicknames that were ignorant when I was young, but now that I have grown up, can I still call them in front of so many people?

Can you be more mature?Don’t you think it’s childish to call him by my childhood nickname again?
"Why are you two here?" Huang Ming asked a little unhappy.

"What do you mean we're here too? I've booked this place today to entertain an honored guest. Come play again tomorrow!" Wang Zeqing said directly.

"That's right! We booked the venue in advance, you can find time to come tomorrow." Chen Zhihui said.

"Ah... brother Zeqing, brother Hui, how about you teach me two cars in such a big parking lot? I am also entertaining distinguished guests today. Very, very important guests, please add two cars to me!" Huang As soon as Ming heard that it was reserved by an acquaintance, he immediately begged Wang Zeqing for mercy.

"Fuck, what do you mean you are looking for a distinguished guest? Your distinguished guest is a distinguished guest, but mine is not a distinguished guest. My class today is very important. I can't make any mistakes. How can I add you?" Wang Zeqing refused directly. up.

He made a lot of money in Lin Jie's investment company.

Naturally, Jet Lian should be arranged well, and he not only reserved the venue today, but also prepared a lot of cars, just to let Liu Yushi experience more cars.

Because they all know that instead of flattering Lin Jie, they might as well flatter Liu Yusi, they must respect Lin Jie, some things, what kind of things haven't they seen?

It was of no use to her at all.

But he and Liu Yushi are different.

If this sister-in-law can casually say a few nice words in front of Brother Jie, wouldn't it be great to make money in the future?

Huang Ming said directly with a smile. "Brother, please save face. I have already agreed with the distinguished guest to bring him to experience the racing circuit in our imperial capital today. I can't experience it today. Isn't that a slap in the face? This is really a very important guest."

"Our guests are more important." Wang Zeqing refused mercilessly.

Chen Zhihui said: "Since your guests are very important, why don't you book the venue in advance?"

Wang Zeqing also said: "That's right, why don't you reserve the venue in advance?"

Huang Ming was speechless immediately.

No charge for chartering?

Just two people come to the car, what kind of field is included?

He was almost pissed off.

However, he suppressed his anger and said with a smile on his face. "Two big brothers, it's really for saving face. Let me race the car today, and I will find time to treat you to dinner tomorrow. My guest is really important."

"No, no, I've said it all, my guests are more important and must be arranged, clearly." Wang Zeqing still refused decisively.

"I said you two, we are all in the same circle, there is no need to be so extreme, are you not afraid that one day you will fall into my hands?" Huang Ming stopped pretending and started to say such things talk.

. "Then let's talk about it later." Wang Zeqing said casually.

"That's right, you are in our hands now!" Chen Zhihui seconded.

Huang Ming was almost pissed off, these two people really didn't give him any face.

She stretched out her finger, pointed at the two people, and then took a deep breath before saying, "Okay, you two wait for me."

After Huang Ming put down his cruel words, he turned around and left. Watching him leave the two of them, he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, this kid is really the same as when he was a child, who do you think he is?"

"I played with her when I was a child, but she never complained less!"

"Seeing how angry he was at the end, I feel a little refreshed!" Chen Zhihui said directly.

Huang Ming played with them when she was young, but because she liked to sue, everyone ignored her when she was young.

Seeing that the other party had already left, Chen Zhihui and Wang Zeqing returned to their cars, and then the four cars drove into the car park together.

When he just entered the waiting area of ​​the track in the car park, Liu Yusi found that his eyes were almost blurred, because it was very busy there, and there were many performance-level sports cars.

(End of this chapter)

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