Gold Assistant

Chapter 144 Martial Arts Instruction

Chapter 144 Martial Arts Instruction
Sun Chengfu immediately asked Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi to find Zhan Minghui. As actors, what they want most is to let the audience remember them. This is a big deal.

"Okay, let's ask first, and we will come back later and continue to help."

Xue Yao took them to find Zhan Minghui.

Tao Chengya fell asleep lying in Zhan Minghui's arms, the black eyes under her eyes showed that she hadn't slept well recently.Zhan Minghui gently embraced her in his arms.From time to time, he lowered his head and looked at her tenderly, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, they were full, and the dog food couldn't fit.

Zhan Minghui looked up and saw them, put his finger on his mouth to keep everyone quiet, then shook his phone, signaling Xue Yao to send a message if something happened.

"Brother Minghui, it's like this. The two of them are people who follow the male lead, and the role of the scene is quite heavy. It's just that Ye Xingqing's appearance is a bit ordinary, and the audience may not remember it. I suggest letting him grow a beard. This can also aggravate his quack aura."

Zhan Minghui looked at the message and was a little surprised that Xue Yao would speak for Ye Xingqing, just like he didn't quite understand why Liu Li wanted to play Xiao Wan and not the heroine.Even if Xia Tian adapted the script, Xiao Wan had more roles, but she couldn't compare with the heroine.

Regardless of their friendship with Xia Tian or their status as investors, they can definitely fight for the leading role.

After a while, he replied: "That's a good idea, go to the stylist and ask which kind of beard is better."

"Okay." Xue Yao waved to him and left.

Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi anxiously waited for the answer, Xue Yao only told them after they were some distance away from Zhan Minghui.The two were very excited, and Yang Yi happily performed a backflip.

This skill is as flexible as the plot described in the book.

Shi Xiaonan, who had been silent all this time, stared at Yang Yi. While everyone was praising Yang Yi's skill, she took a photo and sent it out.

The group found a stylist, explained their intentions, and asked which kind of beard suits Ye Xingqing better.

"The costumes in this show have already been decided. If you want to change it, you can change it. Who do you think you are? You're just an outsider. Fortunately, you got a bargain. If someone didn't resign, it wouldn't be your turn."

After speaking, the stylist Shi Li rolled her eyes at them in disgust.

When Shi Li saw the scarf in the morning and knew that there was a role available, she immediately went to find her brother and wanted to recommend him to the director.

The filming of the drama has already started. In order not to affect the progress, this role must be filled immediately.Her younger brother has filmed movies and been a martial arts instructor, so he is just right for the role of the guard.

Shi Li searched all the way but couldn't find it. Finally, she asked other people to find out that her younger brother went to the prop room early in the morning.

When she opened the door of the prop room, she saw a disheveled person lying on the ground, and a foul smell of alcohol came towards her.

She held her nose and walked forward, only to realize that the person lying on the ground was her younger brother Shi Cheng.She squatted down and pushed Shi Cheng hard.

"Ah Cheng, why are you drinking again? Hurry up and clean up. Let's talk to the director. The role of the guard is yours now."

After Shi Cheng was pushed awake, he half-opened his eyes and said in a flustered voice, "Hey, isn't this my sister? How are you?"

Shi Li, who had difficulty breathing due to the smell of alcohol in his mouth, frowned and pinched her nose to search around.He found a box of mineral water in the corner, and immediately stepped forward to pick up a bottle and opened it, wet a tissue and wiped Shi Cheng's face.

Shi Cheng finally regained consciousness, stretched his waist and asked, "Sister, why are you here, is there something wrong?"

"You wash your mouth first, why did you go to drink early in the morning?"

After Shi Cheng rinsed his mouth, he poured the remaining water on his face, shook his head, and got the water all over the place.

"Isn't this a job as a martial arts instructor? My brothers were all happy for me when they found out, so they went to celebrate together and came back in the morning."

Shi Li stamped her feet, and patted Shi Cheng on the shoulder with a look of hatred.

"Didn't it tell you to stay away from those cronies? Why did you get in touch again? Today is the opening ceremony. On such an important day, you have to keep your spirits up."

Shi Cheng casually took a towel with disapproval, and wiped off the water on his face and body.

"The opening ceremony is just a matter for the director and those actors, it's nothing to do with us behind the scenes."

"Hurry up and change your clothes with me. I saw the scarf just now. A person who played the guard resigned. This is a good opportunity. Don't you always want to go to the front of the screen?"

Shi Cheng threw the towel on the ground and said excitedly: "Oh, there is such a good thing, let's go and change quickly."

"By the way, don't talk later, the smell of alcohol in your mouth is too strong."

The two ran out of the props room in a hurry, and knocked the person who came to get the props to the ground.

"Good dogs don't get in the way."

"You..." The person who fell on the ground stood up angrily. He bumped into someone else, and the villain complained first.

"What me!" Shi Cheng shook his fist at him.

Shi Li turned her head and tugged at him, "Ah Cheng, don't bother with these useless people, go and change your clothes, you are going to be a big star, he is just a prop guy."

"Yes, I want to be a big star, so I don't have the same knowledge as these failures." Shi Cheng spat on the ground, and left with Shi Li.

Xiao Hu, who made the props, was helped up by his colleagues. He patted the dust on his body and asked, "What's the matter, aren't all the actors in the crew settled down except for those who only appear once or twice?"

Judging from Shi Li's tone, the characters they are talking about should not be those who only appear once or twice.

"In the morning, those who played the heroine, the guards and eunuchs around the hero all resigned."

"Resign? Shi Cheng won't really want to take over the role of that guard, will he?"

"It's possible, isn't Shi Cheng a martial arts instructor?"

"Hey, what kind of martial arts instructor is just a martial artist who is sloppy for Master Yuan."

Xiao Hu and his colleagues walked into the prop room and found water stains on the props and the ground. They were so angry that they rushed out to find Shi Cheng to settle the score. "That bastard."

His colleague hurriedly stopped him, "Calm down, calm down, the most important thing now is to check whether the props have been damaged."


Shi Cheng changed into a bodyguard outfit, and followed Shi Li to find Director Fu who was preparing to shoot.

"Hello, Director Fu."

"Oh, Shili, what's the matter?"

Shi Li smiled and said: "I heard that someone resigned, this is my younger brother Shi Cheng, he is the martial arts instructor of the crew, and he also played an important role in "The Battle of the Dragon Gate". field."

"Martial arts director? Isn't Yuan Jianbiao the martial arts director of this show? By the way, why didn't I see him today?"

Shi Li immediately smiled awkwardly, "Master sick, and has an old illness, so he went to the hospital to see a doctor, and he will be back soon."

Director Fu stared at them meaningfully and said, "Oh."

(End of this chapter)

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