Chapter 254 Goodwill expressed.

Besides, isn't this whole incident Chen Changchun's own fault?

It was he who first wanted to buy a murderer to kill, and then he was killed by others, so he could be regarded as seeking his own death!

and many more!

Officer Zhou seemed to realize a problem immediately.

The fact that these three spirited guys came to the police station was not deliberately arranged by Lin Jie, right?
Officer Zhou couldn't help but began to think in this direction.

Because at the beginning, although he thought that the three psycho-corner guys came to the police station and surrendered because of their keen perception ability and found that someone was following him.

But think about it now.

If Lin Jie's energy is really so powerful, how could the person sent to follow him be discovered?

Could it be said that the three spirited guys noticed that someone was following him because the other party let him know on purpose?

This is very likely.

Why is it so likely?

Because these three mental guys came to the police station to surrender, what problems will it cause first?
First of all, it will lead to an incident of buying a murder to expose this problem.

Once this problem is exposed, Lin Jie's identity will become a victim.

Originally, Lin Jie was the man behind the scenes who often did incidents, and he was a thoughtful, powerful, and terrifying man behind the scenes.

Such a person, even his partner, his friend, would feel scary, right?

Because you don't know how much energy he has.

Even if I accidentally made him angry, I disappeared, what should I do?
But now the three spirit boys have been arrested.

The whole incident of paying for murder has been exposed, which immediately reversed Lian Jie's identity in two levels, from a terrifying behind-the-scenes manipulator to a victim who was forced to fight back.

Even if everyone suspects that the incident was manipulated by Lian Jie, but now it has become a victim, even if he manipulated that incident, it is only a forced counterattack. If he does not manipulate that incident, Chen Changchun He will buy murder to kill people, and the person in danger is himself.

After all, according to the situation at the beginning, this year, the other party just struck up a conversation with his girlfriend, so he just killed the other party directly. Isn't such a person too cruel?
Now that the truth has surfaced, the situation is different.

The other party bought the murder first and was discovered by Lin Jie, and then Lin Jie made a series of reactions.

Such a situation will not only make people feel cruel and merciless, but it will make people feel that he is very strong, has strong abilities, and can protect himself well.

To be friends with such a person, not only will you not feel shuddering, but you will also feel very reliable.Through this incident, he not only showed his ability, but also deterred those who wanted to mess with him behind his back.

After all, after showing his strength this time, I am afraid that if someone tries to make Lin Jie an enemy again next time, he might think carefully about his ability, right?

You all thought I was a soft persimmon, right?

Then let you see who is soft!
"This guy is really scary!" Officer Zhou deduced the cause and effect of the whole incident.There is a chilling feeling in my heart.

Now this incident, only based on my own deduction, has a very clear context, and it can even be taken for granted.

But you clearly know the truth of this matter, but you can't find where to investigate it?
It can even be said that there is no way to investigate.

You can even feel that the other party can make people feel lingering, as if you are playing a game with a tiger.

Even though the two sides were far apart, Officer Zhou still felt his scalp tingle when he was an enemy of this kind of person.

After all, in this incident, the ability Lin Jie displayed was too terrifying.

Just a conflict in a bar can monitor the other party and even discover the other party's conspiracy.

Then countermeasures were taken in advance, and the prevention and control came quickly and decisively.

The other party conspired in the morning, and died immediately at noon.

Who doesn't find such a thunderous method terrifying?
Police Officer Zhou is already an old policeman. He has been in the police force for 25 years. He has handled many cases, large and small, and experienced many superb crimes, even crimes with high IQ.

But like this case, this is the first experience of this type.

Obviously, he was able to guess the truth, but he couldn't find any results at all, and he didn't even want to.

Because there is nothing to find out the truth, it is already in front of you, you can imagine it.But couldn't touch any evidence.

Especially the deterrence shown by the other party makes people feel a little flinched.

And that Chen Changchun really deserved to die.

Do you have to deal with an unimaginably terrifying opponent for a damned person?
Officer Zhou looked at the three spirited boys in front of him with complicated expressions, and finally made a decision.

These three psychic boys are not only the most important evidence to unravel the murder plot.

At the same time, it was also the kindness expressed by Lin Jie.

If it was said that Lin Jie wanted to kill these three mental guys, they would never have appeared in the police station.

Therefore, these three spirited guys were deliberately let go by Lin Jie.

Intentionally letting these three people go is to show that Lin Jie will not involve the innocent, he will only kill the culprit.That person is Chen Changchun.

After all, these three spiritual boys are just tool people.

Even if Chen Changchun didn't look for the three of them, he would look for other people. No one can resist the temptation of 200 million.

So Lin Jie didn't blame them, but sent them to the police station.

This is the kindness expressed by Lin Jie.

Faced with such a statement, it was natural, and he didn't want to investigate any further.

"Xiao Li, ask them about the details of what happened, and then disclose this matter to the relevant personnel." Police Officer Zhou ordered to a small police officer next to him.

"Okay." The little police officer nodded.


Soon, Wang Zeqing, who was going through relevant procedures in the insurance company, received a call.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Wang Zeqing was a little panicked at first.

Because the strength shown by Lin Jie is too terrifying, quietly and thunderously.

Let Chen Changchun disappear from the world directly, who would not be afraid of such strength?
He was even afraid that if he fell out with Lin Jie one day, would he be like Chen Changchun?
Although his background is much stronger than that of Chen Changchun, who knows if Lin Jie will take it into consideration?

Maybe in Lin Jie's view, my identity and background are actually the same as Chen Changchun's?

(End of this chapter)

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