Gold Assistant

Chapter 109 Anime Premiere

Chapter 109 Anime Premiere
Xue Yao sent the results of the appraisal to the secret group of the three, reminding Tao Chengya not to ask about Aunt Chang's daughter.

Tao Chengya replied quickly, she had already asked grandma this morning, but the result was too sad, so she thought about it for a long time.

It turned out that Aunt Chang's daughter was indeed lost, and when she was finally found, she was already a corpse.

At that time, Aunt Chang asked her daughter to deliver something to Wang Jun next door, but she didn't come back after a long time, so she went to look for it.

It turned out that Wang Jun was wounded all over his body, lying motionless on the ground, with blood all over the back of his head.

Because their place is a special-level community, there are always patrols, and the law and order are very good, so in order to train her daughter, she was asked to give Wang Jun herself something.

Later, Wang Jun lay in the hospital for a whole year before waking up. He couldn't remember the past, and when he thought about it, he would have a severe headache. His family members told him that he had been lying in bed for a week because of an accidental fall.

The police looked at the wound on Wang Jun's body and said it was a defensive wound. It must have been a fierce struggle. Maybe he had fought with someone who hurt the little girl.

Later, everyone was afraid of irritating him, so they didn't mention the neighbor's little girl.He also only occasionally heard other people talking about Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang before he knew that they had a daughter.

Aunt Chang always felt that she had harmed her daughter and Wang Jun, so she was depressed and would get sick every year at that time.

After seeing this information, Xue Yao and Liu Li were both sobbing, and then thankful that they didn't mention this matter to them, otherwise they would be exposing the wounds in other people's hearts.

Although An Mo had participated in many opening ceremonies, they were all TV dramas. This was the first time she participated in the premiere of a movie.

Although she and Liu Li were only dubbing this movie, it was the first time their names appeared on the big screen. Both of them were a little excited, and Xue Yao was also infected by them.

Knowing what they were thinking, Shi Lekang hired a stylist early in the morning and even sent dresses for them to choose.

The stylist helped An Mo and Liu Li choose the dresses, and the two helped each other change them. An Yang's was a pink princess dress, which suited her sweet and cute; while Liu Li's was a blue tulle dress, which made her It looks fresh and elegant.

Xue Yao was very satisfied after seeing it. This stylist has a good eye and highlighted the characteristics of the two of them.

The two people's hair was tied into a ball, and then tied with a wide headband of the same color as the dress to make their faces look smaller, and the exposed skin of the two is also very good, and it seems to be reflective under the light.

The stylist on the side clapped his hands and said that this time the shape is great.

Because this premiere is not very formal, the styling is not too grand, but more gorgeous than usual.

"Huh? Why hasn't Ah Cai come yet?" The stylist was about to ask the makeup artist to do makeup for the two of them, but found that the person who usually cooperates did not come.

His assistant immediately stepped forward and said: "Brother Kang said that Ah Cai usually helps male artists make up, and when they help female artists make up, they are not very delicate."

"Although this is the case, it's better than their own...ah, I remembered, there is a makeup expert in that Huayun advertisement, and that is you, right?" Discussed many times by makeup artists.

After hearing this, Xue Yao nodded with a smile. It is estimated that Shi Lekang also wanted her to do makeup, so she didn't invite a makeup artist.

She opened the makeup box that Tao Chengya had given her, and while discussing with the stylist, she helped them put on their makeup. In less than an hour, their makeup was finished.

The stylist was a little stunned when he saw An Mo and Liu Li after they finished their makeup. He had helped many artists create countless looks, and this was the first time he saw a result that fit his mind so well.

An Mo and Liu Li's foundations are already good, coupled with Xue Yao's superb makeup skills, he can finally say what he has always wanted to say but never had the chance to say, "Perfect!"

He excitedly held Xue Yao's hand, "Little assistant, don't be an assistant anymore, just work with me."

Xue Yao broke free quickly, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I just want to stay by their side. Let's work together again in the future."

The rejected stylist looked at Xue Yao with resentful eyes, as if accusing her of being ruthless.

Fortunately, there was not much time left until the premiere, and Ah Yi came to pick them up, and only then got rid of the stylist's complaints.

There are more than a dozen well-known artists participating in the dubbing of animated films, and the producer and the cinema have applied for 18% of the film schedule, which makes him very happy.

Although he didn't plan to hold a premiere for "Fantasy Travels" in order to save money for charity, everyone was very cooperative and took the initiative to attend.In fact, the time for the premiere was not very good, it was in the afternoon.

During this time, most people are at work or in class, and fewer people watch movies.

But because these dozen or so artists forwarded the bib promotion together, there are quite a few people who know about this animated film.

When the three of them came to the cinema accompanied by Ah Yi, there were quite a lot of reporters on the scene.

As soon as the reporters who had been waiting saw them, they immediately started snapping pictures.

Xue Yao and Ah Yi hurriedly backed away, leaving Liu Li and An Mo to take pictures.

At first, An Mo was worried that Liu Li would not get used to it, but unexpectedly, she saw her waving at everyone with ease, with an elegant and natural smile.

Seeing her in such a state, An Mo was even happier, and waved to everyone.

Apart from the reporters, there were also some fans holding banners. Liu Liyuan thought that he had no fans, but saw a petite girl holding a sign for Lili to cheer.

As soon as she saw Liu Li, she tried her best to wave the sign in her hand, which moved Liu Li so much that she was about to cry.

Seeing this situation, Xue Yao immediately walked over to greet the girl, "Hi, I'm Liu Li's assistant."

"Ah, Miss Assistant, I really like your... cooking."

This panting made Xue Yao want to laugh. "Thank you, this is the photo I asked Lili to sign in advance, do you want it?"

The girl's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "I want it, I want it." Then she paused, and asked a little shyly, "I, can I make a small request?"

"you say?"

"Can you ask Lili to write Dear Coke on the photo?"

Cola?Xue Yao suddenly remembered the fan who had been paying attention to Liu Li, poured cold water on her from time to time, but always defended Liu Li at critical moments.

"Are you Coke without ice?"

The girl was stunned, and after a while she said in a nonchalant manner, "Miss, did you work as a policeman before? Why are you so powerful?"

She really guessed it right, "I'll let Lili write it for you later, after the show, you wait for me over there." Xue Yao pointed to the other side of the cinema.


Then Xue Yao went to An Mo's fans and distributed An Mo's autographed photo to everyone.A pretty-looking older sister asked: "Assistant sister, do you have a signed photo of Lili? Actually, I like her very much, but this time I came in a hurry, so I didn't have a sign for Lili."

"Yes, yes."

(End of this chapter)

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