Gold Assistant

Chapter 108 Identification Results

Chapter 108 Identification Results
The next day's highest-selling magazine "Chasing", its cover title was "What's wrong with the popular niche?" ".

The content in it is probably that a certain entertainment reporter was eating fish balls on the road, and suddenly found a very burnt sports car, and the car was the second male lead from a certain drama, so he followed him all the way out of curiosity.

Then I attached some photos and text descriptions, such as arranging my hairstyle in front of the rearview mirror while waiting for the green light, staring at the beautiful woman on the road after changing the light, but not driving and being beeped by the car behind, etc.

Then he wrote that he found out that the male star's destination was a certain hospital, he walked into the hospital arrogantly, but finally left angrily.

Also attached a number of photos, but the name of the hospital has been withheld for privacy.

"Pursuit" is different from "One Hit" in that it always publishes more positive content, and it doesn't deliberately slander artists, so when many entertainment companies or artists want to release some news, they are very willing to cooperate with them.

Therefore, even though the content it publishes is not novel, its sales volume is still high, and it is the only entertainment magazine that can enter various agencies.Many people in the industry revealed that the background of this magazine is very deep.

After Lin Weiyan saw the news, his first thought was that Liu Li and the others did it, but when he saw that they had followed the filming from the road in the content, he knew it was not.

The agent immediately sent him a scarf explanation, saying that he was just visiting a doctor that day, thank you for your attention, and didn't have much explanation.

Originally, this was just an ordinary daily incident, but I don't know if he offended many people usually, and some people began to mock him secretly.

But those people did not identify who they had learned from previous incidents.I just concealed that seeing XX in the male XX department, there must be some obstacles.

The scarf was quickly retweeted and appeared on the homepage, but because it didn't say who it was, everyone started guessing.

As a result, someone suggested that they saw the cover of a magazine today, but they also only vaguely pointed it out.

Sometimes the more this is the case, the more curious people are, and more people speculate.Some thought they had already guessed it, so they started forwarding it to people they knew and asked them to guess.

So a round of guessing activities without prizes started like this, and those who guessed it would show a tacit expression, making people who didn't know feel like being scratched by a cat.

Because of this, the sales of the magazine that day were several times higher than usual.

Seeing this result, the young man admired Brother A very much. This time, their report is not a one-time price, but a share, that is, as much as the magazine is sold, they can get a share of the money.

The main reason is that the authority lifted the restriction order, and a lot of news spread quickly through the Internet, which affected the sales of physical magazines.In order to balance the income and expenditure, the magazine has also adjusted the remuneration for the reporter.

Seeing this, brother A proposed the idea of ​​sharing.

The magazine has also thought about this method, and has a related plan, and the two sides agree on it.

In order to get more share, Brother A issued the scarf above.In fact, he himself did not expect such an effect, and he was also very surprised.

Suddenly he seemed to have found another way of making money, so he and the young man began to discuss in detail.

Lin Weiyan, who found the scarf on the other side, believed that Liu Li and the others did it, and angrily reported it to the Internet Administration.

He also wants to take revenge, but the monitoring is still in the hands of the other party, if it is released, he will really not be able to wash it clean.

Using the scarf of the Network Administration Bureau, Wang Jun forwarded the news that An Mo and the others were going to participate in "Fantasy Travels".This is a public welfare movie, so it's okay to help promote it.

Soon he received a message from a classmate saying that the paternity test report was out, so he immediately asked the leader for two hours off and went to the test center to find his classmate.

A petite girl who seemed to be in her early twenties came over with two reports.

She looked at Wang Jun with emotion.

Wang Jun still looks so sunny, it's not in vain that I had a crush on him back then.Although the confession was rejected in the end, such sweet and sour memories can still be had.

"Hey, the appraisal report is out."

"Thank you." After receiving the report, Wang Jun opened it to read.

It's just that the professional terms in the report are too complicated, and he can't understand them at all, so he feels a little anxious.

Seeing his stupid look, Chen Kele held back a smile and joked, "You can see the results directly on the last page. Whose report is this? You are so nervous. Could it be that someone killed someone somewhere and was dragged away by someone?" Come to the door, want to check if it is your child?"

"That's not true, I checked for a friend." Hearing this, Wang Jun immediately retorted.

"Oh, girlfriend?"

"Not yet, but it will definitely be in the future." Wang Jun said with a firm face, and began to flip through the report.

When Chen Kele heard that he was about to have a girlfriend, she thought she would feel sad, but she didn't expect that she was happy for Wang Jun in her heart.

Sure enough, no man in reality can compare to those four dear ones in Two-dimensional.Thinking of this, she immediately took out her mobile phone and went to find her dear friends to do tasks.

When Wang Jun saw a report that said 'violating the law of inheritance (excluding mutation factors)', his heart immediately became cold.With a glimmer of hope, he immediately opened the second report, which said the same content.

This means that neither Uncle Chang nor Aunt Chang has any blood relationship with Momo.

He sat aside very depressed, Chen Kele saw him like this, guessed that the results in the report were not what he wanted, so he stepped forward to comfort him.

After seeing the results in the report, she slowly said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether there is a blood relationship or not. It depends on how people feel when they get along with each other. Now there are not many news reports that biological father and son, brothers, sisters, etc. Are you waiting for a bloody incident?"

Wang Jun had already calmed down. Fortunately, he didn't tell An Mo and Uncle Chang about the matter, otherwise they might not be able to take another blow.

He sent the message to Xue Yao and told her the result.

After seeing the result, Xue Yao and Liu Li sighed silently, a beautiful wish was shattered.

In the evening, Xue Yao specially made salt and pepper pork ribs, which is what An Mo has been wanting to eat these days.But because they will wear dresses later on, Xue Yao's diet during this period must be calorie controlled.

"Wow, it's salt and pepper pork ribs. It smells so good. Sister Yao, I love you." An Mo looked at the dish and hugged Xue Yao.

"Okay, okay, you give this to Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang, you always go to them for food, you should give it back."

An Mo picked up the plate and kept smiling while watching Xue Yao giggle.

"Okay, go and have dinner with them."

"Yeah." An Mo happily took the ribs and left.

Looking at her back, Liu Li smiled at her sister and said, "Ah, you little heartless, my sister cooked delicious food for her, and she only thinks about Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang."

"She probably wants to get some time with Uncle Chang and the others before being discharged from the hospital."

 Roll, roll, look forward to subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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