Gold Assistant

Chapter 130

Chapter 130
"Script? They don't want to copy "The Chronicles of the Summer Palace", do they?"


Xue Yao and the three scolded angrily: "It's too shameless!"

An Mo said anxiously, "It's all my fault for bringing Xingguang here."

On the other end of the phone, Shi Lekang said, "It's not Momo's fault. I guess Xingguang is targeting Gu Yun and Lili."


"I received news that Qin's company bought 20% of Starlight's shares and became their third largest shareholder, so I guess they are targeting Chengxuan and Lili this time."

Liu Li didn't expect such involvement. She asked worriedly: "What should I do? If they buy most of the scripts or poach people away, will "Summer Palace Chronicle" still be filmed? Or should I quit?"

"Lili, don't think about it. In fact, they are mainly targeting Chengxuan. Don't rush to help your boyfriend take the blame."

Liu Li's face turned red instantly, and she quickly explained, "We are not..."

"Although it's not now, it doesn't mean in the future."

"Brother Kang!"

Shi Lekang laughed on the other end of the phone.

Xue Yao heard this, and found that Shi Lekang's tone was not at all worried, and he was still in the mood to tease Liu Li, which meant that the matter was not serious.

"Brother Kang, is there anything you can do?"

"Hey, it's not that I have a solution, but that Xiao Xiaxia did some things before, and there will be unexpected results."

These words aroused the curiosity of the three of them, and they asked in unison: "What is it?"

"The Buddha said that it cannot be said, and the time has not yet come, so you just wait and see the good show."

The three of them were so angry that their teeth itched, but Shi Lekang didn't say anything, so they had to wait.

"What about the actor?"

"I have already sent someone to investigate this, and the results will be available soon. By the way, Xiao Yaoer, you can ask the netizen who sent you the photo. He doesn't have anyone else's photo yet. We can pay you. How about it, You give him Bo Tao's contact information and let them communicate."

Xue Yao immediately private messaged He Botao's contact information to the young man and asked them to talk.

Shi Lekang received the information very quickly. Apart from Xie Lin, two other guards and eunuchs were poached. These two roles are relatively important. I don't know how many people have sold the script. .

"So fast? Brother Kang, there won't be someone like you in the starlight, right?"

"Pfft, what are you thinking, how can you have such leisure time, I forgot about you sister Ling, she found it."

Xue Yao smiled embarrassingly, "Hee hee, it's not that sister Ling hasn't played for a long time."

"Her affairs are almost over, don't worry."

In the afternoon, Xia Tian came to the apartment where Xue Yao and the others lived.

As soon as she entered the room, she was a little envious. "Wow, the environment here is very good. It's also close to the film and television city. It's much better than the place I'm renting now."

"Why don't Xia Xia ask Brother Kang to rent a room here, which will be more convenient after the filming starts."

Xue Yao brought out the brewed black tea and cake and put them on the table.Afterwards, she encouraged Xia Tian to move here as well. She always felt that it was too wasteful for this apartment to be vacant.

If you are worried about the address being exposed and causing trouble, then rent it to someone you know.

After taking a sip of tea in summer, it feels refreshing and sweet.

"Ah, the tea made by Xiaoyao is delicious. Why do you ask Brother Kang, does this apartment belong to him?"

"It belongs to Brother Ting, and Brother Kang will help take care of it."

"Really? I want to live, I want to live." Xia Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shi Lekang.

The news I got today made Xia Tian a little depressed, from attracting investment to casting, everything was a little bit turbulent.

"Our "Summer Palace Chronicle" has too many disasters, huh? This pudding cake is delicious."

Xia Tian forked a piece of cake with a layer of translucent pudding on it, which melted in the mouth and made Xia Tian smile with satisfaction. After eating, there was still a lingering fragrance of lemon in his mouth.

"It's delicious, so eat more. Good things take time. There are so many hardships before the filming, and the filming will go smoothly."

Xia Tian finished eating the cake, she bit her fork and looked at Xue Yao expectantly. "Hey, Xiaoyao, I still want to eat."

"it is good."

When Xue Yao went into the kitchen to get the pudding, Xia Tian saw Liu Li and An Mo eating the pudding in small bites, waiting for the taste in their mouths to disappear before taking a second bite.

The cherished look made her think that this pudding cake was difficult to make, so they would eat it this way.

When Xue Yao put another one in front of her, she asked indifferently: "Is this pudding cake difficult to make? Why do Lili and Momo eat it so hard?"

"Huh? It's not difficult to make. They are really reluctant to eat it, because the cake has high calories, so they can only eat it once a week."

Xia Tian looked at them sympathetically, the female stars are so miserable, they even have to refrain from eating for the sake of their bodies.She quickly ate another piece, under the envious eyes of Liu Li and An Mo, Xia Tian shouted again, "Xiao Yao, I want more."

"Okay, this is the last piece, otherwise I won't be able to eat later."

"Yeah." Next, Xia Tian, ​​like Liu Li and the others, reluctantly ate small bites.

"By the way, what about the vacant characters?"

"I want Mi Jiawen to be the heroine, and then the palace lady will find someone else." Xia Tian said with a little joy, Xie Lin ran away, but she was actually quite happy.

"I don't know why, the heroine with a strong personality has many things that deserve everyone's attention, but once Xie Lin has it, everyone's focus is on her face.

Her attire made people feel too weak. Qin Xin'er disguised herself as a man and went to the capital to study art. At least when she was dressed as a man, she should not be too beautiful, which would make people play. "

It turns out that because the investment is not much, the script is mainly about the romance between the hero and heroine, which can save a little money.A beautiful heroine will be more attractive to the audience.

But now the script has been changed, and the daily story line in the palace has been strengthened. The heroine is too beautiful but a bit abrupt.Just like after the makeup photo was released, everyone's focus was on how beautiful Xie Lin was, and fewer people cared about the drama.

Xue Yao nodded, thinking of the plot in the book, someone complained that the male lead was blind, he was obviously a girl, and he called brother every day.On the contrary, it is Mi Jiawen, if she disguises herself as a man, she should be quite heroic.

She remembered her previous proposal, and said, "Well, I also think Jiawen is more suitable. If she is with Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao doesn't have to stand on the wooden box."

"Pfft, yes, it's much more convenient this way, hahaha." Everyone laughed out loud.

"What about the guards and eunuchs, have you found the person playing them?"

Xia Tian fell down on the table as if discouraged, "Not yet, I discussed with Director Fu, whether we should reduce their roles and find two extras."

 I want to eat cake QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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