Gold Assistant

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

After the reporters left, Lin Xia and An Mo started filming the first scene of the day.

The first shot was of the Queen. She was sitting on the bamboo couch, her head resting on her head, and she frowned slightly, as if she was not in a good state of mind.

At this time, Princess An Le raised a pretty face and ran in excitedly carrying a food box.

"Mother, I'm here." Princess An Le directly waved away the palace servants who wanted to stop her.

Under Director Fu's instructions, the camera focused on An Le's smiling face, and followed her into the Queen's bedroom.

Since the queen didn't like too many people in the house, she asked the palace people to disperse and wait outside, and she was the only one in the hall.

The queen looked up at Princess An Le who had barged in, and smiled lovingly, "Why don't you be tired if you carry it by yourself."

"I heard from Ah Heng that my mother can't sleep well these days, and I don't have much appetite. I specially asked Xiaowan to make it. You can try it." After she finished speaking, she took out a bowl and a plate of emerald green things from the food box. .

After the bowls and plates were placed, the No. 2 machine moved to the table to give a close-up of the two dishes.

In the bowl are fragrant jasmine flowers, which are buried in the sweet snow honey.The other plate is like a small piece of emerald, which smells a little sweet and sour.

"Isn't this jasmine? You don't keep scented tea, what are you doing?" The heavy flower fragrance made the queen feel a little cool, and the heat subsided a little.

"Xiao Wan said this is jasmine soup." She looked at it, then ran to the other side of the table to get a pot of warm water.

Slowly pour warm water into the bowl, and the jasmine flowers that had been left at the bottom of the bowl also floated up and floated on the water.

An Le smiled and pushed the bowl in front of the queen.

The queen gave her a doting look, picked up the jasmine soup, and took a sip, the fragrance of the flower instantly moistened her heart.

An Le saw that the Queen's slightly frowning brows were relaxed, and immediately said like a show: "Jasmine has the effect of harmonizing and regulating Qi, and the snow honey that the second emperor's brother found can regulate Qi and calm the mind, produce body fluids to quench thirst, clear fire and relieve pain."

"Crack." Following Director Fu's slam, there was thunderous applause from around.

Director Fu walked over to Lin Xia and An Mo and said, "Very good, today's first scene went well."

An Mo stared at the small piece of emerald in front of her eyes, and subconsciously swallowed. She heard Director Fu say that it went so well, do you want to finish filming this scene.

She nodded immediately, "I want to shoot, I want to shoot, otherwise I will waste this plate of crispy Langan made by sister Yao."

"Okay, everyone return to their seats, let's start."

An Le pointed to the small pieces of jadeite on the table, "This dish is called Crispy Langgan."

"Did it come from Xiao Wan?"

"No, Xiaowan said she saw it in a book, but it's actually lettuce, making it so elegant."

The queen tapped An Le's forehead with her finger, "You are just a wild girl."

An Le pouted and said, "I just want to be a wild girl. I'll let the third and fourth sisters be quiet and elegant."

"It's the queen mother who killed you." The queen stroked An Le's hair with her hands, and said quietly.

Seeing the queen's gloomy look again, An Le immediately put a small piece of crispy Langgan into the queen's mouth.

"Is it delicious? This lettuce was specially found by the second emperor brother. Xiao Wan said that it has the effect of eliminating stagnation and clearing the stomach."

The queen's eyes fell on the plate of crispy Langgan. Its color is fresh and emerald green, and it tastes crisp and juicy. It is fresh and slightly bitter, but under the neutralization of the sauce, it becomes refreshing and appetizing. The refreshing breath is transmitted from the mouth to the heart.

"good to eat."

An Le stared blankly at the crispy Langgan on the plate, the queen smiled and picked up a piece with chopsticks to feed her, she immediately rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Ka, okay, this part is over."

It's just that the two people over there didn't stop there. Instead, you feed me a piece, and I feed you a little while to share the crispy Langgan on the plate.

The people around looked at each other in blank dismay. Is this lettuce so delicious?It seems that everyone is a little hungry.

Liu Li and the others watched Lin Xia and An Mo play very seriously, learning from it.There are more people onlookers than the staff in charge of the scene.

The acting skills of the two are so good that people can't notice it, as if they are a loving mother and daughter chatting about homework together.

When everyone was staring at the empty plate, Director Fu knew that the next filming would not be completed, so he asked the scene manager to arrange a meal. He was also looking forward to today's lunch.

"Is there no box lunch today? What are you going to eat?"

Everyone went to the place where the lunch boxes were usually placed, but found that there was nothing there.

The field manager said to everyone: "Here, go here to get it."

I saw a large number of large dining cars on the side of the road, with stacks of tableware in front of them.

"This is?" The staff looked at these things in surprise.

"Everyone line up, get the tableware, and then serve your own meals and dishes. You can eat whatever you want, but waste is not allowed. If you are found to be wasting, you can only eat box lunches in the future."

"Interesting, but it's a waste of time." Everyone discussed this way of eating, and the timing was not very good for shooting against the clock.

However, being able to eat hot meals and control the amount by yourself is good news for some staff who eat a lot.

Today's meal is relatively simple, only stir-fried vegetables, fried meat with shredded radish, fried small fish, and a soup.

But when everyone ate it in their mouths, they found a difference.The stir-fried vegetables are crisp and refreshing, the fried fish is fragrant and not oily, and the fried pork with shredded radish goes very well with rice.

All the meals were quickly swept away, and even the dregs of the soup were eaten by everyone.

Sun Chengfu and Qiu Yuanwu, who were sent by Wang Weiyi to take charge of the dining car, were originally very unconvinced.They are Long Teng's senior apprentices, and they all have a certain foundation in culinary skills, and they will not lose money if they are released to open a small shop.

Now he was actually sent to be a chef for a film crew, making dishes for public canteens.

If the master hadn't said that this was what the eldest lady meant, they might have given up on an important plan in the future.

The worst thing was that they had just left, when the Young Master's house found two newcomers to take their place.According to other people, those two are rookies who can't even wash dishes.

There have always been factions fighting in Longteng, and their masters do not rely on any side, so life in the big kitchen is not easy.

They once persuaded the master to leave, but the master said that the boss was kind to him, and unless the boss didn't want him, he would not leave voluntarily.

Originally, when Zhou Kun was kicked out last time, they thought Long Teng was about to change, so they celebrated happily.Unexpectedly, the sky has changed, but it is their own sky that has changed.

When Xue Yao walked over and said that she wanted to borrow their dining car and prepare a dish for filming, her dissatisfaction erupted immediately.

"We still have to prepare the crew's lunch. There is no place to lend you. Little girl, cooking is not playing tricks. Don't get in the way here."

 Wo really doesn't have the talent to write old sayings. (ーー゛) For the specific method, you can watch the video "Ancient People's Food", the filming is beautiful~
(End of this chapter)

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