Gold Assistant

Chapter 151 The Tang Family

Chapter 151 The Tang Family
"Yes... my cousin asked me to learn from Sister Yao." Shi Xiaonan blushed and twisted the hem of his clothes with his hands.

Wang Weina nodded, "It's time for you to come out and meet people. I heard that you are not in good health a while ago. How are you doing now?"

"No, it's okay, thank you for your concern."

"That's good."

After Wang Weina walked into the living room, she saw An Mo standing beside her, she smiled and stepped forward to hold An Mo's hand, "Momo, I am Junzai's second sister Wang Weina, you will call me Na from now on. Sister can do it."

An Mo was depressed and found that her sixth sense had failed again, but the person in front of her was Wang Jun's sister, so she shouldn't be a bad person, so she obediently shouted, "Hello, Sister Na."

"Hey, let's add a WeChat. If Junzai bullies you, you can tell me and I will beat him up for you."

ha?This made An Mo feel a little overwhelmed. Wang Weina smiled and found her in the little sister group, and sent a friend request.

"Momo agree quickly."

An Mo looked at the friend application on his phone, and shouted adoringly, "Ah, is Sister Na Dong Wan?"


After An Mo clicked to agree, Wang Weina sent Liu Li a friend request.

Wang Weina pulled the two of them to sit and chat, and An Mo and Liu Li were amused by her from time to time.

Xue Yao looked at them and sighed: "Fortunately, Sister Na is a woman, if she is a man, how many little girls should be harmed."

Shi Xiaonan, who went back to help in the kitchen, whispered in her ear: "No, Sister Na still hurts many little girls. Several people I know are imitating her manners and dressing style. There is a fan club."


But thinking that she also became Wang Weina's little fan girl just now, Xue Yao understands everyone's thoughts.

At 602, after Wang Weina left, Shi Lekang asked Ah Er and Xiao Bai who were beside Chen Ting to leave the room.

When Chen Ting re-entered, he smelled a familiar smell.

Upon hearing his request, Xiao Bai stood up with a little excitement on his face, ready to run outside.When Wang Weina came to see Chen Ting just now, she said that she came back with Xue Yao, and he planned to go to 601 to stay for a while.

"Xiaobai went to the living room to do today's homework." Chen Ting mercilessly stopped his plan.

Xiaobai pouted and glanced at Chen Ting sadly, then silently picked up his laptop and went to the living room to sit down.

"Xiao Yaoer and the others managed to make Xiao Bai lively, why did you force him into a nerd again?"

"It's a critical time for him to learn now, and he can't be distracted."

Shi Lekang shrugged, "Everything you said is right."

Then he pulled the chair to the side of the bed, didn't say anything, just stared straight at Chen Ting.

Shi Lekang's gaze did not affect Chen Ting, he was typing codes and looking up information unmoved.

After about 5 minutes, Shi Lekang gave up. How could he forget that since he was a child, he has never defeated Chen Ting in Bi Patience.

"Ah Ting, I have something to ask you." He said in a rare serious tone.

Chen Ting stopped what he was doing and listened to him quietly.

"Where did you ask me to remind Brother Tai?"

Chen Ting glanced at him coolly, and said indifferently, "I got it from the Internet."

"..." With the tone, the look in the eyes, and the loss of patience just now, Shi Lekang felt the urge to push Chen Ting out of the bed.

He took a deep breath and continued: "I asked Ah Jun to check the news, but he couldn't find anything."

Chen Ting did not respond, and was still quietly waiting for his next words.

"If those materials are found on the Internet, but Ah Jun can't find them, it means that your network skills are higher than his, but I know very well that you didn't know these skills before.

In addition, the alloy formula you took out in order to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense is also very suspicious.

I also found out that Xiao Yaoer's original name was Tang Yao, and she grew up in G City.After she went from city G to city B, her range of activities did not overlap with yours at all, so it stands to reason that it is impossible for you to know each other.

But the last time Xiao Yaoer came to you drunk, the kind of intimacy between you, or even further, the way you behaved when you first saw her, all show that you know each other! "

Shi Lekang paused for a moment, lowered his eyes slightly, and continued as if he had made up his mind to continue: "All of the above shows one thing. Now you are different from the Ah Ting I know. I dare not think deeply. Now I I just want to know one thing, please tell me frankly, are you... still the Ting I've known since childhood? What's your relationship with Xiao Yao'er?"

At the end, he covered his face with his hands excitedly, his voice choked up.When he lowered his hands, his eyes turned red, and tears ran down his cheeks.

Looking at the emotional Shi Lekang, Chen Ting evoked a smirk instead, "If you are talking about the person who helped you when you were five years old and put the wet sheets into the washing machine; or witnessed you swallowing After eating a watermelon seed, people who thought the seeds would germinate in their stomachs, crying loudly, and..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I believe you are still the Ting I know." Shi Lekang hurriedly stopped Chen Ting from continuing.

Chen Ting supported the bed with his left hand, leaned forward, reached into Shi Lekang's suit bag with his right hand, and took out a piece of onion.

"I said that the smell of onions is too strong, and today's expression is too exaggerated."

Xerox Kang smirked, "Isn't it a little anxious, I just took it from the kitchen. The expression... I have been free recently, and I have no opponent for practice."

The two tacitly skipped the first question.

Chen Ting asked: "Tell me, what is the purpose of such a long speech today?"

"Do you still have Xiao Yao'er's amulet?" Shi Lekang rubbed his hands and asked expectantly.

"The point."

"The amulet that Xiao Yaoer gave me before, I gave one to Brother Tai. Today when he was handling the case, he was sniped, and a bullet was shot at his heart. He said that at this moment, a magical force suddenly blocked the bullet. Yes, that effect is better than my grandfather's internal force release, and then he found that the amulet next to his body turned into ashes, and we guessed that the amulet saved him.

Do you still remember the Tang family that grandpa mentioned when we were young? "

Chen Ting nodded.

"At that time, I always thought that the Tang family was invented by my grandfather, but later I found out that they were involved in many international incidents. For example, when the Supernatural Research Institute was destroyed 15 years ago, there were rumors that it was written by the Tang family.

And Xiao Yaoer's surname is Tang, and she has such a magical amulet. Do you think she is from the Tang family? "

Chen Ting knew exactly how Xue Yao's amulet came about, but whether the legendary Tang family had any relationship with the original owner of the body needed further investigation, after all, her birth certificate stated that her father was unknown.

He was silent for a long time, and what he had to do now was to dispel Shilekang's curiosity and divert his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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