Gold Assistant

Chapter 127 Illness

Chapter 127 Illness
The second prince dragged Qin Xin'er to escape in embarrassment, suddenly his body shook, and he was shot by an arrow.But in order not to worry Qin Xiner, he just frowned, said nothing, and continued to drag Qin Xiner forward.

It wasn't until she ran out of the enemy's encirclement that the second prince fell on Qin Xiner's body weakly due to excessive bleeding, that she realized something was wrong.

The weak Second Prince smiled palely and stroked Qin Xin'er's face with his hand.

"It's just a small injury, don't worry, I will definitely take you out of here."

Jiang Hao's movements and eyes were all in place, and even the second prince's mood at that time was expressed.

Director Fu and Xia Tian nodded repeatedly. Shi Lekang looked at his profile and found that he had the potential before leaving university. The only shortcoming was that he was only 173 cm.

Nowadays, many female artists in the circle are over 165cm. In this way, it is difficult for him to match with others, and the path he can walk is much narrower.

Jiang Hao acted very well in this part, especially the sentence "I will definitely take you out of here", which made Xue Yao fall into deep thought, and was not awakened by Liu Li until the audition was over.

"Sister, let's go, it's over."

"Ah, so fast?"

Xue Yao woke up from her contemplation, raised her head and looked to the left and right, only to find that the staff started to tidy up the venue and everyone was about to leave.

Xue Yao, who was in a trance, followed Liu Li and the others without saying a word.

When Liu Li stopped, Xue Yao bumped into it without paying attention.


Xue Yao immediately stopped her body and reached out to support Liu Li, "Is Li Li okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Li said quickly, and then she looked at Xue Yao, and found that her sister's face was not very good.

Thinking that Xue Yao was not in a good mood during the audition just now, he probed her forehead, and the temperature was normal.

"Sister, is there something wrong?" Liu Li and An Mo looked at her worriedly.

"It's just that I didn't sleep well. I'll go to bed early when I go back. Don't worry." Xue Yao smiled.

Ah Yi's car arrived a few minutes later, Xue Yao asked after getting in the car, "Have all the roles been settled?"

"Well, the characters on the list are all determined. If there are no surprises for the male lead, it will be Jiang Hao. The female lead Xia Xia wants to choose Mi Jiawen, but Director Fu and Brother Kang think Xie Lin should be chosen."

Unexpectedly, there was a disagreement, "Didn't Xia Xia want Xie Lin to play Qin Xin'er from the beginning?"

"Sister Yao, Xie Lin and Mi Jiawen all acted well. Although Mi Jiawen is not as beautiful as Xie Lin, I think she and Jiang Hao are a good match." An Mo began to analyze the audition situation for her.

"We can't make a decision on this matter. After all, Brother Kang is the biggest investor. By the way, Momo, when can Brother Jun and his sister come to be the producer? Now that the people have been settled, we need to start planning and start shooting It's something."

Speaking of Wang Weiyi, stars immediately appeared in An Mo's eyes, and he said with admiration: "Sister Yi is amazing, she asked Director Fu and Xia Xia about when the filming will start, how many roles, and how much the roles have been paid. Alright a schedule.

Now only the remuneration of those people after the audition is over, just fill in the form at that time. "

Xue Yao remembered that Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi hadn't mentioned the matter yet, but now that the roles are gone, they can only be arranged to do field affairs.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Li and An Mo asked Xue Yao to rest, and they and Yuan Lan would settle the matter for dinner.

"Okay." Seeing the concerned faces of the three, Xue Yao didn't insist, took a shower and went back to bed.

The three of them were preparing dinner together in the kitchen, Yuan Lan was the chef, and Liu Li and An Mo were helping each other.When it was done, Liu Li went to knock on the door to call Xue Yao.

"Sister, the meal is ready, it's time to eat."

After knocking for a long time but no one answered, Liu Li looked at An Mo beside him.

"Go in and have a look."

He opened the door, only to find that there was no one on the bed.

"What's going on? Where did my sister go?"

Liu Li and An Mo immediately searched the house, but they didn't see anyone.

At this time the doorbell rang, An Mo ran to open the door and saw Ah Yi outside.

He scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Yao, I don't know why I hugged the young master and cried again."

Liu Li and An Mo immediately rushed to 602, but they didn't know which room to go to when they reached the lobby, until Ah Er took them to Chen Ting's room.

It turned out that when Liu Li and the three were preparing dinner, Xue Yao suddenly opened her eyes and climbed off the bed, but fell to the ground due to her weakness.

It took a long time before she stood up with bare feet. She squinted her eyes halfway, walked to the hall, opened the door and ran to 602.

When she arrived at the door of 602, she did not ring the bell, but knocked vigorously on the door.

Ha Yi saw her like this through the cat's eyes, thought something happened, and immediately opened the door.

"What's wrong with Miss Yao?" He wanted to go up to help Xue Yao, but she pushed her away.

Xue Yao staggered into 602, and ran directly to Chen Ting's room. As soon as she opened the door, she climbed onto the bed and slipped into Chen Ting's arms.

This scene scared Xiao Bai who was studying, he stretched out his little hand worriedly, trying to wake Xue Yao up.

"elder sister…"

Chen Ting immediately stopped him and put his finger on his mouth, motioning him to keep quiet.

Xue Yao hugged Chen Ting and began to sob, "Don't go, you promised to take me out of here, you are breaking your promise... If you don't wake up, I won't add salt to my cooking from now on."

Chen Ting's clothes were immediately wet with tears, and his heart twitched following Xue Yao's crying.

"I won't leave, I will always be with you." He gently stroked Xue Yao's hair with his hands, muttering to himself.

"Liar, that day...I called you for a long time that day, but you didn't, didn't wake up. Huh...I'm so scared, so worried." After speaking, Xue Yao hugged Chen Ting even harder.

"I'm awake, I'm awake now."

"You haven't woken up, and those people came after you again. They want to snatch you away. I'm so scared, I can't stop them..."

When Chen Ting wanted to say something, Liu Li and An Mo rushed in under the leadership of Ah Er.

"Sister!! What's wrong with you."

Hearing these words, Xue Yao opened her eyes, raised her head and squinted at them, and said aggrievedly, "You... you two are so noisy."

Chen Ting glared at Ah Er, but Ah Er ignored him and kept staring at Xue Yao's feet.That foot stepped on the corridor without shoes, passed through the hall of 602, and now stepped on the quilt.

He even saw a few gray footprints, and he couldn't help but rush up to get Xue Yao away and wash the quilt cover because of his cleanliness.

Chen Ting noticed his gaze, and carefully pulled the quilt to cover Xue Yao.Looking at Ah Er coldly, he said silently: "Go out."

Xue Yao murmured softly, "Hot." She twisted her body constantly, trying to break free from the quilt on her body.

Chen Ting immediately loosened the tightly wrapped quilt to make Xue Yao more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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