Gold Assistant

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

After receiving the news, Shi Lekang and Wang Jun rushed over and were relieved to find that Tao Chengxuan was also there.

Seeing that the three girls were fine, Wang Jun ran over and asked, "Brother, this confession is finished, can I take them away?"

"You're so nervous, is there your girlfriend in there?" The police officer who handled it also knew Wang Jun well, so he teased him.

Wang Jun looked at An Mo secretly, and smirked: "Hehe, maybe in the future."

"The daughter of the Republic of China? It's completely different from your goddess Wantita."

"I, I was just following the crowd."

Xue Yao and the others packed up their things and were about to leave when they saw several reporters pestering the police officers to get their cameras back.

It would be a pity if "Fantasy Travels" missed this wave of publicity.

"Brother Jun, those camera photos are all about the premiere of "Fantasy Travels". They have nothing to do with what's going on later. Could you please accommodate me?"

Xue Yao thought that Wang Jun was an Internet policeman, and he was familiar with the person in charge of recording the statement just now, so maybe there is a way.

However, Wang Jun scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Because this case involves drugs, there may be no solution."

"In fact, even if the camera is locked, they still have their mouths. The camera is gone, and there is no photo exchange, so they still have to explain it to the higher-ups when they go back, so that they can't keep it secret.

And there were many people who saw it in front of the movie theater at that time, why don't they go back and submit the materials, and put the matter on Hou Zhenzhen's face because of the previous rumors, and she became angry and angry.In this way, it might be possible to cover up the fact that she was arrested for taking drugs. "

Wang Jun felt that what she said was quite reasonable, but instead of consulting with the police officers, he looked at Shi Lekang instead.

Shi Lekang went to the side to make a phone call, and nodded to Wang Jun. When he walked to the policeman and said something, the phone in the bureau rang.

After the police officer answered the phone, he agreed to Wang Jun's request.

"Okay, now someone is pleading for you, these cameras can be taken back, but you don't want to report some things, it will bring danger to the case you are dealing with.

In many cases, the seniors are fighting with their lives, I hope everyone can understand. "

From losing to regaining, it was changed after Xue Yao interceded for them. In addition to assuring the police that they would not do anything that would endanger the frontline police officers, the reporters also thanked Xue Yao and the others.

Since then, these reporters have become friendly with them. Under the same conditions, they will try their best to report good things, and they will show mercy to bad things.

And Chen Kele left quietly when Wang Jun and the others appeared. She had satirized Wang Jun's liking for Wantita back then.

If he finds out that he is also a star chaser, he may turn against her.

It's not a good experience to be ridiculed by someone you have made fun of.

"Huh? Coke is gone?" Xue Yao thought of the person who helped her just now, and hurriedly looked around in the police station, but she couldn't see her.

"what happened?"

"Just now there was a fan of Lili called Coke without ice. She helped stop Hou Zhenzhen. I promised Lili to sign a congratulatory message for her and take a group photo with her."

Liu Li exclaimed, "It's that bad Coke who keeps pouring cold water on me. It's a pity, I still wonder what she looks like."

Shi Lekang said with a smile: "There will be opportunities in the future, everyone should go back now, you should be tired."

Grandma Tao came over, took Liu Li's hand and said, "Lili was saved again today, we are really destined, you promised to tell me a story, don't forget."

"I'm the one who got you in trouble this time, and I'll tell you a story when I get the chance."

"Okay, okay, okay. Chengxuan, you and Lili can add a wechat, so that you can help grandma get in touch if you need anything."

Liu Li couldn't refuse in front of the old man, so she blushed and added WeChat with Tao Chengxuan.

Xue Yao and An Mo stood aside and covered their mouths and sniggered. If you want to contact Xiaoya, you can just find Xiaoya. We have been WeChat friends for a long time.Otherwise, you can add it yourself, Mrs. Tao's performance is really a godsend.

On the way back to the hospital, both Liu Li and An Mo were a little tired and fell asleep in the back seat.

Xue Yao reported today's events to Shi Lekang in a low voice, but she was still a little worried when Tao Chengxuan announced in public that she and Liu Li were in a relationship.

But Shi Lekang didn't say anything after hearing this.

After finishing everything, Xue Yao mentioned the invitation again, "Also, Xiaoya said that she would invite Lili to be Mr. Tao's female companion at Mr. Qin's birthday banquet."

Seeing Xue Yao's uneasy expression, Shi Lekang smiled and said, "Actually, this is good for Lili, at least with Chengxuan in the way, there won't be toads coming to eat swan meat."

After finishing speaking, he quietly lowered his voice, "Do you think Lili and Chengxuan are involved?"

"All of this is subject to Lili's wishes." Although Xue Yao is very optimistic about them, there are some things that cannot be forced, and it depends on the parties themselves.

"It's fine if you don't object." Shi Lekang is also very optimistic, especially Grandma Tao also likes Liu Li.

I heard from my old man that Tao's father hadn't been enlightened at the beginning, but it was Grandma Tao's help in the end that caught up with Tao's mother.

Outsiders think that Grandma Tao is a strong woman who will always be unsmiling, but in fact she is the most enlightened and most popular among all the elders.

Many people envied Tao Chengxuan for having such a grandma when they were young.

Back at the hospital, Uncle Chang, Aunt Chang and Xiao Bai, accompanied by Yuan Lan, have been waiting in the lobby
An Mo is going to attend the premiere for the first time in her life today. Although it is not official, she is very excited, and this emotion has infected everyone.

When Aunt Chang woke up in the morning, she was very energetic, so she and Uncle Chang went to the nearby vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Uncle Chang has already made an agreement with Xue Yao, because she will go to the premiere with her, so let them cook the dinner, let's all have a little celebration.

But after a long time after the movie ended, they hadn't come back, and they called to ask to find out what happened.Even though they knew they were fine, the two still worried.

Aunt Chang was fidgeting all the time, so Uncle Chang accompanied her to the front lobby and waited.He kept holding Aunt Chang's hand and told her some interesting things.

But Aunt Chang couldn't listen, she would look at the door from time to time, and if she heard any movement, she would run to the door to check.

After Xue Yao received the notification from the nurse at the front desk, she asked An Mo to send a selfie to Aunt Chang.

Seeing An Mo's sweet smile, Aunt Chang's heart calmed down a little.

Xiaobai heard Ah Er talking on the phone with Ah Yi, and knew about it, so he ran to the front hall and waited with Uncle Chang and the others.

When the group walked to the front lobby, everyone was relieved to see that they were indeed all right.

Shi Lekang and Wang Jun were pulled aside by Uncle Chang for questioning, and Aunt Chang conjured up a basket of grapefruit leaves out of nowhere.

"I'll take a bath with grapefruit leaves later, to get rid of bad luck."

(End of this chapter)

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