Gold Assistant

Chapter 128 Brother-in-law

Chapter 128 Brother-in-law
Seeing this scene, Liu Li and An Mo looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The last time Xue Yao was drunk, they only saw the scene behind, and what they told Xue Yao was just some jokes.But this time, seeing the way the two get along intuitively, although Xue Yao knew that she was not sober at a glance, the expression on Chen Ting's face was not deceiving.

Liu Li exclaimed in her heart: Oh my god, will I have a movie star brother-in-law? My sister is so amazing.

Seeing Xue Yao's appearance, she seemed to be fine, so An Mo settled down to observe the interaction between the two.She has a scene in "Summer Palace Chronicle" that is very similar to this scene, except that the object of her acting like a baby is Xiao Wan.

It took a while for Xue Yao to slowly fall asleep, but her face was flushed abnormally.Chen Ting touched her forehead, it was a little hot.

He asked Xiaobai to call Ah Er back.

Ah Er, who was kicked out, was anxiously scratching the wall because of the footprints on the quilt.

Back in the room, he stretched out his hand to feel Xue Yao's pulse.

"It's overtired, just take a good rest for a few days." Ah Er paused, "Master, Miss Yao can't rest well here, let her go back to her room."

Chen Ting lowered his head and looked at Xue Yao silently. He wanted to keep Xue Yao. When she was a child, she liked to cling to her when she was sick, and said that being by his side would make her recover faster.

It's just that he can't do this now, "Let Ha Yi come in."

Ah Yi walked in, ready to carry Xue Yao back through the quilt.But the moment after she picked her up, she found that her hand had caught Chen Ting's clothes again at some point.


Everyone looked at the persistent hand, not knowing what to say.

Chen Ting whispered in Xue Yao's ear, "Be good, let go."

Xue Yao in her sleep was the same as last time, but she gripped her clothes even tighter. Chen Ting reluctantly took off her clothes in public.

Xue Yao, who was being carried back to her room, was holding on to Chen Ting's clothes tightly.

Liu Li touched Xue Yao's forehead with her hand, and found that it was still hot, and her clothes were soaked.

"Momo, let's help my sister change her clothes so that she can sleep more comfortably."


Yuan Lan brought a basin of warm water and helped them change Xue Yao's clothes and wipe her body.After this round of tossing, Xue Yao never let go of Chen Ting's clothes.

Gently closing the door, Liu Li and An Mo sat in the living room, reviewing that they depended too much on their sister, which made her fall ill from exhaustion.

Yuan Lan comforted them, "Just pay attention in the future, now Xiaobai is with Mr. Chen, I will help in the future, don't worry."

"Well, thank you Xiaolan."

At night, Chen Ting lay on the bed and kept staring at the ceiling, thinking of Xue Yao, he couldn't fall asleep.He brought up his spiritual consciousness again and came to 601, quietly watching Xue Yao accompany her from the bedside.

Seeing this, the night passed.

Xue Yao opened her eyes and sat up, feeling empty and uncomfortable.Then in a daze, he saw the clothes in his hand.

Huh?Where did this come from?She frowned, and lifted up the clothes to look at them, which looked familiar.

Suddenly she remembered that this dress had been seen on the male god, and her face turned red in embarrassment.She won't do anything again?I haven't returned the one from last time!
She hurriedly took the clothes and ran out of the room, wanting to ask what happened?In the end, Liu Li and the three of them in aprons had already prepared breakfast and brought it out from the kitchen.

Seeing Xue Yao standing blankly in the living room, Liu Li quickly ran to her side, wiped her hands and touched her forehead.

"Sister, you're awake, how do you feel? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Xue Yao's heart was a bit empty at first, but she immediately felt warm and said with a smile, "It's all right, don't worry."

Then she saw the clothes in her hands, and said with warm ears, "Here, where did this come from?"

Liu Li and An Mo looked at each other, staring at her together and giggling strangely.

"Sister Yao had a fever last night, she ran to Brother Ting for some reason, and then..." An Mo deliberately stopped talking.

"Then what? Momo, tell me quickly, if you don't tell me, I will scratch you." Xue Yao stretched out her hand, as if if you don't tell me, I will do it.

An Mo hid behind Liu Li, and said with a smile: "This time you are holding on to Brother Ting again, so he has no choice but to take off his clothes again."

"Ah." Xue Yao felt that her whole head was getting hot, and it was about to emit smoke.

Liu Li walked up to her and asked quietly, "Sister, do you like Brother Ting very much? Not the kind of idol who likes you."

Not an idol's favorite?
Xue Yao was a little confused, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course! I like idols because everything he does is good and illusory. But what I really like is that even if he wears big pants and flip-flops, I still like him, including his flaws."

Maybe because she slept too much, Xue Yao's head is still a little unclear. "I, I can't tell."

Liu Li sighed, "Although Brother Ting's body may recover, it's only possible. Maybe he won't..."

Xue Yao immediately covered Liu Li's mouth, "There is no possibility, the male god will definitely get better."

Liu Li pulled her hand down angrily, and said seriously: "Sister, Dad said that if you really like someone, you can't treat him as a god, but as an ordinary person.

If Brother Ting really can't recover, will you still like him? "

When she thought that Chen Ting would not recover and would have to lie on the bed and not be able to move normally, her heart ached like suffocation.His life shouldn't be like this, she will definitely find a way to help him.

Seeing Liu Li's expectant gaze, Xue Yao said in a condescending way, "I'll still like him."

"Do you want him to be my brother-in-law?"

"Ah." Xue Yao once again felt smoke coming from her head. Although she has traveled so many worlds, she has not been in a relationship yet due to the shutdown of her emotional system.

If you can be with the male god, ah, this picture is very beautiful when you think about it!

When Xiaonian was sorting out the previous information, he found a photo of a strange man. He looked at it for a long time, but he didn't seem to have any impression.

"Brother A, which celebrity is this?"

Brother A on the other side took the photo and looked at it, "This one? It seems that it was taken by chance when Hou Zhenzhen and Duan Zhenyong were photographed that day."

The young man recalled that night, "I really don't understand, why did Hou Zhenzhen take drugs?"

"After some people have no worries about food and clothing, they start to feel empty and want to find excitement. But once they touch the drug, it is difficult to quit. Frontline anti-drug officers risk their lives to stop the flow of drugs. And People who do drugs on their own initiative, they just lock up to rehab, get out and start over again."

Xiaonian thought of Hou Zhenzhen, "By the way, when she was arrested last time, the police said that she was involved in a major case. Brother A, this person and Hou Zhenzhen appeared in the apartment, could it be related to that case?" .”

After hearing what he said, Brother A frowned and thought for a while, "Go, hand in this photo, whether it is useful or not, this is an obligation of a citizen."


 The third update is completed~~ Tomorrow, the two updates at 7:00 and 17:00 will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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