Gold Assistant

Chapter 145 Press Conference

Chapter 145 Press Conference
Shi Li didn't know what Fu Chenghe was thinking, but she had her own purpose. She pulled Shi Cheng to her side, "Ah Cheng, quickly show Director Fu your kung fu."

Shi Cheng played a set of boxing techniques in front of everyone, but it was a pity that the original majestic boxing techniques became weak and weak after being played by him, as if he would fall down if someone pushed hard.

Zhan Minghui stepped forward to look at it and asked, "Does he want to play Ade's role?"

"How can I play the eunuch?" Shi Cheng stopped immediately when he heard this, and yelled at them.

Director Fu smelled the smell of alcohol coming from him, and asked sharply, "Have you been drinking?"

Shi Li feels bad!Immediately stepped forward and grabbed my younger brother, "No, he accidentally knocked over a bottle of wine just now, and it smelled of alcohol, that's why he changed his clothes."

"Theatrical costumes are also important props, and they can't be worn by others casually. Shi Li, is this how you manage costumes?"

"I... I, I'm sorry Director Fu, I was wrong, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Shi Li immediately apologized to Director Fu.

"Then let him go and change his clothes."

Shi Cheng anxiously asked: "The role of the guard?"

"Whether it's the role of guard or eunuch, there are already people, and let Yuan Jianbiao find me when he comes back."

It was during lunch that she heard from others that the person who filled these two roles was recommended by Liu Li's assistant.

When Shi Li thought of these things, she became very angry. If Xue Yao hadn't intervened, her younger brother would have taken down the role of bodyguard.

Shi Li's words made Ye Xingqing feel embarrassed, but he didn't flinch because of it. He vaguely felt that he couldn't miss this opportunity, otherwise he might not have such luck in the future.

"We have already consulted the exhibition director about this matter. The reason why we came here is just to ask what kind of beard is suitable, not for you to decide whether to add a beard or not."

Shi Li was taken aback by his sudden tough attitude, she opened her laptop angrily, and found a photo of a beard, "This kind is fine, I will let the props prepare the beard, and you Stick it on."

After everyone left, the beard in the photo appeared in Xue Yao's mind. The beard almost blocked the face of the person. Although it looked very individual, it was impossible to distinguish the appearance of the person.

In other words, it doesn't matter who uses it, Ye Xingqing can't be remembered at all.

Yang Yi also felt the same way, and he raised an objection, "No matter how you look at it, that beard doesn't fit, and I always feel that something is wrong."

Ye Xingqing nodded, expressing that he also felt the same way.

"It's better not to listen to her." Xue Yao thought of a character in a novel with a distinctive beard, and suggested: "How about this, you have two beards that are the same as your eyebrows, one on the left and one on the left."

"Okay, okay, Xiaoyao has a good idea. During the performance, he can touch his beard and talk from time to time. This guard was originally set to be a little narcissistic, but he has never found a good way to express his narcissism. And not a mother."

Xue Yao turned her head and found Xia Tian behind her, so she smiled and said, "How did you come here?"

"Hee hee, I just heard from director Zhan that you suggested adding beards to the guards, so I came here to look for you."

Xue Yao looked at the time, it was getting late, when they were going to distribute gifts to the reporters, Shi Xiaonan heard someone say that Xie Lin was going to hold a press conference.

People who know martial arts have strong ears. If her cultivation level is still there, she can do it, which is a pity.

But like this, it strengthened her determination to learn martial arts.

"Xiao Nan, you stay here with Lili and Momo. I have something to deal with, and I will go home directly."

"Ah... I, okay." Shi Xiaonan blushed and nodded.

Xue Yao took out an amulet and stuffed it into her hand, "This is a consecrated amulet that can increase your luck. You should keep it with you, so that everything will go smoothly."

"En." Shi Xiaonan carefully put the amulet into his pocket.

After leaving the film crew, Xue Yao started to have a headache. She was used to being picked up by Ah Yi when she went out.

"It's really hard to go from extravagance to frugality."

After a round of ups and downs in the subway, she finally arrived at the place where Xie Lin held the press conference.She looked at the time and there was still an hour before she quietly walked nearby.

Xue Yao wanted to find a place to hide and wait for Xie Lin to appear.She looked around the mall and found a good place, but when she walked over, she saw a boy nervously clutching the flowers in his hand and muttering to himself.

"Don't be nervous later. You must tell Lily that I like her. Since she is willing to go on a date to prove that she doesn't hate me, you must take the opportunity to confess."

He kept walking back and forth, nervously pumping himself up.

Xue Yao had no choice but to hide in another place. She guessed that Xie Lin's reception must be about what was published on the scarf. Someone forced her to slander the crew to make something happen.

Therefore, when she distributed gifts to those reporters, she put a gag on everyone so that they could not tell what they had interviewed.

This gag talisman is drawn with materials from this world, and the effect is only 5 hours long, but it is enough for today's affairs.She paid attention to the condition of the scarf, and the content of the interview during the opening ceremony is still kept secret for the time being.

Thinking of using so many talismans, her heart ached a little. Fortunately, the materials can be bought directly at a certain treasure.

When she saw Xie Lin walk into the preparation room, her haggard appearance was very charming and lovable.It seems that she has made a lot of preparations. What Director Fu said in the morning was just verbal, without any concrete evidence.

Many people would sympathize with the weak psychologically. If Xie Lin shed a few more tears, maybe this pool of clear water would be muddied by her.

So she distressedly pasted a one-leaf blinding talisman on herself, so that everyone would ignore her. The material of this kind of talisman cannot be bought by a certain treasure.

The reporters who came one after another soon filled up the space set aside by the shopping mall for the reception.They set up their guns and short cannons, and checked the microphone recorder.

The host of this reception is someone from Xingguang, who is also an acquaintance, the person who was photographed talking to Xie Lin last time. It seems that Xingguang attaches great importance to this press conference.

Xie Lin came out accompanied by the staff. She sat on the stage and kept picking up her bosom to drink water, as if telling everyone that she was very nervous.

The flashlights under the stage kept flashing, and the reporters took pictures of her current appearance, and the cameras were also in operation.

Xue Yao suddenly had an idea, she stuck an acceleration talisman on herself, and using the effect of a blinding talisman, she quickly ran to Xie Lin's side and put a third of the truth pills in her cup.

Then she will tell the truth to everyone.

The Starlight host announced the start of the reception, and reporters asked questions immediately.

"Miss Xie Lin, you said on your scarf that you were forced by the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle". May I ask what they forced you to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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