Gold Assistant

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
After eating the dinner prepared by Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang, the three of them were rushed to wash up and told to go to bed early.

It's just that the three of them don't want to go to bed so early. What happened today is a bit exciting, and they still feel their heart beating faster.

After replying to the messages that everyone sent to inquire about Anhao, Xue Yao opened her scarf and found that the sign of the private message was also flashing. It turned out that some fans saw these things and sent letters of condolences.

They may have been reminded, though, that none of them asked about it in the comment section.

Liu Li'an Mo hugged each other again and took a selfie.

Liu Li/An Mo V: [Today's premiere of "Fantasy Travels", I saw many cuties who came to support us, thank you.One more thing, please go to the cinema to watch "Fantasy Travels", it's very good (smile). [Selfie photo]]

Seeing the beautiful selfies of the two, the fans were relieved knowing that their idols were not affected, so they started discussing movies again.

[Coke without ice: "Fantasy Travels" is very good, everyone must go to the cinema to support Mo Li.My glass's voice is lingering. (Manual funny)]
[The eye sockets are moist, it's nice to have love.nice! ]
[Two packs of tissues were not enough, but a handsome little brother gave me a pack, hee hee. ]
[Ah, is that the beautiful girl next to me upstairs? ]
[Private chat about picking up girls, "Fantasy Travels" is really good, a rare work of conscience. ]

In addition to them sending out scarves, other people who watched it also posted movie reviews. Without exception, everyone in Amway went to the cinema to watch it.

For the next two days, Xue Yao and Liu Li were always in fear, because Liu Li's identity information was registered at the police station. If people in G City reported her missing to the police, they might come to their door soon. .

But there was no movement in the past two days, maybe Liu Li's father didn't report his disappearance.

The media only reported the premiere of "Fantasy Travels", and commented on this animation film, thinking that it is a rare animation masterpiece in recent years.

In fact, the most rare thing is a public welfare film. All the proceeds except the necessary costs are used to support terminally ill children. I hope they can persevere and let everyone see miracles.

The three of them are packing up their things these days, preparing to move.

Xue Yao went to see the male god's room near the film and television city in advance. It is a new house with four bedrooms and one living room. It looks like no one has lived in it. It is estimated that Ah Er has asked someone to clean it in advance.

But the location is a bit far from the hospital, and it takes three hours to go back and forth under normal road conditions. If there is a slight traffic jam, it may take four or five hours.

It takes three and a half hours to go back and forth from her own home, but there is a subway, so as long as you avoid the rush hour, it's not bad.

Xue Yao asked Ah Yi again how to solve the problem of eating, but he didn't answer directly, he just said that he would know when the time came.

She originally wanted to tell Xiaobai to have dinner with the male god in the future, but now nothing is confirmed, which made her a little worried.

Xiaobai's attitude is also a bit strange. Since I told him that he was going to be discharged from the hospital, he didn't have any special reaction except for running away suddenly at the beginning.

For this reason, Xue Yao specifically told Yuan Lan about this. She said that Xiaobai now has a teacher, so don't worry, he has already learned to grow.

This was originally a happy thing, but for some reason, Xue Yao felt a little disappointed.

On the day of moving, Ah Er hired a professional moving company, and it only took three to ten minutes to move the things.

Of course, the main reason is that they only have some simple daily necessities, except for clothes and cosmetics.Knowing that the hospital is not a place to live for a long time, they didn't buy anything.

The only surplus was the bottles and jars that Xue Yao usually pickled, but she secretly collected a small half of them into the small space.Let Ah Yi bring the rest to the male god, Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang, as well as the nurses who usually take care of them.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to everyone, they took the moving company's car to the high-end apartment near the film and television city.

There are all kinds of electrical appliances in this room, which are much more complete than those in Saint Laurent.

After putting everything away, the three of them decided to take a look around and familiarize themselves with the environment.In order to avoid trouble, both Liu Li and An Mo put on masks.

I checked the surrounding area, and the surrounding businesses are quite complete, including supermarkets, restaurants, shopping malls, etc.Although it is claimed to be an apartment near the film and television city, the actual distance is quite far, and it takes half an hour to drive.

Now that Ah Yi can't be their driver, Xue Yao thought about saving the rent, or buying a small car, which would be more convenient.

It's just what brand is good, they decided to go back and discuss it.The car must have enough space, so that they can rest in the car even when they are rushing to play.

It's just that the 50 yuan is not enough, after all, they have no income now.

Carrying the bought vegetables, I was going to go back and make a dinner.

When they came back, they found that the whole apartment seemed a little deserted and impersonal.

An Mo's sixth sense is only for people, not for the environment.

So when she arrived at the new place, she felt unsafe and even a little worried.

"What's going on here? There was no one in the morning. I thought they were all going to work or filming, but from the outside, it seems that no one is staying here. This can't be a legendary house!"

After finishing speaking, she shivered and hugged Liu Li tightly. "Lili, I'm so scared, can we sleep together tonight?"

"it is good."

"Don't be afraid, I will put a protective talisman in the house."

When An Mo was about to say something, the elevator stopped on the 6th floor. As soon as they walked out, they saw someone moving on the opposite side.

Some gym equipment, and something weird, like medical equipment?

"Put these in which room." A familiar voice came from the room, and then a figure they all knew appeared at the door.

"Ah Yi?" Xue Yao looked at him in surprise.

Ah Yi turned around showing his characteristic simple and honest expression, and said with a smile, "You guys are back so soon?"

"Why are you here?" Could it be that the male god also moved here, can his body leave the hospital?
"We moved."

Xue Yao was stunned for a moment, she couldn't guess right?

"Us? You mean male... Is Ting brother also together?"

Ah nodded, "Master, Brother Kang, and Xiaobai also live here and there." He pointed to 602 and 603 with his fingers.

They live in 601, and we happen to be neighbors.

"That's great." An Mo reacted first, "But Xiaobai also came to live here, is his grandfather willing?"

"Xiaobai is studying with the young master and cannot be interrupted, so they moved out together."

Xue Yao was a little worried about the male god's injury, so she asked, "What about Brother Ting's injury, it's too far away from Saint Laurent."

"It's okay, the young master is receiving routine treatment now, Ah Er can handle it, and Yves Saint Laurent has been discovered by the media. Although they can't break into the hospital, they will be seen every day when they go in and out. It's still very annoying."

 Finished the third watch again~ Repaired the floor~
(End of this chapter)

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