Gold Assistant

Chapter 131 Gifts

Chapter 131 Gifts
Xue Yao took out her laptop, "What do you think of these two people?"

On the screen were some clips of Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi as extras. These days, Liu Li and An Mo were afraid that she would be tired and sick, so they rushed to do a lot of housework. She had nothing to do, so they collected a lot of information online.

When it was played, An Mo was a little surprised, "Wow, these two people have filmed so many scenes, and their acting skills don't look bad. Look here, a group of terrified people just stared at the front with wide-eyed eyes, but he kept talking. They're all shaking."

What An Mo was talking about was played by Yang Yi. It was a low-budget horror film. Since there were not many actors, he had a 2-minute scene in it.

"In each drama, they usually only show one face, and only have a line when it's good. But a drama is so long, not many people will remember them, how does Xia Xia see them?"

"Yeah, I think it's okay. Can Xiaoyao pass this on to me? I'll send it to Director Fu and Brother Kang."

"It has already been passed on."

After Xue Yao finished operating on the computer, she asked again: "Xia Xia, did Xie Lin propose to quit the crew? What's her reason?"

"Not yet, I guess the people from Xingguang wanted to ask Xie Lin to bring it up when the filming started, so that we would be caught off guard." Xia Tian angrily took another bite of the cake, using the delicacy to make himself happier.

Xue Yao smirked, "Since she won't leave us a way out, how about we block her way too?"

She whispered the plan in Xia Tian's ear, and after Xia Tian listened to it, she also showed a smirk.

"Sister." "Sister Yao, we want to listen too."

Xue Yao and Xia Tian talked in their ears respectively, and everyone laughed together.

After Xiaonian contacted He Botao, he was entrusted by him to follow Xie Lin all the way and take pictures of her whereabouts for the remaining few days.

Xia Tian received a reply from Shi Lekang, saying that she could rent 503 to her.She excitedly went back to pack her things, planning to move here tomorrow, and didn't even miss today's dinner, as there would be more opportunities in the future.

After sending Xia Tian away, Ah Yi walked over with a wooden box.

"Miss Yao, the young master asked me to give this to you. Last time, Miss Li said that the knives you bought were not easy to use. These are hundred-refined knives forged by famous masters. Their hardness and sharpness are not comparable to ordinary knives."

It turned out that when Chen Ting received a message from Xue Yao, when he saw the books and stones in the photo, he immediately recognized that they were alchemy books and materials.

This reminded him of a formula that combines different metals into a super alloy, which is harder than any metal in this small world. The most important thing is that the metals used for combination can be found in this small world.

His newly formed company has encountered a bit of a problem with its recent development plan.They wanted to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense, but all the previous offers were rejected.

Since this small world has no spiritual power, magic, abilities, etc., the only chips he can use in the end are hacking skills.

But after seeing Wang Jun's life where even online games were banned and he could only play stand-alone games, he gave up this idea.

He still has a lot of things to do through the Internet, and it would be very troublesome to be monitored, such as his contact with Xue Yao.

The superalloy in alchemy can just solve this problem. He looked at the background of the computer and smiled. It was the photo that Ha Yi secretly took in the hospital garden last time.

Seeing Xue Yao's frustration when he couldn't cut the beast, he specially asked someone to make a set of knives out of super alloy.

Xue Yao immediately opened the box, and there were bone cutters, small kitchen knives, medium knifes, fruit knives, kitchen scissors, and sharpening sticks inside.Each knife is one size smaller than the ones on the market, and the size is just right for her to hold in her hand.

"Thank you, Ah Yi, please help me thank Brother Ting." She pulled the box into her arms, hugged her and kept giggling.

After Ah Yi left, she quickly picked up the box and rushed into the kitchen.

Then Liu Li and An Mo heard screams from the kitchen from time to time, "Wow! Okay, this is so sharp!" "Oh my god, it's so handy!"

At first, seeing that the gift from Chen Ting turned out to be a set of knives, Liu Li and An Mo thought that Chen Ting really didn't know how to give things, but now it seems that his gift was sent to Xue Yao's heart.

In order to ignore Xue Yao's weird voice in the kitchen, An Mo turned on the computer screen, clicked on a costume drama, and analyzed the performances in it with Liu Li.

It's just that the place where I clicked on happened to be the scene of torture. This scene was accompanied by the sound in the kitchen, which made the two of them feel creepy.

After a while, Xue Yao came out with a plate of fruit for them to eat, and her eyes happened to catch someone biting her tongue on the screen.

An Mo pointed to the screen and said to Liu Li, "Look at the expression on her face before she bit her tongue. There is remorse, determination, and even a hint of relief..."

Xue Yao stared at the screen and didn't hear what An Mo was saying, but instead stared at the tongue biting movement.She remembered that someone said that her martial strength is not high, and the magic talisman is always a foreign object, and it will always be used up in battle, so she must learn martial arts to protect herself.

The man also said that the harder the outer shell of a general alien beast, the weaker its interior, because the alien beast has to use a hard outer shell to protect its fragile interior.

Therefore, when she is asked to face the enemy, she must find the enemy's weakness at the first time, and then attack on that point.She thought of the long-eared rabbit before, since the current mortal knife can't cut its fur, why don't you try it from the inside?

It's a pity that everyone is here now, she can't take it out for testing immediately, and the room is too small, it would be nice if there was a bigger private space.

private space?She suddenly thought of a way.

"I'll help Xia Xia clean 503, you guys continue to study."

Liu Li and An Mo immediately stood up and said, "We're going too."

"No, no, you have to hurry up and study now. When you join the crew, you won't have such a complete study time. Besides, Ah Er has already cleaned up the whole building before. I just go down to help ventilate."

"Okay, don't get tired."

"Well, don't worry."

Xue Yao ran to 602 and knocked on the door, and got the key to 503 from Ah Er. She stood at the door and stared blankly at Chen Ting's room.I said silently in my heart: I will definitely let you recover.

Taking the cleaning vehicle provided by Ah Er, she came to 503, and after opening the door, she found that there was really no need to do any cleaning.

She quickly closed the curtains, covered the hall with newspapers, and took out a pack of chocolates to eat. Before the test, she needed to replenish her energy.

Now everyone eats, even drinks, she puts them in the space first to improve the quality, and the final effect is as she expected. After eating, there are certain benefits to the body.

Then she let the jackrabbit out.

Sticking a powerful talisman on herself, the power penetrated her whole body in an instant. She opened the jackrabbit's mouth forcefully, grasped its tongue with her left hand, and held the kitchen shears with her right hand, and began to try to see if she could cut it open.

(End of this chapter)

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