Gold Assistant

Chapter 149 Winter Wan

Chapter 149 Winter Wan
"Yeah, it's amazing." Xue Yao kept a smirk on her face, but she was thinking in her heart: What does Shi Lekang's eyes mean? Did he find anything?
It stands to reason that ordinary people cannot see her under the effect of Yiye Blindsight and Acceleration.

Oops, she forgot that Shi Lekang might know martial arts, and his eyesight is better than ordinary people!
I'm so stuck, I want to scratch the wall! !

"Kangzi, you are here."

Hearing Kang Tsai, the joke on Shi Lekang's face immediately froze, he looked up at the person who came, and said embarrassingly: "Sister Na."

Sister Na stared at Xue Yao after greeting Chen Fen, and she took off Xue Yao's glasses as soon as she reached out.

"Hey, Kangzi, is this a newcomer to your family? She's a little beauty. Why are you wearing these broken glasses? It really ruins the beauty."

Xue Yao found out that the person who spoke was actually Dong Wan from the friendly army "Pursuit" at the press conference.

Shi Lekang explained helplessly: "No, she is Liu Li's assistant Xue Yao."

"Ah, you are the assistant lady who is very good at cooking. I heard Junzai said that your dishes are delicious. When will you make a meal for me?"

"Junzi?" Xue Yao finally remembered why she felt familiar. Her eyes were exactly the same as Wang Jun's.

"I'm Wang Jun's sister, Wang Weina. We're going to be a family. You can call me Sister Na just like Kang Zi." Wang Weina introduced herself immediately.

"A family?!" Xue Yao felt so confused, what happened?Why do I feel like my brain is not enough?
Under Wang Weina's gaze, Xue Yao obediently called out "Sister Na".

"Hey, so good. I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten since noon."

She pulled a chair and sat next to Xue Yao, looked at the menu on the table, and said as a matter of course: "After Junzai and Momo got married, according to the relationship between Momo and Lili, you are her natal family." Is it? Of course we are a family."

Wang Jun and Momo got married... Sister, you think so far, they probably haven't even pulled their little hands yet.

Wang Weina rummaged through the menu and found nothing that appealed to her.She turned her head to look at Xue Yao, and asked very seriously: "Xiao Yaoyao, where are you going?"

"I... I'm going home."

Xue Yao has been completely overwhelmed by Wang Weina's queenly aura.

Wang Weina gave her the feeling of a certain queen she knew before, which gave her the illusion of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

"Then let's go back now, does Kangzi have anything else to talk about?"


"Let's go, let's go." Wang Weina pulled Xue Yao up and walked outside.

Shi Lekang and Chen Fen left after paying the bill. When he walked to the parking lot, he found Wang Weina and Xue Yao standing beside his car.

"Why are you here?"

Wang Weina smiled and said: "I saw your car, so I asked A Chao to go back first, and you sent us."

She said affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

Shi Lekang couldn't say any words of rejection, so he opened the car door helplessly, "Get in the car."

Judging by his expression, he probably felt the same as when Wang Weina asked Tao Chengxuan and Zhan Minghui to film the 'short play', he could only obey but not resist.

Wang Weina sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Xue Yao sat in the back.

It's obviously not the rush hour, but the car stops and goes, and it may take a long time to get back to the apartment.

Xue Yao looked at her phone and knew that the shooting in the afternoon was also going well, and Liu Li and the others had already returned to the apartment.Xue Yao asked them to prepare the ingredients and wait for her to cook when she went back. It is estimated that Shi Lekang did not leave until after dinner.

Wang Weina asked about Xerox Kang Xielin.

Xue Yao thought of the Zhenhua Pill, and after testing it in the coffee shop, it proved to be effective. Why was Xie Lin not affected?The first two are human beings, so they should know something inside.

"I think what Xie Lin said seems to be true, and there's that recording. Could it be that someone in the crew really wanted to sneak up on her?"

Shi Lekang said with a smile: "It is undeniable that Xie Lin's acting skills are really good, but it's a pity that she took a wrong path. No one lied to her at all. It was Xingguang who did it. They used a five-year contract to make her tell this lie."

Although Xue Yao knew about the anomaly, she couldn't tell about the truth pill.

Wang Weina continued: "I really don't understand what that old lady of the Qin family is thinking. Even if Xuan Zi or Xiaoya's relationship is broken, it is impossible to choose someone from the Qin family. Where did they get their confidence? How can those high-level executives with stars let them toss like this, and the 20% of the shares are only the third shareholders."

Shi Lekang drove the car and followed the vehicle in front, moving at a terrific speed.

"Starlight is now in chaos. The Qin family, I think the L substance gave them confidence. The L substance is a newly discovered thing. Currently, it is only produced in one mine, and the quantity is very rare. Chengxuan approached them, but they were all rejected."

Wang Weina was a little puzzled, "Why? In terms of strength and status, why is Gu Yun Group not comparable to Qin's enterprises?"

"It is said that the mine is actually the property of Mrs. Zhang's family. It may be caused by jealousy."

"Zhang?" Wang Weina immediately thought of the previous gossip, "It's the one who covets your Lili."


"Hahaha, so that's how it is. I heard Junzai talk about Xuanzai and Lili. They are talented and beautiful. The future baby must be very cute."

Xue Yao also imagined, a pair of dragon and phoenix twins suddenly appeared in her mind.Huh?Why is it a twin baby?She has no ability to predict.

The two people in front were still chatting, when suddenly the car passed by a place full of police cars, and the police officers escorted many people out of the building and brought them into the police car.

"Kang Tsai, stop, stop, I want to see what's going on."

Shi Lekang had to park the car aside, Wang Weina rolled down the window and poked her head out to look, "Uh, that's Zhou Kun, how could he be arrested? I saw Brother Tai, Kangzi, help me ask what it is case."

Shi Lekang silently took out his phone and sent a message.

Xue Yao looked at Wang Weina with some admiration, she really was the queen.

Before the person named Brother Tai replied, Wang Weina recognized another person, "Isn't that Duan Zhenyong? He is not on the set to remake "Extremely Sentimental", what is he doing here?
This is absolutely exclusive, Kang Tsai, let Brother Tai keep this news tonight, and I will interview it tomorrow. "

"Yes." Shi Lekang sent another message weakly.

Xue Yao asked: "A remake of "Extremely Sentimental"?"

"That's right, Hou Zhenzhen was withdrawn from "Extremely Loved", so the plot related to the heroine has to be re-shooted."

"Ah." The last time Xue Yao saw Hou Zhenzhen, she thought she had finished filming the show. Because she was arrested and taken to the police station, the show was not released.

Unexpectedly, Hou Zhenzhen was actually withdrawn from "Extremely Loved", which is back to the plot line in the book.Thinking of this, Xue Yao already guessed what kind of case this is.

(End of this chapter)

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