Gold Assistant

Chapter 137 Assistant's Assistant

Chapter 137 Assistant's Assistant

"But mine is an adaptation of a novel. Many people have read it. There is nothing to keep secret about the plot."

"After all, it is different to make a play and a novel. I read your modified script. Although it still has the same content, it gives people a different feeling. The characters and events are more three-dimensional and full.

Sometimes the more familiar the plot, the more I want to know how it will be filmed.There will be no less attention, but the exposure of everyone eating should not be too frequent, and the rhythm must be controlled so that it cannot make people feel too deliberate. "

Xia Tian immediately suggested, "Let Xiaoyao post it. She often posts private photos of Lili and Momo, and likes to post dish-style scarves. Then use the crew's official account to forward and comment on it."

After listening to Zhan Minghui's analysis, Director Fu also felt that this was a good idea.Suddenly he thought of his own reaction at the beginning, so he smiled and said, "Are you helping the two of them because you want to pursue them? I declare in advance that romances between the crew and the crew are not allowed during filming."

Zhan Minghui took out his wallet and showed it to Director Fu, "This is my girlfriend, who is the sponsor of the film crew. Liu Li and An Mo are my matchmakers. So nothing like this will happen, don't worry."

"Hahaha, good."

Thinking of Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen, Xia Tian immediately raised her hand timidly to ask for a speech.

"Xia Xia, what do you want to say?"

"Uncle Fu, Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen are a couple, so they shouldn't be counted as having a romantic relationship on the set."

This made Director Fu a little astonished, and said, "It doesn't count."

After the matter is settled, it is necessary to apply for funding from the producer, but it is better to rent the dining car, after all, it is too expensive to buy.

After Xia Tian explained this clearly to Wang Weiyi, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone, Xia Tian thought she would not agree, and was trying to persuade her with Zhan Minghui's words.

Wang Weiyi said with a smile in her words: "No problem, I will take care of the dining car and the chef, don't worry."

"The funding..." Xia Tian still couldn't help asking.

"Your idea gave me a good plan. I covered the cost, but the cost of ingredients still needs to be deducted from the investment."

"Ah?" Such a big pie made Xia Tian stunned.

"That's it. I'm going to prepare now. The dining car can be put into use at the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow."

When leaving Dao Fu's house, Zhan Minghui called Shi Lekang and told him what happened today, and asked him to mention those little girls.

Shi Lekang thanked him, and drove to the apartment to find Xue Yao and the others.Ah Yi was in the group last night, showing off the stewed rabbit meat that Xiao Yaoer had made one night, saying it was very delicious, which made him very annoyed.If you go there now, you can just wait until dinner.

Hearing the doorbell and seeing Shi Lekang standing outside in the cat's eyes, Xue Yao was a little puzzled, usually he would call directly.

"Brother Kang? Why are you here? Please come in and sit down."

Shi Lekang walked to the living room and sat down. Liu Li and An Mo helped out with barley tea and a plate of snacks.

"You told Xiao Xiaxia about the dining car today?" Shi Lekang lightly glanced at the three little girls across from him with a playful look.

"Uh, what's wrong?" Xue Yao was taken aback.

Shi Lekang leaned lazily on the sofa, and explained to them what Zhan Minghui told him in a casual tone.

Liu Li immediately apologized, saying that she was the one who brought up the bad lunch box, and An Mo echoed that she was also responsible.

Xue Yao frowned and said, "I didn't think about it clearly."

"We won't make such a request in the future." Liu Li and An Mo felt a little guilty.

"You don't need to worry. Fortunately, Xiao Xiaxia and Minghui are here, and the matter has been resolved. But if you have any requests in the future, tell me and let me raise them.

After all, you are actors, and you have to stay in the crew for a long time, so I can just take care of those personnel disputes.Just ask if you have any questions, we can't wrong ourselves.

Speaking of which, you need to be more confident, we are still investors in this drama. "

Yes, they are all investors.

Then Shi Lekang sat up straight uncharacteristically, put on a serious expression, cleared his throat very seriously, and said to Xue Yao: "Xiao Yaoer, I'm going to have dinner here tonight, the one you made last night Can I have another serving of stewed rabbit meat?"

Three people: "..."

Dare to eat is more important than the crew.

In the evening, Shi Lekang ate the stewed rabbit meat as he wished. After eating, he felt warm all over his body, as if all the meridians in his body were opened up.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, stood up abruptly, stared at Chen Ting, "This is why you asked Ah Yi to say those words? What do you want to do?"

He should have thought earlier that Ah Yi didn't play with his mobile phone very much, so last night must have been on purpose.

Seeing that he finally came to his senses, Chen Ting made a request: "I remember that you seem to have a cousin. The filming of "Summer Palace Chronicle" is about to start, and Yaoyao will be very busy. Doesn't your cousin like chasing stars? Let her come over." How about helping?"

Shi Lekang twitched the corners of his mouth. Although his cousin likes to chase stars, there is no need to become the assistant of celebrity assistants just to chase stars.

He squinted his eyes and looked at his friend, "Xiao Nan's health is not good, and he may not be able to be an assistant."

"Poor health?"

Shi Lekang sighed, "Oh, I won't hide it from you, something went wrong when Xiao Nan was practicing a few days ago, and now he can't use his internal strength at will."

"As long as self-defense skills are still there, Yaoyao and the others won't mind."

"You..." Shi Lekang put the bowl on the table heavily, and pointed at Chen Ting angrily.

Facing the furious Shi Lekang, Chen Ting didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he asked slowly, "Is this stewed rabbit delicious?"

"Eh?" Shi Lekang was a little confused by Chen Ting's nonsensical question, and turned to Ah Yi, "Did your young master take the wrong medicine?"

Ah Yi smiled stupidly, "I didn't take any medicine, but ate stewed rabbit meat."

Stewed rabbit meat...was the meat poisoned?
Shi Lekang suddenly thought of how he felt after eating rabbit meat just now, and raised his head suddenly, "This meat!"

"Is your cousin coming to help?"

"I need to discuss this matter with Xiao Nan, I can't help her decide."

"it is good."

Shi Lekang hesitated and asked repeatedly: "Where did this meat come from?"

"It's good as long as it's delicious." Chen Ting didn't intend to continue the discussion with him.

After Ah Er ate rabbit meat last night, he found that his messy internal energy seemed to be smoother.

Due to his physical condition, Chen Ting was unable to cultivate his internal strength, and he had been away for too long, so he forgot that although this world does not have aura, magic, or supernatural powers, it does have martial arts.

Although it is not like in martial arts novels where a single palm can cause landslides and ground cracks, it is more flexible than ordinary people, and it is normal to be strong.

Xue Yao and the others were girls, and there were always inconvenient places for Ah Yi to follow, so Chen Ting thought of the Shi family.

(End of this chapter)

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