Chapter 253 The complete process.

"Now I basically understand your situation, but I want to ask, do you have any information to point to Lin Jie? For example, can you prove that it killed Chen Changchun, or that he is going to attack you?" Police Officer Zhou Asked with some extravagant expectations.

The three boys shook their heads.

"We didn't know that guy named Lin Jie at all. It's just that Chen Changchun suddenly told us about this matter. He offered another 200 million to lure us, and we reluctantly agreed. We didn't even know there was such a thing before. Lin Jie, how could there be any evidence of him?"

Officer Zhou suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Originally, he thought that the appearance of these three spirited boys would make some progress in the case, but now it seemed that, apart from their own admission that they planned to kill, there seemed to be no other useful information at all.

Because their guesses are also their own guesses.

Anyone could have guessed that Chen Changchun's death had something to do with Lin Jie.

But the point is that there is no evidence!

But how is it possible to find evidence?
All of this is done by the security company arranged by the system.

If you can find the loopholes in the system, wouldn't it be better than the system?
Police officer Zhou asked: "Then do you have any evidence to prove what you said? Impossible, you said you plan to kill people, you really plan to kill people, and you need evidence."

The police officer couldn't have put them in jail just because of their one word.

What if they go to jail and say they just had too much to drink?

Zhao Tian said: "When Chen Changchun found us before, he discussed this matter with us, and I was afraid that he would be blackmailed after the incident was completed, or even kill someone to silence him. So I secretly filmed it, and he came to us The video of the murder is backed up in my mobile phone."

As he said that, he turned on his mobile phone directly, and all the videos of their planned murder were released.

This video recorded the whole process of Chen Changchun discussing with these three spiritual guys about how to become a diamond Lin Jie.

Officer Zhou also completely believed what the three of them said.

After all, just now he even wondered if it was Lin Jie who arranged for these three spirited guys to come here on purpose.

Now after seeing the video, he finally believed it.

Police Officer Zhou asked: "You just said that someone was watching you. Where is he watching you? How did you find out? Are there any surveillance videos around you that caught him?"

Police officer Zhou is going to start with the people who monitor the three spirited boys.

If the person monitoring these three spirits is really related to Lin Jie, you only need to find him and check his relationship with Lin Jie.

The three spiritual guys started talking, including how did they find out about each other's surveillance?Including where, there is that feeling of being watched.

Said one by one.

Then Police Officer Zhou sent someone to retrieve the surveillance video of those places.

Officer Zhou discovered the problem after obtaining the surveillance videos.

Because Officer Zhou found that in those surveillance videos, there was no one who was following these spirited guys!
Could it be that this stalker is so powerful?The anti-reconnaissance ability has been pulled to the peak, deliberately avoiding all the cameras?
Now the streets are full of cameras.Even in exaggerated places, a store has more than a dozen cameras.

It's really hard to walk down the street without being caught by the camera.

What kind of fairy is this follower?
After further in-depth investigation, Officer Zhou felt that the matter was even more terrifying.

Because they found out that it wasn't the follower who was not captured by the surveillance video, but he was photographed, but the record of the surveillance video was modified!
The reason why you will understand this.It was only because they checked a surveillance video that was not connected to the Internet that they discovered it!

However, the surveillance video that was not connected to the Internet was just the back view of a person there.Wearing a peaked cap and a mask, he couldn't see any information at all.

If it wasn't in the picture, he was holding a telephoto camera and observing the three spirited guys, then no one would find that he was following him.

After discovering that the other party had such abilities, Officer Zhou was shocked.

How powerful is it to be able to modify the records of all cameras?
This one thing is very scary, okay!
Later, Officer Zhou discovered something even more terrifying.

Although the ability to modify camera recordings is already terrifying.There is one more thing that is even more frightening.

Police Officer Zhou had been suspicious of Lin Jie all along, especially when these three spirited guys appeared. After he found out about Chen Changchun's paying for murder, Lin Jie's killing of Chen Changchun was definitely a given.

Just can't find the evidence.

And it seems that the whole world has nothing to do with him. Although it is the most important object of suspicion, there is no way to pull the clues to him.

He did it perfectly.

But the key point is, how did Lin Jie know that Chen Changchun wanted to buy someone to kill him?

It was impossible for these three people to tell Lin Jie that they wanted to kill him.

These three spirited guys have already said that they have never seen Lian Jie before, and the reason why they can know Lin Jie's information is that they are often passed on to them, and in the face of the temptation of 200 million, they have already decided to kill .

From the conspiracy of Chen Changchun and these three spiritual guys, and the conflict at Mr. 13, one can imagine the whole process of the incident.

After the first conflict, Lin Jie should have sent someone to monitor Chen Changchun, right?Otherwise, how could he know his actions?
This is for sure, otherwise, Lin Jie would not have fought back so quickly.

Then the people monitoring Chen Changchun found out that Chen Changchun was going to attack Lin Jie, and even put him to death, so they started to make a counterattack plan.Moreover, the plan was successfully implemented and Chen Changchun was killed.

Later, they wanted to kill the three spirited guys too, but they were keenly spotted by the three spirited guys and came to the police station to report the case.

This should be the whole process of the case, right?And this is a very logical, very clear and complete incident.

There will be no doubts at all.

However, even if one can imagine the truth of the whole matter, how should one go about investigating it?

A wry smile appeared on Officer Zhou's face.

He hated investigating such an elitist crime problem.

Because not only will the other party not leave any evidence, but they will even encounter a lot of resistance during the investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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