Gold Assistant

Chapter 111 Attacked

Chapter 111 Attacked

Tao Chengxuan looked down at Liu Li, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "These were originally between my girlfriend and I, and I didn't want outsiders to know, but we can't wrong her.

I saw on the Internet that Lili and An Mo had taken so many intimate photos, and I was a little jealous, so I asked Lili to take a photo with me with the same look. Is there a problem? "

For this reason, Xue Yao gave full marks!
Lin Weiyan still couldn't believe it, looked at them with red eyes, and murmured: "You, you are lying."

"Do I need to lie to you?"

The masses compared the two people left and right, and they didn't know if they didn't compare.It is said that Lin Weiyan is also a rich second generation and a celebrity, but his momentum, demeanor and even appearance are completely reduced to scum by Tao Chengxuan's side.

Another kind voice came from outside the crowd, "Chengxuan, can we go?"

Only then did everyone remember the person who appeared with him, and they turned around and saw an old lady walking over.


With this title, everyone onlookers knew the identity of the old lady, and she was also a legend.

However, people from rich families seem to be particular about being well-matched, and they generally don't like their children looking for people from the entertainment industry. Will she break up the two of them?
The reporters all picked up their cameras, wanting to take wonderful shots of the meeting later.

Lin Weiyan, who was pushed to the ground by Ah Yi, also looked like he was watching a show. I heard that the old lady of the Tao family was a strong woman when she took over the management of the company, and she always said what she said.

If she stopped her, then Tao Chengxuan and Liu Li would not be able to be together.He looked around at the reporters, many of them were famous for their poisonous mouth, he sneered, Liu Li, you are going to be out of luck.

The onlookers moved out of the way again and let Mrs. Tao walk in. She thanked everyone as she walked, which made the crowd feel very good.

It's just that what she did was completely opposite to what they thought. She stepped forward and took Liu Li's hand, and patted it kindly.

"Lili, let's go first, and I will leave it to Chengxuan to deal with it. Xiaoya is still waiting for us at home. What is the ending of the story you told me last time? I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for a whole day. .”

Liu Li obediently was led away by Mrs. Tao, and An Mo followed behind with a smile.

Lin Weiyan stared at that side closely, showing an incredulous expression.

Storytelling before?It turned out that Liu Li had met Mrs. Tao a long time ago and had already received her approval.Then they looked at Tao Chengxuan with admiration, he was a reliable and good man.

It's different from those wealthy men who seem to be in love with female stars, but in fact they are just for fun.

When the reporters saw this scene, regardless of Sanqi 21 taking pictures like crazy, this is big news.

When Mrs. Tao and Liu Li left the crowd and went outside, they suddenly heard a piercing shout, "Liu Li!!"

Everyone looked to the place where the sound came from. A woman wearing sunglasses and a mask was holding a bottle of suspicious liquid in her hand.

After she finished shouting, she rushed over quickly, and when she was only five steps away from Liu Li, she poured the liquid in the bottle on Liu Li.

Because he was walking with Mrs. Tao and couldn't dodge in time, Liu Li pushed An Mo away first, and then used his body to block Mrs. Tao, hoping that the suspicious thing would not hurt Mrs. Tao.

Because Xue Yao was standing on the other side, she couldn't arrive in time, so she immediately threw out the small cloak in her hand, just in front of the liquid.

In fact, the cloak did not completely block the liquid, but because of the safety talisman on Liu Li's body, it blocked this attack.This series of things happened very quickly, and no one could see anything unusual.

When the suspicious liquid dripped onto the ground, the floor immediately turned black, and corrosion began to appear.

"It's water!!" The surrounding crowd began to run around in panic.

When the woman who attacked Liu Li saw that she was unsuccessful, she wanted to take advantage of the chaos and run away.

After only two steps, he was stopped by Chen Kele who was holding a refueling sign.

Chen Kele stared at the masked woman, gently put down the sign, revealed the swinging stick in his hand, and hit the opponent's left arm first according to the posture of self-defense video.

"Ah." The woman in the mask pressed her left arm and let out a shrill cry.

Then Chen Kele slapped the opponent's legs again, and the masked woman knelt down.

At this moment, Ah Yi and Xue Yao arrived at the same time, and Xue Yao directly pushed the masked woman to the ground, took out a rope and tied her up.

Tao Chengxuan and An Mo immediately returned to Liu Li's side and helped her and Mrs. Tao up.

"Grandma, Lili, are you all right?"

An Mo grabbed Liu Li and checked up and down to see if he was injured.

"I'm fine, is Grandma Tao okay?" After standing still, Liu Li also looked at Mrs. Tao.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

In the situation just now, most people would leave behind their burdens and escape by themselves, but Liu Li used her body to protect herself again. Mrs. Tao really liked Liu Li more and more.

Tao Chengxuan supported his grandmother, and could only check Liu Li's situation with his eyes.

"Really okay?"

"Well, it's okay." Liu Li was a little shy when he looked at him, and the skin all over his body began to turn slightly red.

On the other side, Xue Yao took off the mask girl's sunglasses and mask, "Hou Zhenzhen?!"

It turned out to be her, and the reporter on the other side quickly took pictures of the situation. The materials obtained today are estimated to last a month.

The security guard of the movie theater rushed over, saw Lin Weiyan and Hou Zhenzhen on the ground, and asked, "Do you want to call the police?"

"We must call the police!" Chen Kele saw the pinhole in Hou Zhenzhen's hand, "Miss Assistant, this matter can't be kept private, you see."

Xue Yao also saw those dense pinholes. Although Liu Li's going to the police station may cause trouble, Hou Zhenzhen's behavior has already threatened her safety.

Liu Li also came over, "Sister, call the police, at most the soldiers will come to stop you."

"it is good."

The security captain immediately asked people to maintain order at the scene, waiting for the arrival of the police.

Xue Yao walked over to Chen Kele who was picking up the gas card, "Cole, thank you for your help, otherwise Hou Zhenzhen would have run away."

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Xue Yao found that she was a little different from the shy little fan just now.

The police arrived soon, and everyone was taken to the bureau to record statements. Xue Yao took out her and Liu Li's ID cards for registration.

"Huh? Liu Li's name is different." The registered police officer was a little surprised.

"Lili used a stage name." Xue Yao quickly explained.

"Oh, oh." It's normal for people in the entertainment industry to use stage names, and they are victims, so the confession was quickly recorded.

On the contrary, the reporters who were taken to the police station all had bitter faces, because this matter involved a criminal case, and Hou Zhenzhen may also be related to a major case, and the information in their cameras must be handed over and cannot be taken away. .

It's just that in this way, they will be doing nothing tonight.

This is not a good thing for "Dream Travel Notes", which means that there is no publicity.

 Ahhh, finally there is a 1000 mark, thank you for your support, okay~~
(End of this chapter)

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