Gold Assistant

Chapter 152 Past and Present

Chapter 152 Past and Present
When Shi Lekang thought there was nothing to do, Chen Ting pointed to the small box opposite.He immediately got up, brought the small box over, and put it in Chen Ting's hand.

After Chen Ting opened the small box, he showed Shi Lekang the ten amulets inside.

"Xiao Yao'er is eccentric!"

Shi Lekang knew that Chen Ting had distributed the amulets to Ah Yi and the others, and there were still so many amulets left, which proved that she gave some to Chen Ting later.

When I asked Xue Yao for amulets last time, Shi Lekang followed his intuition and didn't think about the usefulness of them, so he just asked for a few.

Jian Letai almost had an accident this time, and he realized the preciousness of the amulet.He hesitated for a moment and asked: "If Xiao Yao'er is really from the Tang family, can we ask her for more amulets? We can exchange one thing for another according to the rules of the Tang family."

Chen Ting didn't think of changing things at first, because it was not difficult for Xue Yao to make this talisman.But if you think about it now, if things are too easy to get, it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

It's just how to set the terms of the transaction. Suddenly, the porcelain vase covered with talisman paper appeared in his mind, and he said, "If it was you, you can exchange one good jade vase for ten amulets."

One jade bottle is equivalent to exchanging ten lives, which is very cost-effective.

Shi Lekang excitedly informed Jian Letai to prepare, but after hanging up the phone, he calmed down and thought of something, and asked seriously: "Let me ask one more question about your relationship with Xiao Yao'er, and why you can help her make a deal about?"

Chen Ting looked at him and said, "Do you believe that people have past lives?"

"Such a illusory thing..."

"Of course I believe it." Shi Lekang pointed to the amulet in the small box and said, "Isn't this another thing that science can't explain?"

And what he saw in the mall, he hesitated for a while, but still said it.In fact, it was also because of this incident that he suspected Xue Yao.

Shi Lekang said with some embarrassment: "Although my martial arts are useless, my eyesight is still there. Even though that figure is fast, I can still recognize Xiao Yao'er."


"Because I made that mask and put it in 601 as a decoration."


Chen Ting wondered if Xiaoyao would be very angry if she knew the flaw was in the mask.

"Ah, don't even try to change the subject and talk about what happened in this previous life?"

Chen Ting, who had only said one word from just now, did not speak, but just looked at him coldly.

Shi Lekang seemed to have thought of this too, and said with a smile: "Don't always pay attention to these details."

Although the outside world said that he was a gold agent and took care of Chen Ting's affairs very well, they didn't know that Chen Ting himself was in charge of many things.

"When I was injured and unconscious, I had several dreams, and each dream was very real. When I woke up, I found that the things learned in the dream were still in my mind.

It is different from ordinary dreams, so those are likely to be experienced, maybe it is the legendary past life. "

Then Chen Ting briefly talked about the situation of these 'dreams', but changed the fast travel experience to reincarnation past life, Shi Lekang stared at him dumbfounded, unable to detect any flaws at all.

After all, Chen Ting is the actor, his acting skills are not covered, and 80% of the things he said are true, but 20% of the important points are covered up.

Shi Lekang froze on the spot after listening. Chen Ting's past life experience is really rich, but there is no Xue Yao in it.

"That's it? What about Xiao Yao'er, what do these dreams you mentioned have anything to do with her?"

"I met her in one of my lifetimes."

Unsatisfied with Chen Ting's words of squeezing toothpaste, Shi Lekang decided to rely on himself, questioning and guessing.

"And then? You were together in that dream?"

"There are painful memories inside." Having said this, Chen Ting's eyes were filled with sadness, and the bitterness in his heart began to overflow.

Reminiscent of Xue Yao holding Chen Ting and crying bitterly after being drunk, Shi Lekang patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Uh...don't be sad, it's like what you said happened in the previous life, and it's all over. Xiao Yao'er and you are fine now, and you can continue your relationship in this life."

It's just that Shi Lekang always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly he thought, "No, if you dreamed about the past life in a coma, what about Xiao Yao'er? How could she have the memory of the past life?"

"Xiao Yao was also in a coma."

"Huh? You mean the time she was injured by Song Kai at Huixing Entertainment?"


"But watching the video, she woke up very quickly, unlike you who were in a coma for three days and three nights. I was really afraid that you wouldn't be able to survive, so I was going to notify your grandpa."

Shi Lekang sighed a little, and finally he said: "No, no, if she is from the Tang family, why was she injured? The amulet can block it."

"In that life, she was a talisman maker."

"Ah, this seems to make sense. But what about the Tang family?"

Shi Lekang was walking back and forth in the room, and suddenly he clapped his hands, "I probably figured out the relationship inside, if I remember correctly, you and Xiao Yao'er were injured and unconscious at the same time.

Maybe this is the reason, you all dreamed about the previous life, but she was in a coma for too short a time, so the memory is incomplete, and it will only be revealed at certain times, such as drunk.

As for the making of talismans, perhaps the past life you mentioned is more reliable. After all, there are so many legends about the Tang family, but nothing about the Tang family has ever been circulated outside. "

Chen Ting saw that Shi Lekang had already made up the matter by himself, so he didn't say anything more.

At this time Ah Er knocked on the door and reminded: "Master, it's time for dinner."

Shi Lekang stopped struggling and brought Chen Ting to the living room.

When Xiaobai saw Shi Lekang, he gave him a smile, his eyes were very strange, and Shi Lekang suddenly had an ominous premonition.

When picking up vegetables, he habitually bullied Xiaobai and took away the vegetables he wanted to pick up first.

Xiao Bai put down the bowl, glared at him angrily, and shouted, "Six-year-old still wets the bed."

"What!?" Shi Lekang was so shocked that his chopsticks fell to the ground, he pointed at Xiaobai with trembling fingers and asked Chen Ting, "He, how did he know!?"

Chen Ting said lightly, "I seem to have forgotten to turn off the camera just now."

"The belly sprouted." Xiaobai continued to attack.

" are teachers and students united to bully me."

Chen Ting took Xiaobai's favorite chicken wings and put them in his bowl, and said, "Look, isn't this revenge? Now that he has a handle on him, he won't dare to bully you in the future."

Xiao Bai nodded happily, and then began to chop the rice.

Shi Lekang said helplessly: "If you educate a child like this, he will learn to be bad."

"You did this before, is it wrong?" Chen Ting looked at him innocently.

"..." Shi Lekang turned to Ah Yi and Ah Er and said, "Your young master has changed, gone bad!"

Ah Yi and Ah Er took the initiative to block themselves out, indicating that they were concentrating on eating and didn't hear anything, while Xiao Bai looked at him with a smile.

In the end, Shi Lekang could only hold the amulet Chen Ting gave him, and left depressed.

Chen Ting reckoned that he wouldn't be coming for dinner anytime soon, so he just reassured his curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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