Gold Assistant

Chapter 146 Whoever advocates and who gives evidence

Chapter 146 Whoever advocates and who gives evidence
Xie Lin stared at the front with dull eyes, and she had already entered the state of confession. She said into the microphone: "Someone in the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" threatened me. person, because that person has been with him before."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

On her left and right sides are the actors who were previously scheduled to play guards and eunuchs.They also echoed that it was only when they found out about this that they unanimously decided to protect Xie Lin and those little girls who had just stepped into the entertainment industry.

Xue Yao's head is about to explode, what's going on? !
How could Xie Lin say that?What she said was obviously false, but Zhenhua Wan never missed it. What happened?

Could it be that I used the wrong thing again?She immediately looked through the things in the small space, and saw that there was still one-third of the truth pills left. That's right, is it expired?
Xue Yao clenched her lips, her heart was a little confused, she was full of confidence before, she wanted Xie Lin to clarify the matter in public, let everyone know her true face, and don't splash dirty water on the crew.

Now that such an accident happened, the words of the two people next to him increased the credibility of this matter.

Xie Lin on the stage continued to answer the reporters' questions, but her expression was dull and dull, with an indescribable weirdness, and it did not produce any endearing effect.

In addition to being surprised, the onlookers began to curse the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" angrily under the guidance of caring people.

Starlight's host looked at the audience with a half-smile, and everyone's reactions fell into their eyes.They have arranged the follow-up matters. As long as the reporters expose this matter, someone will lead the matter to Zhan Minghui and Liu Li.

Suspicion is the most feared between lovers. As long as there is a crack between Tao Chengxuan and Liu Li, Zhan Minghui and Tao Chengya, then the Qin Corporation will have follow-up actions.

At this time, a woman in a T-shirt and jeans stood up among the reporters, and she took the microphone and asked unhurriedly, "I'm Dong Wan, the reporter of "Pursuit", may I ask if the person you mentioned just now refers to the vice president?" Director Zhan Minghui?"

The other reporters looked at her in surprise, and it turned out to be Dong Wan, a reporter from "Pursuit".Although her reports have always followed a neutral line, she has accurately analyzed the real situation in many big gossips, and she has not been deceived by the so-called revelations.

She is very famous in the industry. Some people say that she may have the most extensive contacts in the circle, so she can get the most authentic materials at the first time. It is she who makes "Pursuit" stand out among many magazines.

The other reporters listened quietly to the question and answer of the two, anyway, what she asked was the question everyone wanted to ask.After the opening ceremony in the morning, everyone knew Zhan Minghui's identity and situation.

What Xie Lin said now is actually a completely different version.Needless to say, one of the parties must be lying.

Many previous reports, such as Zhang Ru and Hou Zhenzhen's incident, were seriously inaccurate and they were slapped in the face, resulting in the loss of many readers. In addition, now that the Internet restrictions have been lifted, the sales volume of the magazine has been greatly reduced, and they dare not take any more risks.

Xie Lin hesitated, but replied: "I... I dare not say."

Xue Yao clenched her hands nervously. If the other party spoke out directly, they could still sue Xie Lin by maliciously slandering her personal name, but she is vague about everything now, and it will be difficult to deal with the following matters.

What should I do next?This kind of thing is the most difficult to explain clearly. There is no 24-hour surveillance around Xie Lin, and there is no real evidence to prove that she is lying.

But Dong Wan's appearance looks familiar, where have you seen it?

"Then what evidence do you have to prove what you said? How can people believe you when you know empty words?"

When Xue Yao heard Dong Wan's words, her heart, which had been tense all the time, relaxed a little.

It looks like a friendly army.

The onlookers who were noisy at the beginning also quieted down, and gradually some people began to shout: "Provide the evidence, present the evidence."

At this time, the potency of the Zhenhua pill faded, and Xie Lin slowly woke up. She frowned and looked around in confusion.When she heard everyone clamoring for evidence, she felt at a loss.

Has the reception already started?Why is there no impression at all?

Dong Wan noticed her abnormality, and immediately repeated the question, "Do you have any evidence to provide?"

Xie Lin had already realized that she had lost a small piece of memory, and the two actors beside her whispered to her, "Cry!"

She glanced at Dong Wan standing among the reporters, frowning and thinking about the scene before her.

The reporters in the audience began to discuss, and shouted from time to time: "Yes, where is the evidence? Could it be fabricated to deceive the news?"

Xie Lin suddenly looked frightened, and looked at the audience in horror, with tears welling up in his eyes, the appearance of Lihua with rain made people feel pity.

There was another voice from the crowd of onlookers.

"This little girl is very courageous when she publicly said that she was asked to sleep with her. You reporters, don't force her anymore."

"Yeah, such a beautiful little girl, oh, it really hurts my heart to cry."

"You should go to the crew and ask? What are you doing to embarrass the little girl?"

"That's right, but the expensive circle is really chaotic."


Dong Wan ignored their voices, smiled lightly, and said, "Whoever advocates is the one who will provide evidence. Now it's your press conference, saying that you want to expose the things in the crew. Don't you just say a few words like this and cry a few more times?" Can you drag everyone into the water?"

The onlookers came to their senses at this time, yes, the "Criminal Procedure Law" stated that the parties should provide evidence to prove their own claims.

Starlight's face immediately changed. Why is the reporter so difficult this time? According to the previous situation, the artist said something in front, and if he cried a few times, the matter would be publicized.

Is there something wrong with the opening ceremony of "Summer Palace Chronicle"?But the people sent by the company did not report any news.

At this time, a certain forgotten sack made a miserable whine in a certain corner, but no one passed by this place, so it has not been discovered.

Sitting in the car, Ah Yi scratched his head as he ate the dried rabbit meat Xue Yao gave him, as if he had forgotten something.He thought for a long time, but he didn't have a clue, so he finally gave up and continued to eat the dried rabbit meat, it was really chewy.

Dong Wan spoke again: "Do you have evidence?"

Xie Lin gave Dong Wan a hard look by wiping her tears, but she quickly withdrew her expression and returned to a lovely and pitiful look.

Only Xue Yao, who had been watching her, noticed this.

Xie Lin's expression just now was very different from her usual impression.

Xue Yao thought of the description of the plot in the book: Mi Jiawen was hacked and quit the entertainment industry, Jiang Hao was depressed, Xie Lin was photographed running out of Jiang Hao's apartment, and Jiang Hao announced their status as a couple.

This is definitely a big routine.

(End of this chapter)

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