Gold Assistant

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

When Wang Weina came home, she found that her sister was in a trance, sitting motionless in the living room with her mobile phone in her hand. She immediately ran over.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Weiyi, who was in deep thought, was woken up, slowly raised her head and said, "Nana is back, have you had dinner yet, Mama Wu stewed double snow soup today."

"Well, I've eaten, I'll go drink later." Wang Weina looked at her mobile phone and didn't continue to ask.

She opened the jerky she brought back from Xue Yao, "This is made by Xiao Yaoyao, it's delicious, would you like to try it?"

"Xiao Yaoyao? Oh, the one who lives with Momo?"

"Yeah." Wang Weina poked a piece of jerky with a toothpick and handed it to Wang Weiyi's mouth.

Wang Weiyi looked at her with a smile on her face, then opened her mouth and ate the jerky.

"Huh? This jerky is very authentic, and the taste is not too greasy. The main reason is that the quality of the meat itself is very good. I wonder where she bought the ingredients?"

But after she finished speaking, she sighed, "Forget it, Longteng has to close down for inspection recently, and it's useless to find the source of goods."

"Sister already knows?"

Wang Weiyi patted her hand and said: "Well, just now Artai... called. He said that the case involved this time is too big, and during the trial, Longteng needs to suspend business for a month.

But because we took the initiative to report and assisted in handling the case, so the problem is not big, mainly those who were arrested.This time, there were ten people involved in the case in the kitchen and 15 people on the floor. Even if the police didn't ask for it, Long Teng couldn't operate normally. "

"It doesn't matter, those bad things were caught, and we just recruited some new people. The facilities in the restaurant are also old, so we can use this opportunity to renovate and renovate.

Every time I saw those regular customers, I was complained that something in the restaurant was broken again. "

Wang Weina frowned slightly, how could my sister be embarrassed?This matter is not a problem for her at all, it seems that she is upset.

"You're right, we'll use this time to overhaul. Although everyone's work has stopped, the wages must be paid as usual, otherwise it would be bad if other restaurants took the opportunity to poach them."

"Let's just give them paid leave. You've worked hard for them for so many years." Wang Weina tentatively asked, "Brother Tai... did he say anything else?"

Wang Weiyi's eyes darkened, and she said in a disappointed tone, "That's all he said."

"At least he took the initiative to call his sister, which is already progress." Wang Weina immediately stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

"Nana, thank you."

"Thank you, it's none of my business."

"Artest said you hung up his phone and then turned it off again, that's why you called me."

Wang Weina felt like vomiting blood, how could there be someone with such a low EQ! !Thinking that he will be the future brother-in-law, I feel overwhelmed. Is it too late to change now?
At this time, the doorbell rang outside the gate, and they turned on the surveillance at the side, and saw Jian Letai standing outside the iron gate with a bouquet of flowers.

"Open the door, open the door quickly." Wang Weina immediately pressed the button to open the door, pushed her sister to the door, and ran upstairs quickly.

Before Wang Weiyi could react, she was the only one standing at the door, watching Jian Letai trot over from the door.

"Ayi, I miss you so much." He hugged Wang Weiyi who was still on the spot.

Wang Weiyi couldn't help crying loudly, she lost her usual elegance, and beat his chest with her hand like a little girl, "Why did you come here!"

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Upstairs, Wang Weina watched all this with satisfaction, and took pictures of this touching moment with her mobile phone.

Since Liu Li was going to shoot the first scene the next day, she was a little nervous, so An Mo dragged her back to her room for the scene.

Yuan Lan felt that the food was good after moving here, and she was a size bigger, so she went for a night run with Shi Xiaonan.

In the lively living room just now, only Xue Yao was left.

Standing alone in the living room, she felt inexplicably uneasy, and immediately took out her laptop to contact SHI. She couldn't talk to others about some things, she could only discuss them with him.

[Brother Big SHI, Brother Big SHI. 】

Just as Chen Ting explained a new program to Xiao Bai, he saw a message automatically popped up by the computer.

Xiao Bai at the side also saw that the other party's name was Xiao Yao, and he looked up at Chen Ting with some doubts.

"Go take a shower and sleep, and continue studying tomorrow."

Xiaobai looked back at Chen Ting in three steps, and was led out by Ah Er.

Seeing that the little light bulb had finally left, Chen Ting started chatting with Xue Yao.

[Here, what's the matter? 】

She thought it would take a long time to reply, so Xue Yao went to apply a mask.

After hearing the notification tone, she tried hard to control the expression on her face and began to tell what happened this afternoon.

[Brother SHI, do you think that Xie Lin's truth pill failed, maybe it was a manipulation by Tiandao? 】

Chen Ting also heard Shi Lekang talk about the shopping mall, but he didn't think it was done by Heaven.Because he had seen the failure of the truth pill, but Xue Yao didn't remember it.

[Actually, the efficacy of the truth pill is not as good as you think, and it does not work under certain circumstances. 】

what!Truth pills don't work either?Xue Yao opened her mouth wide in shock, causing the essence of the mask to almost flow into her mouth.She immediately tore off the mask, wiped the area around her mouth with a tissue, and then typed to ask.

【Under what circumstances will it not work? 】

Chen Ting suddenly noticed that the cursor on the screen moved just now, he decisively closed the dialog box, started a small program, and began to operate.

Soon Xiaobai, who was captured on the other side, looked at the big characters on the screen depressed.

'Snooping is not a good boy, and he will be grounded for two weeks. '

Xiaobai took his clothes and ran into the bathroom angrily. He hadn't seen his sister for a long time. The teacher is a big vinegar bucket.

Suddenly he thought of a way, he couldn't go out, but his sister could come and see him, and he became happy when he thought of this.

Xue Yao waited for a long time but did not see SHI's reply, so she went to check the email.At this time, He Botao sent over the photos taken by Xiaonian, which were Xie Lin's itinerary and photos for the past few days.

One of them is where she went after the reception this afternoon.

Xue Yao clicked on the photo and found that the address was No. 600, Yuanping South Road. Isn't that a famous mental health center?Where is Xie Lin doing?
Chen Ting continued to answer Xue Yao's questions after dealing with the children who were peeking at the screen.

[Such as people with high cultivation, puppets controlled by others, drug-resistant bodies, multiple souls in their bodies, etc. 】

Xue Yao who heard the prompt tone immediately opened the dialog box, saw these possibilities, and thought about it.

According to the setting of the world in this book, it is impossible for high-level cultivation bases or puppets to exist.

The drug resistance is also caused by taking spiritual medicines such as spiritual protection, which are rare, and even she herself has only heard that someone has taken them, and has never seen the real thing.

As for the multiple souls in the body, most of them cannot be given up, and they are forced to live together in one body in the end.Such people often self-destruct as they fight for control of their bodies.

She met him once, and the man seemed to be a little abnormal. He quarreled with himself, and ended up killing himself with a weapon. Later, he found out that he had been taken away.

Huh?Mental abnormality, mental health center, where Xie Lin went, does it mean that she has mental problems?
 Happy Lantern Festival~\(≧3≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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