Gold Assistant

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Early the next morning, Liu Li and An Mo came back from exercising. After taking a shower, they looked in the mirror and found that their skin seemed to be better than yesterday.

"Sister Yao, the effect of that stewed rabbit meat is amazing."

An Mo dragged Liu Li to the living room and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, taking out a small mirror to look around.

Xue Yao immediately took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the two of them.

My goddess is awesome V: [I risked my life to share it with everyone, my Moli loves beauty very much. [Narciss photo]]

[Ah, my Moli's private photo without makeup, why is my hair messy, I feel so cute. ]
[Wahhaha, I have the same small mirror. ]
[Upstairs, please share where you bought it? ]
[Miss assistant, I love you, please accept my care. ]
[Ah, Miss Sister insulted me Moli again, I gave you 99 points, and deducted one point to make you proud. ]

An Mo found the scarf, "Sister Yao, why did you post this? My hair is all messed up." She was worried that fans would dislike her slovenly appearance.

Xue Yao took the hands of the two of them and said very seriously: "You are also human beings, and it is impossible to be beautiful all the time. These photos let everyone know that you also have an ordinary side, and you also have emotions and desires, not a high-ranking goddess. .

In case someone takes some unbeautiful photos of you in the future, everyone will not have much reaction. "

The two nodded, but complained together in their hearts: If your bib account name is not this, your persuasion will be better.

"Yeah, Aunt Lin said try to be true to yourself, and don't make too many high-profile characters."

Liu Li smiled and said, "We know that those tall and tall characters will make us very tired."

The two started to help each other do yoga and stretching again. In two days, "Summer Palace Chronicle" will be filmed. They want to buy time to adjust their physical condition to the best.

Suddenly Liu Li remembered something, and she said to Xue Yao with a sad face, "Sister, the boxed lunches of the film crew are not good."

An Mo on the side also said: "Yes, I thought I could accept it. After all, I have eaten for so many years, but it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal."

Although the crew's investment is not sky-high, they should not treat the actors badly in terms of food. Xue Yao stared at the two of them, "How unpalatable is it?"

"Oil!" "The taste is heavy!" "The rice is hard."... The two expressed their desire not to eat the boxed lunch.

Xue Yao thought for a while, "I can help you make bento boxes and bring them to the crew, but in this way, you will become special people, and in the eyes of others, you may become a sign of being out of group."

The two thought for a while, Xue Yao's words made sense, and they drooped their heads listlessly together.

"Otherwise, ask someone to cook on the crew side. I read the script, and there is food for almost every scene in this drama. If it is done on the spot, it will be more delicious."

"Okay, this is good, it's just a filming place, for safety's sake, no open flames are allowed."

"There are so many cooking scenes in this movie, Xia Xia should apply for it."

An Mo shook his head and said, "Usually, shots like this are shot in a remodeled kitchen, not in a studio."

"That's it."

Xue Yao recalled a street food show that she had watched before, "Yes! I have seen a kind of dining car before, which was modified. It does not need an open flame, but can be replaced by an induction cooker.

Although the taste may not have the traditional wok gas (pot gas), it will definitely be better than takeaway and healthier. "

"That's good, let's mention it to Xia Xia."

An Mo immediately sent this proposal to Xia Tian, ​​asking her to help propose this proposal to Director Fu and Wang Weiyi.

It was not until lunch time that I got a reply.

When Director Fu heard about this plan, a trace of impatience flashed across his brows. Liu Li and An Mo were a little squeamish for making such a request before the filming started.

Zhan Minghui, who came to discuss the filming with Director Fu, knew something was wrong when he saw his expression, and immediately said: "This idea is good, and it can also be used as a publicity for the crew."

Director Fu appreciates Zhan Minghui, a capable junior. After talking with him, he found that his shooting ideas and techniques are very novel. According to his method, not only can the shooting process be smoother, but also save the cost of shooting. time.

Although the funds are sufficient now, the time saved can make up some unsatisfactory shots.

"How to say?"

"Our drama has a lot of space to describe various delicacies. If the food in the drama is not handled properly, it may attract controversy."

"Those food will be distributed to the people in the crew to eat, and it will not be wasted." Director Fu thought about the way he handled it in the past.

Zhan Minghui smiled gently, and continued: "We know, but others don't. I heard that some people were dissatisfied when the film crew raised investment, and that "Court Chronicle" will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble." of.

Now the country is advocating strict economy and opposing the extravagant and wasteful CD-ROM action.The whereabouts of food in our crew may become a point of attack.Instead of this, we should take the initiative to expose things ourselves. "

Director Fu was confused by these words, and he said in bewilderment: "Minghui, can you just tell me what to do? I'm getting old and I can't keep up with the pace of your young people."

"Director Fu, don't say that. It's always been my wish to learn from you."

Dao Fu raised his hands and laughed loudly, "Okay, let's stop bragging about each other, and continue talking about the dining car."

"I paid attention to Xiaoyao's bib. She often uploads the dishes she will eat that day and the process of cooking on the Internet. Many netizens will forward it immediately after seeing it."

"Who is Xiao Yao?"

Xia Tian listened anxiously, "Uncle Fu, Xiaoyao is Lili's assistant, so don't interrupt, let Director Zhan finish talking."

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Minghui, you continue."

"Director Fu, Xia Bian, you are too polite. It's like this. Except for some big dishes when shooting the banquet scene, the dishes we usually shoot are simple, and this can be done in the dining car.

In this way, the color and structure of the dishes are the best, and the dishes will not be delivered from other places like those previous dramas, and the dishes will be cold.Both the color and the structure are greatly reduced. Although there are fake props, you can still see that they are fake if you look closely.

There are many scenes in this play that require them to actually eat, and cold dishes are not good for the body.In case someone gets sick, it may delay the filming of the show.

The male and female protagonists of our drama are all newcomers. Although Lin Xia and An Mo attract popularity, they are not the protagonists, and their popularity will be weaker after all.

You can’t use their lens to make sideshows to maintain exposure, but you can use these foods, for example, what kind of dish was photographed today, and then the dish that everyone ate was photographed.

Firstly, it can attract everyone's attention, and secondly, while helping the crew to do publicity, it also maintains the mystery of the show. "

(End of this chapter)

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