Gold Assistant

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
In the "Chasing" magazine, Ah Chao took yesterday's information and asked Wang Weina, "Sister Na, did you not report the news about Xie Lin yesterday?"

"Don't report it, don't report it, she just wants to use us to make a fuss. How can such deceitful news be reported."

"Then we can report her deception and let the public know." A Chao still felt a little pity.

A cruel smile curled up on the corner of Wang Weina's mouth, "If she doesn't report, she won't have the opportunity to be exposed. The biggest punishment for a celebrity artist is that no one knows about her. And didn't we take Kangzi's benefits? Be honest."

Then Wang Weina went to interview Duan Zhenyong. She remembered that there was a mystery that had not been solved, so she picked up Chao's camera and looked at it, "Is the photo that Chao took yesterday still here?"

"It's still there. Didn't Sister Na say that these materials are no longer needed?"

"I don't know if you took a picture of the one who splashed the makeup remover yesterday. He is really an interesting person. From now on, if anyone speaks ill of my sister, I will splash the makeup remover all over her face to see if they still have face."

Ah Chao can understand why Wang Weina is so angry.

Because Wang Weiyi has never been married, those wealthy wives will gather to speak ill of her when they have nothing to do.

He only occasionally went to those banquets with Wang Weina to take pictures, but every time he heard them talking about it.

Most of them are talking about making money so what, it's not that no one is married, they have become oranges at the bottom of the basket.

Some people will put it even worse, saying that she actually has no ability to make money, but just exchanged her body for investment news.

Every time Wang Weina hears these news, she will deliberately gossip about these wives or their husbands, and then send it to other tabloids for publication.

"Huh? Chao, why are some photos full of people, and the ones without heads and feet are incomplete."

After arriving at the police station, Ah Chao parked the car and looked at the photos in the camera, feeling a little puzzled. "Maybe it's because I didn't grasp the angle well, but Xie Lin's photos are all complete. Is it really not usable?"

"Hehe, I don't need it now, but I have to save it. It may come in handy in the future. After all, she signed Starlight, and the ban is only temporary."

The same situation also happened in other magazines.In addition to blocking Xie Lin's news, she also, as Wang Weina thought, stored the previously photographed materials in case they are useful in the future.

When they checked the data, they also found that some shots were blocked by figures, causing several photographers to suspect that their skills had regressed.

The news on the Internet was reported by a public relations team, but none of it was released.

For this reason, the personnel of Starlight were once again so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, and once again took money for nothing, without splashing any waves.

Shi Lekang brought a box over early in the morning. Although he was repelled by Xiaobai last night, he was thick-skinned enough to not cause much damage.

He put the box on the table, opened the lid sternly, pointed to the exquisite jade bottle of the same size inside, and said braggingly: "How about it, this set of jade bottles is not bad. It is carved from the rare and top-grade suet jade." Yes, can you ask Xiao Yaoer to change a few more talismans?"

Each jade bottle in the box is carved with different patterns, luxurious and elegant.

Chen Ting looked at the jade bottle but frowned slightly. He had not only seen this set of jade bottles but also touched them. It was given to Chang Yuande by his grandfather as a congratulatory gift.

"Why is this set of jade bottles in your hands?"

Shi Lekang asked with some uncertainty: "Is there any problem?"

"Uncle Chang knows?"

"Uh, Uncle Chang happened to be there when I told Brother Tai last night, how did you know?" Shi Lekang touched his nose, a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect it.

Chen Ting pointed to the jade bottle in the box, "I sent this to Chang's house with my own hands. It is a gift prepared by my grandfather. It took him a month to choose it."

"Ah, do you think Uncle Chang is expressing something?"

"I'm not too sure. Although Uncle Chang hates my grandfather, it is reasonable that Uncle Chang would not exchange such an expensive gift. Tell me about what happened last night."

Shi Lekang sent Wang Weina down the mountain yesterday. She said she was too full to exercise and then got off the car.

When he got home, he saw Jian Letai put down the phone in his hand, looking a little lonely.

It is estimated that the call was made to Wang Weiyi.

"Brother Tai."

"Akon is back."

"I've already inquired. It is indeed the effect of the amulet that saved you. The other party is probably the legendary Tang family."

Jian Letai stood up excitedly, "The Tang family that grandpa said?"


Shi Lekang and Chen Ting discussed it, no matter whether Xue Yao is from the Tang family, they should not make it too clear, so as to make her identity vague.In this way, even if the matter was spread, no one would think that it was an amulet made by a small assistant.

"Have you contacted the Tang family?"

Last time, Shi Lekang just gave him the amulet without explaining where he got it from.

Shi Lekang shook his head, "No, I only know the middleman. By the way, this is a new amulet, Brother Tai, put it away first. Although the case has been closed, the sniper hasn't been caught yet. You are still very dangerous of."

Seeing that there were ten amulets in the box, Jian Letai hesitated to say anything, but she was a little worried.

"Brother Tai, just say what you want to say."

Jian Letai closed her eyes, struggled for a long time, and finally made up her mind and said: "Akang, I remember my grandfather said that trading with the Tang family is done by barter. What did you exchange these amulets for?"

"They said they would exchange it with a good jade bottle."

"I don't have a jade bottle right now, but can these amulets be handed over to me first? I have other uses."

Shi Lekang felt that his appearance was a bit strange, and a question in his heart immediately emerged, maybe now is an opportunity.

"Brother Tai, the other party listened to me that the amulet was for front-line police officers, so they were willing to exchange it with a jade bottle. So if you can't tell where you want to use it, I can't give it to you. After all, if the other party finds out about this , the transaction will be terminated."

Jian Letai smiled wryly, "Do you still remember Su Zhengxin?"

"Hasn't Ah Jun already investigated the person who made you and Sister Yi unable to be together? He designed everything that happened. Why do you still believe him?"

"I have difficulties. Things are not as simple as you see."

"What is so complicated that our family can't solve it, then there is grandpa, or there is Uncle Chang."

Jian Letai sighed and said: "When I saw Ah Jun's investigation, I immediately figured out the ins and outs of everything. I wanted to go to Ah Yi to explain it right away. It's just..."

"Just what?" Shi Lekang listened very anxiously, so he never read serial novels, because the big ones always get stuck.

"Before I went there, I got a call from someone who was supposed to be dead."


(End of this chapter)

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