Gold Assistant

Chapter 155 Live for Oneself

Chapter 155 Live for Oneself
"Why did you have this dream?"

Xue Yao kept thinking about this question when she got up to wash up.

Could it be because seeing Wang Weina, who looks very similar to the queen, brought back memories?
Thinking of what the queen said, she was like a heartless robot, and couldn't help but refute in her heart, it wasn't for the mission.

After the failure of the first mission, she was retrained for several classes, and even the original cute intelligent system was confiscated and replaced with a cold mechanical system.

Later, the completion of the task was not high, it must be the fault of that cold system, hum.

It was emphasized many times during the training that if you put too much emotion into the task, it is easier to fail.She also felt that if she had feelings, it would be very hurt when they were separated, so she turned off the feelings under the advice of the cold system.Otherwise, if you travel through so many worlds and devote yourself to your emotions, you will become schizophrenic.

"Be self-willed and live for yourself."

For some reason, when she thought of this sentence, Chen Ting appeared in her mind, a suspicious blush gradually climbed up her face, and her ears became hot.

She quickly washed her face with cold water, and then slowly recovered.While wiping her face with a towel, she looked at herself in the mirror, and if nothing happened, she would spend the rest of her life in this world.

Although there is still a single mission, Liu Li's acting career is already on the right track, and the sidelines on her body are starting to break away from the world in the book. What needs to be paid attention to now is not to let the mainline collapse.

Maybe... she can learn to be more self-willed.

Because Liu Li and An Mo were going to be filming, they couldn't eat too strong food, so she prepared sliced ​​toasted whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and a fruit salad.

It's just that when she was preparing, she was thinking about cutting too much fruit.

Looking at the extra fruit pieces on the chopping board, although they can be stored in a small space, they will not be broken.But she didn't do that, and quickly took out another glass basin, put the fruit cubes in it and made another salad.

As if to cheer herself up, she said softly, "You can be more willful."

She took the salad and knocked on the door of 602, and soon Ah Yi opened the door.

He looked at the time on the wall and asked, "Morning, Miss Yao, are you leaving now?"

"No, I made too much salad today, so I'll give it to you to try. Now that the weather is dry, eat more fruit."

Hearing her voice, Xiao Bai rushed over from the room like a cannonball. He hugged Xue Yao tightly, raised his head and shouted: "Sister, I miss you so much."

"Ah!" Xue Yao was hit so hard that she almost dropped the glass basin in her hand, but luckily Ah Yi took it.

Xue Yao tapped Xiaobai's head, "You little naughty boy, what if you dropped something, don't want it next time."

"My sister doesn't love me anymore. You haven't come to see Xiaobai for a long time." Xiaobai pouted and looked at her with pitiful eyes.

Uh... That's true, even though they live in the opposite door, since Xiaobai studied with the male god, they seldom see each other.

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Xue Yao felt a little guilty.

She stroked Xiaobai's soft hair with her hand, and said softly: "My sister loves Xiaobai the most! It's just that I've been busy recently, and your sister Li's filming has started, so we won't be there during the day, but you can come to find me at night after you finish your studies. Sister."

Xiaobai pouted, glanced at Chen Ting's room, and muffled a small report: "Foot ground!"

"Foot grounding? What do you mean?" Xue Yao immediately looked at Ah Yi.

Ah Yi scratched his head and said, "I don't know too well. The young master said that Xiaobai should stay in the room to study for the next two weeks and not go out."

"But study can't lock people up." Xue Yao began to doubt the male god's education method.

To be honest, she still doesn't know what Xiaobai is learning from the male god.Do you want to learn acting? But you can't ground your feet.

Chen Ting got dressed and came out in a wheelchair. When he saw Xiao Bai holding Xue Yao's hand, he raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Chen Ting at a close distance, Xue Yao felt her face blushing again and her heart beating fast.But for Xiao Bai's sake, she reluctantly gave up the beauty in front of her eyes and lowered her head.

"Brother Ting, may I ask what happened, why did Xiaobai ground his feet?" It's better to ask things clearly first.

Chen Ting frowned. He didn't want Xue Yao to know that he was SHI for the time being, so he said, "He made a little mistake in his study yesterday."

"It is true that you will be punished if you make a mistake, but will it be too heavy to be grounded for two weeks? He was... now he is finally better."

Thinking of Xiaobai who used to be silent in her own world and refused to communicate with others made her heart ache. She didn't want to see Xiaobai like that again.

"I will pay attention, just to let him remember this mistake. Although it is said to be grounded, I just hope that he can calm down and learn."

"Hmm." At this point, Xue Yao asked curiously, "What is Xiaobai learning from Brother Ting?"

Chen Ting paused, and then said after a while: "Teach him some common sense things. His current situation is not suitable for going to school."

Then he said in a self-deprecating tone: "I have a lot of time now."

Seeing Chen Ting like this, Xue Yao felt very sad. He used to be the brightest actor on the big screen.But she couldn't say comforting words, because exposing the scars would hurt people even more, so she could only say embarrassingly: "Oh, so it is like this."

Xiao Bai looked at Chen Ting suspiciously, he didn't quite understand why the teacher didn't tell the truth.

At this time, Liu Li and the others who came back from running saw that the door of 601 was not closed, so they asked. "Huh? Why is the door open?"

"Well, I'm going back, Xiaobai wants to listen to the teacher." Xue Yao took the opportunity to say goodbye to everyone.

Xiaobai had no choice but to let go and let Xue Yao leave.

After returning to 601, Xue Yao remembered that the magic talisman she had made before was about to expire, so she had to find time to draw another one as soon as possible.

"Sister, where have you been?" Liu Li looked at her worriedly.

"I made too much salad in the morning, so I gave it to Brother Ting and the others."

Liu Li looked at her and said very seriously: "Tell us where you are going in the future, don't sneak away to see that treacherous person like yesterday."

"Uh... how do you know." She didn't elaborate on this matter yesterday.

An Mo also joined the topic, "Sister Na said it yesterday, but the person who splashed the makeup remover is awesome. This trick can let everyone see Xie Lin's true face. But why didn't it report it today? I want to see it What about everyone's comments?"

"Fortunately, that person splashed the makeup remover. If it was something else, it would be a disaster. You must tell us where you are going in the future." Shi Xiaonan also said very seriously.

"Okay, I promise you that I will discuss with you if there is any situation in the future. Hurry up and have breakfast, and work harder for today's shooting."

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone to check, and there was no news of Xie Lin. Thinking that Shi Lekang was also there yesterday, maybe he did something.

(End of this chapter)

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