Gold Assistant

Chapter 121 Acquaintances

Chapter 121 Acquaintances
After hearing what Liu Li said, Qin Yi deliberately looked over.She checked Liu Li's information, and the information she got was that she was only 21 years old, and people of this age were still in college.

However, Liu Li's profile did not register his academic qualifications, and generally highly educated artists would speak out to improve their image.If it is not specified, it means that she may have dropped out of college, or she may not have been admitted.

Apart from Hua Yun's commercials, he has only performed a few small MVs before, and his family is probably not rich.

If you don't have money, you can't learn the piano well. Maybe she just heard "For Alice".

Qin Yi is very confident, Liu Li's piano skills are definitely not as good as her own.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Your piano skills must be better than mine. The people who came to our Qin family today are all wealthy families and elites from all walks of life. They will be very helpful to your future acting career."

Tao Chengya smiled and said, "Play as you please, sister-in-law, let's go." After speaking, he pulled Liu Li and turned to leave.

In Qin Yi's eyes, it meant that Liu Li's piano skills were really not very good, so he gave his mother a look.

"I'm afraid you don't know how to play. You just made irresponsible remarks about Yiyi's piano skills. Chengxuan, don't be deceived by someone's appearance. Some people just talk about it. Nothing real."

Some wives who are on good terms with Qin's mother also tried their best to persuade you to say "Chengxuan", and she said "Chengxuan".It's all about how good Qin Yi is and how bad Liu Li is.

There was a lady who scolded the most harshly, like a shrew scolding the street, she almost called Liu Li a vixen.

The other wives considered that this was the birthday party of the Qin family, and that the other party was Tao Chengxuan's girlfriend, so although their words were hurtful, none of them crossed the line.

In this way, the comparison with that lady is even more obvious, Tao Chengya looked at her with some doubts, who is this person?She usually attended some banquets with her grandma, but she had never seen her.

When those people scolded Liu Li strangely, she kept smiling politely and gracefully.

Tao Chengxuan wanted to stop the other party when he said the first sentence, but was stopped by Liu Li. She said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Wait a little longer, trust me."

Those ladies scolded more and more vigorously, and their language began to become rough.

Liu Li suddenly stood up and said, "I can play it if you want, but there is one condition."

Qin Yi's mother and daughter thought she would keep silent, but now they are actually negotiating terms.

Qin's mother said with an ugly face, "Tsk, it's up to you, what conditions do you put forward, to be able to perform in the Qin family, that's your luck."

"Then you don't agree? Chengxuan, let's go." After speaking, he took Tao Chengxuan's hand and gestured to leave.

Qin Yi thought that she was only advancing as a retreat, and then she could use the conditions that the Qin family did not agree to her, so she justified herself by not playing.

"What conditions?"

"If I play better than you, then you will leave Gu Yun, I don't want to see you in Chengxuan's office."

Liu Li heard from Tao Chengya that Qin Yi always stopped some more attractive employees from seeing Tao Chengxuan, which caused a lot of trouble for everyone's work.

But because Qin Yi went to Gu Yun to work in exchange for benefits, Gu Yun couldn't dismiss her directly.


"Why? Don't dare to agree? That's right, with your skills, people who have only learned the piano for a year or two are probably much better than you." Liu Li began to mock in a high-profile way.

The more she behaved like this, the more Qin Yi thought she was bluffing. "Okay, I promise you."

At this moment, Liu Li showed a surprised expression, "You, you really agree?"

Seeing her performance like this, Qin Yi was even more sure of his judgment. "yes."

"it is good."

After Tao Chengya watched "Fantasy Travels", she knew that the navigating parrot was voiced by Liu Li, so she called her and asked why she could speak so many languages?Liu Li said that she went to Vienna to learn music from her classmates.

So she knew that Liu Li's music level was not low, but she didn't know which instrument she was learning.

After the two parties signed the documents, Liu Li stepped onto the stage with graceful steps.

That posture was even better than Qin Yi's. The people off the stage thought it was a famous lady who had just come out to socialize.After inquiring, they found out that it was Tao Chengxuan's girlfriend, and immediately everyone present knew that the marriage between the Tao and Qin families had failed.

Such an effect was never thought of by Qin Yi.

As for Tao Chengya and Qin Hong, not many people believed it from the beginning.

Because Zhan Minghui had been by Tao Chengya's side since he was a child, I heard that many children from rich families who were interested in Tao Chengya had communicated with Zhan Minghui in private, and vowed not to pester him ever since.

These things were all done in secret, Tao Chengya never knew about them, and even Tao Chengxuan only knew about a small part of them, the others were all heard.

Liu Li, who walked onto the stage, put her right hand on her heart in front of the piano with a smile, bowed lightly to the people present, and sat down on the chair.

Qin Yi's face turned pale when she saw Liu Li's actions. She just sat on the piano and started playing, without paying attention to etiquette.

Liu Li sat in front of the piano and didn't start playing right away. Instead, she pressed all the keys on the piano once like a sound test.

"Hmph, Chengxuan, look, she's at this level, don't be fooled by her appearance."

Qin Yi immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled what she thought was sweet, and when she wanted to talk to Tao Chengxuan, she heard a string of gentle music.

After leaving home, Liu Li, who had never played the piano again, found that her piano skills were still a little rusty.So she found the feel through the sound audition.

Then she began to play her favorite piece "Prayer by the Sea". As she played, the melodious and beating notes were like the sound of splashing waves, which was intoxicating.

Everyone off the stage stopped talking and listened to the piece seriously.

When Liu Li finished playing, the members of the Qin family stood there in a daze, and the others gave her warm applause with some unfinished business.

Liu Li got up and gave the audience a nod, then put her hand on the piano and began to play. Everyone fell silent and began to appreciate.

This time she played "For Alice". The melody she played was very smooth, beautiful, and the brisk rhythm made people feel comfortable.

Although most of the people present were not professionals, the song "Prayer by the Sea" just now let everyone know that Liu Li's piano skills are very good.

Now playing the same "For Alice" as Qin Yi, comparing the two, it can be said that Liu Li's piano skills are several blocks away from Qin Yi's, which is the gap between professional and amateur.

After the performance, Liu Li let go of his hands and gave the audience a 90-degree bow.

At this time, a voice full of surprises came from the room, but not many people understood what the other party said.

Tao Chengxuan, who often went to Country F to discuss business with people, heard that the other party spoke French, meaning dear, why are you here?I miss you so much.

(End of this chapter)

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