Gold Assistant

Chapter 141 Who Diving

Chapter 141 Who Diving
The entertainment reporter can imagine the thinking mode of two people being lovers from a pair of ordinary decorative glasses, and they all understand what Director Fu said in seconds.

First, Xie Lin is an ordinary and not well-off Huahua University student, what gave her such courage to give up the chance of a heroine.

Second, she has already signed the contract, and her current behavior is a breach of contract, and she has to pay a penalty.

Third, "Summer Palace Chronicle" has an alternate heroine, so her resignation is not a big problem for the crew.

Reminiscent of the press conference to be held in the afternoon, hosted by Xingguang, and the previous rumors, almost all reporters have already completed a draft of the industry's suppression in their minds.

At this time, their mobile phones rang together, and after answering the call, everyone unanimously opened their scarves.

It turned out that Xie Lin had already discovered that the scarf she posted was biased by those unified replies. She obviously wanted netizens to pay attention to 'some reasons'.

Generally, when encountering such ambiguous matters, shouldn't we break the casserole and ask the end?Why is everyone praying for her to recover soon, as if she had some terminal illness.

And the breach of contract was handed over to the lawyer, which made her panic.Fortunately, Xingguang said it would help her deal with it, but now she has to do something to change the direction of public opinion.

After all, no matter what, she did breach the contract, so she could only make a fuss about the reasons for breaching the contract, and wanted to act as if she would suffer if she did not breach the contract, so she issued a new scarf.

At the same time, they also notified Xingguang to put the scarf on.

Xie Lin V: [For some things, I am unwilling to give in, but some people have too much power in the crew, and they are worried every day, so they get sick. 】

The reporters who saw this content began to make up their minds again. When they asked questions earlier, Director Fu didn't answer directly, and even changed the topic skillfully. There must be something tricky in it!

Ah Fei, who thought he knew the 'insider story', immediately handed the microphone in front of Director Fu, and asked, "Director Fu, what do you think of the scarf that Xie Lin sent just now? Did someone with authority in the crew force her to do something?"

"What does she have that we should force?"

Unexpectedly, Director Fu would say this, A Fei was stunned for a moment.Just now I received a call from the editor-in-chief, saying that the boss told him to find out about this matter on the spot, so I went all out and asked, "Is there someone trying to cheat on her?"

After these words came out, the noisy scene became completely silent, and everyone stared at Director Fu and A Fei.

The unspoken rules in the entertainment industry have always been an enduring topic, but everyone is guessing in private, and no one has asked directly in person.

Director Fu smiled slightly, but did not answer directly. He calmly asked, "Who do you think will sneak up on her in the crew?"

Ah Fei, who felt uncomfortable being watched by everyone, bit the bullet and said: "She said that she is a person with great power in the crew."

"I am the most powerful person in the crew, are you talking about me?" Director Fu looked at him with a smile.

Director Fu is an internationally recognized master director, and his character is recognized as good. Although he hasn't made a film for a long time, when everyone mentions him, they say he is an old artist with high morals, high integrity, integrity, and both virtue and art. Dare to hack him.

"Of course it's not that you are old." A Fei searched in the crowd, and he immediately fell in love with Zhan Minghui who was not wearing a costume but wearing sunglasses.

Judging from where he was standing, he should be an important person in the crew. They received that director Feng Fu was in poor health and found an assistant director, but they never found out who it was.

The people known in the entertainment industry who are capable of being assistant directors are no match for those on stage.

It is likely to be a person who has just entered the industry. Generally, this kind of person is more vigorous, and it is easy to develop feelings for the female artists in the crew.

"Maybe it's an assistant director, an investor, or other qualified people." A Fei didn't dare to say anything too absolute, but kept his eyes on Zhan Minghui.

Other reporters followed his gaze and found Zhan Minghui.

"Speaking of the assistant director, let me introduce to you. This is Zhan Minghui, the assistant director of "Summer Palace Chronicle". Maybe you don't remember his name, but he is the director of "Times" that Director Wu often talks about. "'s assistant director."

Some senior reporters immediately showed expressions of sudden realization. It turned out to be him. No wonder the name sounds familiar.

"Also, the sponsor of our drama is Gu Yun Group, and this Miss Tao Chengya next to Ming Hui is the representative of Gu Yun."

Only then did everyone discover Tao Chengya who was hidden behind Zhan Minghui. The two of them stood together with hands clasped, feeling like a golden boy and a jade girl.

Some time ago, there were rumors that the Tao and Qin families were going to marry each other, and later it was rumored that both of the Tao family had owners, but the news was suppressed by the Qin family.

People from the outside world don't know, but as reporters, they know more.There is also the Zhan family, isn't that the aristocratic family that has a good relationship with the Tao family?

Looking at the intimate interaction between the two, one can know the relationship between Zhan Minghui and Tao Chengya, and the person who is hiding is definitely not Zhan Minghui.

Just kidding, Tao Chengya is many times taller than Xie Lin, and judging by the way the two get along, they are another pair of dog food.

Director Fu then began to introduce the investors of the crew, "Our biggest investor is Chen Ting Studio, followed by Gu Yun Group, Wang Group, and then Ms. Lin Xia who plays the Queen in the play, An Mo of Princess Anle And Xiaowan's Liu Li."

I heard that Chen Ting is still lying in the hospital now. He and his manager Shi Lekang are insulators in the scandal. The actress Yu Yitong flirted with him back then, but he was not tempted. A pair of rumors.

The rest are all women, so it's even more impossible to dive. It's just that everyone didn't expect that Lin Xia and the others, as actors, would invest in the film they made. It seems that they are very confident in this film.

Director Fu didn't explain, but just introduced the situation of the crew one by one, so that the topic still revolved around "The Chronicle of the Summer Palace".

Ah Fei was determined to find suspicious characters, and he thought of a new possibility, "I heard that the male protagonists Jiang Hao and Xie Lin in the crew are classmates?"

Director Fu smiled again and said, "Yes, this is Jiang Hao, the male protagonist of "Summer Palace Chronicle", and next to him is his girlfriend Mi Jiawen, who is also the female protagonist."

This news stunned everyone present. No one has ever announced that they have a lover when they first debuted, but it is a big gimmick for lovers to film together.

Ah Fei wanted to ask something, but was pushed away by other reporters. This was not his exclusive interview, they also wanted to ask questions about the crew.

Everyone kept asking questions, such as why Lin Xia suddenly returned from the big screen to the TV circle; was Mi Jiawen one of the candidates for the audition for the heroine; what made the participating actors decide to invest in this film TV series and so on.

About 10 minutes later, Director Fu told everyone that today's interview time is up. Thank you all friends for asking questions. I hope that "Summer Palace Chronicle" will continue to receive everyone's attention after it is broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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