Gold Assistant

Chapter 147 Attack

Chapter 147 Attack
These days, I have had a lot of contact with Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao, and I can feel the sweetness between the two, and at the same time, I passively ate a lot of dog food.

The people in the audience were still urging Xie Lin to provide evidence, and the host of Starlight walked onto the stage, pressing down his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Of course we have evidence, we will release it in a while, please wait a moment."

The staff connected the speaker to the computer and played a piece of audio.

The content in this audio is very noisy, and I can barely hear someone saying: "Why is this show a newcomer as the heroine?"

Then another voice said: "Who knows? Hey, it's related or the sponsor. How about tonight's game?"

"Go! I want my money back."

When the host heard the first sentence clearly, his face changed drastically, and he immediately ran to the computer to turn it off, but the audio was too short, and it was over when he ran over.

Although the noise was a bit loud, everyone could still hear that the voices inside were the two people on the stage who had testified for Xie Lin.


A tall man standing in the corner said to the petite woman beside him, "Thank you this time."

"It's just repaying the favor you helped last time. What are you going to do about it?"

"Let's just leave it at that, I guess they won't be able to make any waves."

The woman looked at him in surprise, "Oh, you are so kind?"

"Little Fenfen, is my image in your mind so bad? I'm a good person."

The Starlight host on the stage wiped off his sweat, and said, "This is a rehearsal, the content of the rehearsal, I misplaced it." He immediately searched for a while on the computer, and tried listening to it before playing another part of the audio .

It was also a large section of noise, and soon the voice of speaking came out.

"Although you are the heroine of this show now, I can remove you at any time, you know that person." After a moment of silence, there was a voice again, "She has been with me, if you don't If not, then the heroine will become her. Apart from director Fu, I have the greatest power in this crew."

After the broadcast, there was an eerie silence at the scene.

The host wiped off the sweat from his head with a tissue, and said with a smile: "Everyone heard it, and this is the evidence."

They originally wanted to release this audio to catch the rhythm after the media reported it, but today they were forced to release it first.

People in the audience stared at the host. If there was no audio at the beginning, they might still be suspicious.

The second audio did not mention the name of the crew or actors, not even Xie Lin's voice.Even if Director Fu is mentioned, it may be Director Fu. There are several directors named Fu and Fu in the entertainment industry.

It's really stupid to use such endless audio as evidence.

And when the first audio was played, it also brought back everyone's memories. The two people who testified on the stage were not very good people in private.

The first person to speak, after stepping into the entertainment circle, caught up with a third-tier actress, and immediately dumped his girlfriend of seven years.

The second person who spoke was beaten on the street because he could not repay his gambling debts, which was not a small news at the time.

The authenticity of what they said needs to be verified, and based on the audio content, they looked down on the heroine at all, and guessed that she was related or beneficiary, so why were they filled with righteous indignation to help Xie Lin get ahead.

Even if, according to the host, this audio is a rehearsal and is not real, then is the second audio real?
Reminiscent of what director Fu Chenghe said in "Summer Palace Chronicle" in the morning, the reporters have all been inclined to believe that Xingguang is doing something.

Xue Yao, who watched the whole process, froze in place, her brain temporarily stopped thinking, is this another reversed scene?
At this time, Xie Lin on the stage stood up. She bowed ninety degrees to the audience, and said with a choked voice, "I hope everyone can help me."

"Then who do you think that person is?"

Xie Lin didn't speak, and suddenly took out a utility knife from his pocket, pushed out the blade and put it on his wrist, and everyone saw bloodshot from his wrist soon.

Both the audience and the people on the stage were frightened by her sudden action, and they shouted in a panic: "You, put down the knife quickly, don't do stupid things."

"It's not a big deal. If you don't want to say who it is, then just say it."

"That's right, put down the knife first."


Xie Lin looked at the audience with tears in his eyes, looked at everyone with despair on his face, sobbed and said, "You guys, why don't you believe me? Whenever I think of that person and what he said these days, I will spend the whole night I can't sleep all night, and even if I fall asleep, I wake up from nightmares."

Then she shouted excitedly: "What I said is true!"

"We believe, believe, you put the knife down."

Xue Yao was startled when she saw her take out a knife and cut her hand at first, but she found that although Xie Lin was crying, she spoke very clearly, and couldn't help but think of An Mo asking Liu Glass did the training.

An Mo asked Liu Li to speak with something in his mouth. If he could speak clearly under such circumstances, he would pass the test.

When a normal person is crying, it is impossible to say every word so clearly, only when acting, the requirements of the drama, this is possible.

That means Xie Lin is acting?
The more Xue Yao looked at it, the more she felt it was possible. The wound on Xie Lin's hand was only a shallow one, except for the initial skin trauma, it didn't get any deeper.

If it is an emotional person, how could there be only one scar.

But how can we expose her?
She flipped through the space to see if there was anything that could be used, and found a bottle of makeup remover.I saw this sentence in the previous few worlds, 'The best way to destroy a woman is not to throw sulfuric acid, but to throw makeup remover'.

If her guess is correct, then Xie Lin's haggard face should be made up. As long as everyone sees her without makeup, it can prove that she is lying.

Thinking of this, Xue Yao made a smirk, took out an acceleration talisman and stuck it on her body.

She turned out a toy face, put on a hood, took the makeup remover with the lid off, rushed to the stage quickly, and splashed it on Xie Lin's face.

Then, before everyone could react, she ran away quickly, took off the mask, changed her clothes and shoes, and wanted to go back to see the effect.

Xie Lin felt stinging after being splashed with an unknown liquid, she immediately threw away the utility knife, covered her face and shouted loudly: "Ah, my face, my face."

The two people next to them were so frightened that they fell to the side and kept backing away. They didn't step forward to help, and the others were also frightened.

Starlight's host just yelled, "Come on, here's the security guard! Hurry up and call the police!"

Only Dong Wan, who was in the audience, ran up to the stage, poured mineral water on Xie Lin's face, and shouted: "Let go, it will be bad for you to cover like this."

Xie Lin immediately let go of his hands obediently, but did not dare to open his eyes, and asked tremblingly, "How is my face?"

Dong Wan stared at her face for a moment, then said anxiously: "Don't open your eyes, I will help you with emergency treatment now."

(End of this chapter)

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