Gold Assistant

Chapter 140 Default

Chapter 140 Default
Xia Tian, ​​who was reading messages on her mobile phone in the dressing room, also saw Xie Lin's scarf, and she immediately reminded everyone to check their mobile phones.

"Well, how could Xie Lin do this? If you feel uncomfortable, why didn't you tell me in advance? You have to say it when you turn on the machine today." Mi Jiawen also noticed something was wrong.

Xue Yao smiled and said, "She did it on purpose to add chaos to the opening ceremony. Xia Xia should reply to her quickly, otherwise people might say that we are using this hype."

"No way, what use is this kind of hype to the crew."

"Who knows, everyone has it."

Afterwards, the other two artists also posted similar content, saying that they would resign if they couldn't get used to the things in the crew, but their attention was not as high as Xie Lin's, so the commotion caused was not too big.

He Botao, who had been sending someone to keep an eye on them, immediately notified the PR team, "Start working."

Before the opponent's sailors arrived, the crew officials and Chen Ting's studio both reposted Xie Lin's scarf, wishing her a speedy recovery, and added a sentence that the breach of contract will be handled by the lawyer, so that she can take good care of her body and recover as soon as possible Put into new work.

Liu Li and An Mo reposted the same content. Their fans initially posted various angry statements, but after 10 minutes, they all reposted the same content.

The rest of the crew knew about it, and the reporters who were waiting outside to film the opening ceremony also noticed this anomaly.

After the public relations team led by He Botao worked, Xie Lin's bib was posted on the homepage in less than half an hour. I believe it won't take long for it to become a trending event.

Starlight's public relations team was dumbfounded, Xie Lin sent out the scarf 10 minutes earlier than originally scheduled, which might be nothing in normal times, but the sailors they hired are not yet in place.

When they arranged it, the crew had already made a move, and even the words in the reposted comments were unified.

Under Xie Lin's scarf, Moli's fans dominated the screen with the words of blessing.

Xia Tian exclaimed: "Wow, Momo, your fan management is very good. You have unified the layout so quickly, faster than my book fans."

Xue Yao also asked with some doubts: "Is it the person Kang Brother is looking for?"

So far, she has only come into contact with the fan of Coke without ice, and she is not familiar with the others.

"It is estimated that the fans have organized themselves in private, you should get in touch as soon as possible."


Special personnel followed up on the scarf, and it was almost time for the opening ceremony. Xue Yao immediately helped Mi Jiawen wash off the whitening cream on her face, and began to put on makeup for her.

Shi Xiaonan also put away his mobile phone and continued to help.

Zhan Minghui walked over with Tao Chengya, just in time to see Mi Jiawen washing off the whitening cream. "This is our new product, do you think it is easy to use?"

Mi Jiawen touched her face and felt much better, "Ah, this is very useful, where can I buy it?"

"Soon, this has been developed, and the production line is being arranged."

"Okay, don't talk."


Xue Yao started to help Mi Jiawen put on makeup carefully, because her cheekbones were slightly high and the middle of her face was full, which was not the current popular delicate face.Xue Yao did not follow the trend to give her a one-line eyebrow, but strengthened the curvature of her eyebrows, making her look heroic, but the facial lines are not too rigid.

"All right."

After putting on makeup, Mi Jialin made people's faces shine, and everyone remembered her at a glance. This is very important in the entertainment industry.

She used to wear light makeup before, trying to make herself look fresh and elegant.Instead of being as expected, it gave people a rigid and dull feeling. Too many people imitated this makeup, and she was buried in the crowd.

"Wow, Xiao Wenzi looks exactly like the Qin Xin'er I imagined." Xia Tian pulled Mi Jiawen to look left and right, very happy.

Tao Chengya noticed that Xue Yao gave Mi Jiawen the rest of the whitening cream and asked her to use it every two days to restore her skin, so she came up with an idea.

She pulled Xia Xia aside and asked, "Xia Xia, please do something."

"You say." Facing the sponsor of this drama, Xia Tian said very generously.

"Can you add a scene in the play where Qin Xin'er uses whitening cream when washing her face?"

Xia Tian thought about it, and there is indeed a scene that can be added in the script, "Yes, this is not difficult. When Qin Xin'er returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, there was such a scene. I still think that just washing her face will make her change back and forth. Far-fetched.

With your whitening cream as a foreshadowing, the officials and officials can be distinguished from the common people.In the previous scene, the palace learned that the prime minister had retrieved his daughter and offered something as a reward, so he happened to give a close-up of the whitening cream.

You can also use this to add some bargaining chips to the concubines in the harem, but you should change the name to make it taller. "

Everyone saw that Tao Chengya just made a small request, and Xia Tian made up a plot in his head, and it was rounded up, deepening the contradictions in the play, as expected of a writer.

"Then can you help me come up with a name? I'll give each actor in the crew a skin care package."

Xia Tian thought for a while, and looked at her with bright eyes, "What about the snow muscle jade paste? I also have a share in this skin care gift package?"

"How could you be missing, Yurong, jade-like skin, not bad."

At this time, the field manager came to call them to attend the opening ceremony.

Everyone left the dressing room and walked to the square where the opening ceremony was held. The reporters had already picked up their guns and guns and started snapping pictures.

After Director Fu led all the actors to complete the ceremony, the visit arrangements began.

Xiao Zhao handed the microphone in front of Director Fu and asked, "Director Fu, what do you think about the sudden resignation of the heroine Xie Lin?"

Director Fu said with a regretful expression: "I can only say that I am sorry for her decision. After all, as a newcomer, it is very rare to be able to act as the heroine of a play right after debut."

The reporters also looked at the scarf that was swiped on the screen just now, and Ah Fei then asked, "Director Fu, may I ask Xie Lin to leave for some reason in the scarf, do you know the reason?"

"Speaking of this matter, I also wondered. From the audition to signing the contract and trying on costumes, I met her three times. I don't know why, but she resigned even if she broke the contract. She is still a student. I heard that her family also She's not very rich, and I hope the liquidated damages don't overwhelm her.

Alas, when she auditioned, she wasn't the only one selected, even because she didn't quite fit the heroine's setting in the script, I even wanted to discard her.

It was only when I called the teacher at her school to find out about the situation later that I realized that her family was not in a good situation, and the other candidate also quit, so she was selected. "

Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan stood aside, watching Director Fu's performance with wide eyes.

Mr. Fu has been in the industry for so long, and he is very clear about the thinking mode of reporters in the entertainment industry. Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the reporters all showed understanding expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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