Gold Assistant

Chapter 139 Resignation

Chapter 139 Resignation
Xue Yao looked at Shi Xiaonan thoughtfully. In the book, there is a family named Shi. Everyone in this family has extraordinary skills, and one of them is the president's personal bodyguard.

There are rumors that the members of the Shi family are the ones who know real martial arts and have internal strength.

But because Shi Lekang didn't look like someone who knew martial arts at all, and there was a plot of being kidnapped in the book, so she never thought of him as the Shi family.

I didn't expect that Shi Lekang's acting skills were so good, and he hid his martial arts so deeply.

Xue Yao continued to help Liu Li with makeup, and Xia Tian brought Mi Jiawen in.

"Xiao Yao, can you help Xiao Wenzi put on some makeup to compare Xie Lin?"

Mi Jiawen was self-aware of her appearance, and said bitterly: "Da Xia, my foundation is not good, so don't embarrass Miss Yao for such a difficult matter."

Xue Yao pushed Mi Jiawen onto the chair, lifted her chin with her hand, stretched out her fingers and traced on her face, "Well, the foundation is really bad."

There was silence in the dressing room.

Liu Li and the others were at a loss, didn't Xue Yao also like Mi Jiawen?How can you say such hurtful words.

Xue Yao didn't seem to notice it, and continued: "What kind of cosmetics do you usually use? The skin is damaged, the foundation is too bad."

Then she rummaged through the makeup box, found the whitening cream that she tried out earlier, and rubbed a little on Mi Jiawen's hand to test if she was allergic.

"I can only make up for it today. You need to take care of yourself when you go back."

After confirming that she was fine, she began to paint Mi Jiawen's entire face.

It turned out that Xue Yao was talking about poor skin foundation, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Xia Tian asked suspiciously: "Xiao Wenzi, last time I saw your skin was okay, why is it so bad now?"

"I...Seeing that Xiaolin's skin has suddenly improved, I asked her what kind of cosmetics she used, maybe the skin quality is different."

She didn't say anything in the middle, but everyone guessed that her skin got worse after using the cosmetics recommended by Xie Lin.

Mi Jiawen struggled a bit and said: "Xiao Lin, she may have something to do, so she didn't come here today, can you give her another chance?"

At this time, Xia Tian didn't speak, she took out her mobile phone to check the information, Xie Lin still didn't contact her.

At this time, reporters from various newspapers had already come outside the crew, waiting for the latest news. It was strange that more people came than the crew had notified.

Some bored reporters started chatting, and Xiao Zhao, who took the film and television divination, asked the people next to him, "A Fei, aren't you in charge of the celebrity gossip group? Why are you also here today for TV dramas? Is the market so bad now?" ?”

Ah Fei sighed and said, "Well, since the restriction on the Internet was opened, it has indeed been a lot worse. I came here today, and I heard that there is a big revelation."

"Big revelation?"

"It is said that it can be the headline of the next issue."

"Oh, what is it?" The two had a good relationship on weekdays, and he continued to ask: "Reveal, reveal."

Ah Fei thought that he would find out later, and it didn't matter if he said it in advance, so he whispered in his ear: "I heard that the heroine of the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" is going to resign."

"Resign? Isn't the heroine a newcomer? Why did you resign?"

"Who knows? It can't be that someone in the crew wants to sneak into a newcomer, hahaha."

"No way, isn't the director of "Summer Palace Chronicle" Director Fu? He is famous for hating the unspoken rules of the crew the most."

A Fei's eyes rolled, but he didn't continue to talk, some news is exclusive and cannot be disclosed casually.In fact, they had already received the news yesterday, but for some reason there was no movement.

Thinking of the press conference at Xingguang at noon, he secretly smiled and said, "Let's wait and see."

No matter how Xiao Zhao begged, Ah Fei just didn't say anything.

At this time, other reporters around them shouted out with their mobile phones, "Look at the scarf, that Xie Lin has a scarf."

Xie Lin V: [Due to my health and other reasons, I will resign as Qin Xiner in "Summer Palace Chronicle", sorry for the inconvenience caused.Aite's "Summer Palace Chronicle" official. 】

After Xie Lin finished sending out the scarf, she began to try on makeup. She wanted to turn her face pale.

After looking in the mirror for a long time, she still felt that something was wrong, and asked to the side: "Xiao Yu, do you think there is something wrong with my makeup?"

After a while, a shrill voice sounded in the room, "The face is too pale, it is too different from the neck, the color should be a little darker, and the dark circles under the eyes will be drawn now."

Xie Lin pouted, "But this is too ugly."

"Only in this way, everyone will believe that you are really sick, and it is because of those things that you can't sleep and suffer from illness."

"Well, I listened to Xiaoyu."

So after removing her makeup, she reapplied a new makeup look, giving people the feeling of being weak and weak.

"how about this?"

"not bad."

Xie Lin also looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction, and she asked a little confused: "By the way, Xiaoyu, why did you change the time of sending out scarves from early morning to this morning?

If it was released in the early morning according to Xingguang's plan, the sailors they hired would have posted this message to everyone by now. "

"For such a long time, Starlight can operate, and the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" can also operate. And if you announce your resignation before the opening ceremony, they will have no time to find someone to replace you.

In this way, the crew could be caught off guard, and without the heroine's opening ceremony, it was enough for those well-connected entertainment reporters to write badly about the crew. "

"Well, you're right. They probably haven't recovered from the press conference in the afternoon. Hahaha."

She didn't want to do such an amazing job at first, but after reading the script, she realized that her heroine doesn't have as many roles as in the novel.

It didn't appear until about the fifth episode, and there was only a rivalry scene with the male protagonist, and then it didn't appear until the tenth episode.

She had read Mi Jiawen's script. Although the big court lady didn't have much dialogue, she was always by the queen's side. It can be said that wherever there is a queen, there is her.

She didn't read Jiang Hao's script, but she asked Mi Jiawen whether she appeared in the first episode.

For this play, she read the novel, which was completely different from the novel where the heroine was the point of view throughout the book.The script gave her the feeling that it was just a supporting role with a little more role. She paid such a high price, not for playing a supporting role.

When the people from Xingguang came to her door, they gave her a five-year contract, and it was confirmed that she would be the heroine in "Court Chronicle", which was about to start filming.

She glanced at the script for a while, and although it was only the first draft, the heroine ran through from the beginning to the end, and there were a lot of roles, so she immediately agreed.

The other party asked for the script of the heroine in her hand, and she handed it in without thinking too much. Unexpectedly, Xingguang announced that the filming of "Court Chronicle" would start immediately.

It seems that Xingguang is going to be ahead of "Summer Palace Chronicle" before it is broadcast.

"Hmph, when Zhuyu is in front, who will look at the same type of things."

(End of this chapter)

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