Gold Assistant

Chapter 122

Chapter 122
A young man with blond hair and blue eyes ran out of the house. He quickly ran onto the stage and hugged Liu Li passionately.

After seeing him, Liu Li also showed a surprised expression, and immediately asked in fluent French: "Roy? Why did you come to China?"

"Sister is coming here to discuss business. I've heard you talk about Huaguo's delicacies for so long, so I followed to taste it. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's great."

Liu Li put her hands on his head and compared, "Hahaha, you have grown taller."

"I will grow taller!"

The two walked off the stage while talking.

When Roy wanted to reach out to help, Tao Chengxuan had already appeared beside Liu Li. His right hand was on Liu Li's waist, and his left hand supported her right hand, as if he was embedded in his arms.

When they got to the flat ground, Roy and Tao Chengxuan looked at each other, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The two said in French at the same time: "This is?"

Liu Li raised her head to look at Tao Chengxuan in surprise, she didn't expect his French to be so good, but thinking of him helping to take care of Gu Yun all the time, she felt that this was quite normal.

Thinking of the role she was playing now, and Tao Chengxuan knew French, Liu Li smiled and introduced to Roy: "This is my boyfriend."

"This Roy is a friend I met in Vienna."

Boy friend? !Roy didn't expect that in just one year, Liu Li would have a boyfriend, which hit him hard.But he thought again, it's just that a boyfriend is not a husband, so he still has a chance.

Then he asked for Liu Li's mobile phone number, saying that he would stay in city B for a while, and hoped that Liu Li could show him around.

After listening to the first performance, Tao Chengya was very excited, and ran to Qin Yi's side, intending to ask her when she would resign.Unexpectedly, Liu Li played a second piece. After the performance, he saw a beautiful blonde boy running onto the stage. He looked at Liu Li very intently.

Tao Chengya ignored Qin Yi, who was in a daze, and pulled Zhan Minghui back.

Hearing the three chattering in French, Tao Chengya pulled Zhan Minghui, and he immediately lowered his head.Tao Chengya leaned into his ear and asked, "Brother Minghui, what did they say?"

"They're introducing each other."

Tao Chengya held his arm tightly, feeling a little nervous. "Could this be my brother's rival in love? She seems quite young."

"Don't worry, Chengxuan will not lose." Zhan Minghui reassured her with an affirmative tone.

Although the misunderstanding has been resolved, Tao Chengya hasn't changed her habits in the past four years so quickly. She said with a sour heart, "I didn't expect you to have such confidence in my brother."

Zhan Minghui heard the sourness in her words, and immediately pinched her pretty nose, "What are you thinking, take a closer look, does Liu Li look at that boy in the same way as he looks at Xiaobai?"

"That's right! So Lili regards him as his younger brother." Tao Chengya made a comparison, and then asked enthusiastically, "Then what kind of eyes does she look at her brother?"

"I can't tell yet."

Tao Chengxuan checked the time and said to Liu Li, "We should go back."

"Yes." Liu Li immediately said to Roy, "I'm going home, call me."

Before Roy could make a sound, Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan walked towards Tao Chengya.

Qin Yi took the signed document and planned to destroy it, so that there would be no evidence.But there was an annoying sound in her ears.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I've already taken a photo, so it doesn't matter if I lose that paper." Liu Li knew that the reason why those rumors were so easy to clear up last time was because there was enough evidence.

Therefore, when doing some key things now, she has also learned to keep the photos. In addition, she also recorded the audio, but the hole cards cannot be known to the other party.


Tao Chengxuan said directly: "Tomorrow, go to the personnel department to complete the formalities."

After finishing speaking, they didn't care about Qin Yi's reaction, and they walked out directly to leave.

This is the seaside. At night, the sea breeze is relatively strong. When a gust of wind blew past, Liu Li shivered.

Tao Chengxuan immediately took off his suit jacket, put it on her lightly, and walked forward with her in his arms.

Wrapped in a warm suit jacket, Liu Li's body instantly warmed up, and even her heart felt warm.

"I, let's go quickly." After leaving the role of girlfriend, Liu Li felt her heart beating fast.

After they drove away, the woman who beat around the bush and called Liu Li a vixen looked at the direction the car was leaving with resentful eyes.

"Mrs. Zhang, why are you standing here?"

"It's okay, I'm waiting for the driver."

Ah Yi knocked hard on the door of 601, and shouted, "Miss Yao, what's wrong? What happened?"

Hearing Ah Yi's voice, Xue Yao immediately shouted: "It's okay, it's okay."

She quickly retracted the jackrabbit into the space, and put out all the furniture. It took only 5 seconds.After opening the door, I saw Ah Yi standing anxiously outside the door, and Ah Er also pushed the male god to look at her at the door of 602.

Seeing Chen Ting's awkward sitting posture, Xue Yao knew that her scream just now alarmed the male god and made everyone worried.

"I'm sorry, I just... saw a cockroach flying by just now, that's why I screamed."

"What cockroach?!" Ah Er immediately looked like an enemy, rushed to Xue Yao, shook her shoulder vigorously and growled: "Where did you see it?"

Xue Yao, who was frightened by him, had no choice but to point in the direction of the kitchen, "Over there."

After hearing this, Ah Er hurried back to 602 to take out a bunch of cleaning tools, and then rushed into 601's kitchen like a breeze.

He kept muttering, "There's no reason for cockroaches to appear so soon. This room was cleaned before I lived in it."

Xue Yao thought angrily, why did she forget that Ah Er has a cleanliness habit.

Ah Yi also comforted her and said, "Miss Yao, don't worry, Ah Er is very powerful, he will definitely catch that cockroach."

"Hmm." Xue Yao frowned. She believed that Ah Er was very powerful, but the problem was that there were no cockroaches in the kitchen.

Knowing the facts, Chen Ting looked at the worried Xue Yao and smiled slightly.

This scene was seen by Xue Yao again, the male god smiled so handsomely!I really want to take a picture, but it's too impolite.

After finally suppressing the impulse in his heart, Ah Er has already walked out, "I didn't find any signs of cockroaches in the kitchen, and they may have run into your room. Can you let me go in and take a look?"

"It should have flown away. It originally flew in from the outside. After I screamed, I saw that it flew out."

Ah Er muttered to himself, "Fly out? This is the sixth floor, it can't fly so high."

Chen Ting couldn't bear to see her in trouble, so he yelled out, "If you didn't find it, come back."

Ah Er walked to 602, thought for a while, then turned around and said, "Well, I will help you clean it once a week in the future, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Okay, thank you." In fact, she wanted to say thank you to the male god who helped her out.

 The third watch is completed~Happy New Year's Eve everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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