Gold Assistant

Chapter 150 Add a WeChat

Chapter 150 Add a WeChat
In the book, Duan Zhenyong was caught taking drugs. Unlike in the plot, "Extremely Loved" has not been released yet.

It seems that Tiandao is working hard to correct the crooked branch line. Could Xie Lin's Truth Pill be invalidated by it?
Xue Yao found that she had been living too comfortably recently, and hadn't paid attention to Mu Xuan's situation for a long time since Lin Weiyan was dealt with.

Wang Weina was talking to her colleagues on the phone about tomorrow's interview, and Shi Lekang was waiting for information.Xue Yao took out her mobile phone and checked Mu Xuan's news, only to find that "Top of Shu Mountain" was almost finished.

According to this progress, it is estimated that the review will be completed in one month before it can be broadcast. When it is almost finished, "Summer Palace Chronicle" can start broadcasting.

She believed that this version of "Summer Palace Chronicle" would be more popular with the audience than what was written in the book.But there is still a question, that is "Court Chronicle", do you want to find some time to read their script?The electronic file of the script should be stored in Xingguang's computer.

Xue Yao used a notepad to write down the things to be done one by one, and would follow up after returning.

At this time, Shi Lekang received a reply message. After reading it, he opened his eyes wide in surprise, and looked at Xue Yao who was swiping his phone through the rearview mirror.

After arranging things, Wang Weina asked, "Has Brother Tai returned to you?"

"Well, he said that this is a huge drug gang case, and it also involves you, Long Teng."

"Ah?" Wang Weina wanted to know the details, but considering that this was a criminal case, she asked cautiously, "Can you tell me what's going on? I heard from my sister that there is a problem with the trade of a batch of sea urchins in Longteng every March. Is this one?"

"Let's talk about it on the road, it will be the peak time later."

After driving the car away, he continued: "It is indeed related to that transaction, and Zhou Kun is still in charge. The relevant personnel in Longtengli have also been arrested. It is estimated that Longteng may not be able to operate for the time being."

Wang Weina was a little scared, she patted her heart and said: "Fortunately, my sister and Junzai found out about this problem, it's better to close the business for a while than something big will happen in the future.

Anyway, Longteng has been in operation for so many years, and many facilities are old, so I just took this opportunity to renovate.Can you tell my sister about this now? "

"Brother Tai said that it has been dealt with, and tomorrow's interview has also been arranged for you. He will contact him before he asks you to go."

"Hmm." When Wang Weina took out her mobile phone and was about to send a message to Wang Weiyi, a thought suddenly came to her mind.

"Kangzi, how about letting Brother Tai talk about Long Teng with my sister?"

Shi Lekang thought for a while and said with a smile: "This idea is good, you can tell him. After so many years, we have persuaded everything that needs to be persuaded, but he just can't get out in a dead end. Alas, it's hard for Sister Yi .”

Wang Weina immediately picked up the phone and dialed out, "Hello, Brother Tai, I'm Weina."

"Well, I don't know much about Long Teng, I'm afraid that when I tell my sister, it will make her worry. Why don't you tell her directly, Long Teng is my grandfather's painstaking effort.

Although according to the family rules, it was passed on to Junzai, but you also know that Junzai has no talent in this area, and my sister has always been in charge.Now that something so big has happened, she must be very flustered.

So at this time, there must be something from an authoritative person to reassure her, and this matter will trouble you. "

After saying this, she immediately hung up the phone and turned off her mobile phone, not giving the other party any time to react.She also snatched Shi Lekang's mobile phone and turned it off as well.

Jian Letai on the other end smiled wryly. He immediately called back but heard a prompt to turn off the phone, and the same prompt was given to Shilekang.

After about 3 minutes, Wang Weina turned on the phone again.

Xue Yao looked at Wang Weina in admiration, although she didn't know who Brother Tai was and what relationship he had with the eldest sister of the Wang family.But Wang Weina's actions made her feel that she has become Wang Weina's little fan girl.

"Why is Xiao Yaoyao looking at me like this? Do you admire me?" Wang Weina noticed Xue Yao's gaze and asked with a smile.

"Mmm, yes." Xue Yao nodded immediately.

"Hahaha, when dealing with a person who is emotionally indecisive like Brother Tai, you must not give him a chance to choose. Xiao Yaoyao hasn't dated yet, right?"

Xue Yao's face turned red.

"Let Sister Na tell you about each man's personality and how to deal with it."

Then Wang Weina analyzed it for Xue Yao on the road, every time a character was mentioned, Shi Lekang's heartbeat would speed up.After finally driving the car to the apartment, Wang Weina was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"How about this, Xiao Yaoyao, let's add a WeChat, we can chat often in the future, and you can report to me any entertainment gossip you find."

Xue Yao immediately added her on WeChat obediently, and pulled her into the chat group of little sisters.

When the three of them walked into the elevator, Shi Lekang was standing in the corner and snickering, and Wang Weina also smiled and looked at her with bent eyes.

Xue Yao was a little confused, what's wrong?It took a while for her to realize, "Ah, Sister Na told me so much just to add WeChat and let you know when there is news?"

"Yes, but Xiao Yaoyao reacted so quickly, it's good, it's good."

"If Brother Kang didn't snicker and Sister Na didn't look at me with a smile, I probably wouldn't have thought of it so quickly."

Thinking of this, Xue Yao also smiled.

No wonder people say that Wang Weina has a wide network of contacts, and this is a great way to add WeChat.

After returning to the apartment, Wang Weina followed Shi Lekang to 602 to see Chen Ting, and Xue Yao returned to 601 to prepare dinner.

"Sister, was the reporter Dong Wan in "Pursuit" you pulled into the group just now? Or is it just someone with the same name?"

Liu Li happened to be using her mobile phone, and when she heard a notification that a newcomer had joined the group, she checked it out.

After Xue Yao washed her hands, she put on her apron and said, "Yes, that's her."

"Wow, where did Sister Yao meet her? I haven't seen her in real life yet. By the way, where did Sister Yao go this afternoon? Almost all of my plays this afternoon have passed."

An Mo looked at Xue Yao with bright eyes, as if begging for praise.

"Really? That's great, do you want any reward?" Xue Yao stroked her hair with her hand, she already knew An Mo's character very well.

"Sister Yao is the best." An Mo stepped forward and hugged her coquettishly, "Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang said that they would come to see us tonight, can you teach me how to make that crispy Langan? I want to make it for them."

"Okay, there are materials now, let's try it later."


At this moment, the doorbell rang, and An Mo ran over habitually, only to see that Shi Xiaonan had already opened the door.

An Mo frowned suspiciously, Xiao Nan seemed to have been in the kitchen the whole time.

"Huh? Xiaonan, why are you here?" Wang Weina was a little surprised when she saw the person who opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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