Gold Assistant

Chapter 157 Dark Night

Chapter 157 Dark Night
"I received a call from Su Zhengxin."

Shi Lekang asked excitedly: "He's not dead?!"

"Yes, he is not dead, and he threatened me to stay away from Ah Yi, and I can't tell others that he is not dead, otherwise Ah Yi will be killed."

"He's a lunatic...does he love Sister Yi, or does he not love her? It's crazy!"

"I can't understand it either. I didn't believe what he said at first, but the facts forced me to give in. Do you remember when Ah Yi went to Paris once and the flight was canceled suddenly?"

"Well, Ah Jun mentioned it to me, did he do this?!"

Jane Letai said painfully: "Actually, I took a big vacation that time. I originally planned to go with her and propose to her. But I received a call from him before I boarded the plane. He said that if I stepped into the plane In half a step, the bomb on the plane will be detonated immediately."

"What on earth is he trying to do? If he really wants to kill you and Sister Yi, there should be many opportunities, right?" Shi Lekang suddenly felt that the madman in the movie was not as scary as in reality.

"I think he just wants to see Ah Yi and I suffer. In fact, he has wanted to kill me many times. I guess the sniper is him."

Shi Lekang suddenly hit him on the shoulder angrily, "Brother Tai, why didn't you tell us about such a big matter!"

At this time, a sonorous voice came from upstairs, "Yes, Artest, this is your fault. These matters should be discussed with everyone and resolved as soon as possible. Dodging in fear is not a good way to solve things."

Jian Letai and Shi Lekang immediately stood up when they saw the person coming, "Uncle Chang."

Chang Yuande changed his previous refined image and walked down with a serious expression on his face.

"A-Tai, in the airport bomb case last time, according to the investigation, all the evidence points to An Ye. If, as you said, Su Zhengxin threatened you, then he is already a man of An Ye.

This is no longer your personal matter, I hope you can tell the truth about it. "

Jian Letai never thought that the matter of Su Zhengxin would involve the international assassination organization Dark Night.But after thinking about it carefully, with Su Zhengxin's marksmanship, it is indeed very likely that he will be recruited by the dark night.

It's just that he still has important things to do now, "Uncle Chang, before discussing Su Zhengxin's matter, can I go out for a while?"

Chang Yuande saw the amulet in his hand, thought of what he said just now, and said with a smile: "Go."

Jian Le'an stopped Jian Letai who was running towards the gate, and put a bouquet of flowers into his hand. "Brother Tai, please forgive me for not bringing flowers."


Chang Yuande looked at Shi Lekang, which made his scalp tingle.

"Is Uncle Chang okay?"

"Is the middleman you mentioned the grandson of the Chen family?"

"Uncle Chang, there are some things I can't say. If you want those amulets, I can help you negotiate."

Chang Yuande patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are fine, and Ah Ting is also fine. I will go to see Momo tomorrow, and you tell him that I have something to discuss with him. I will send someone to send jade later." bottle here, you take it to him first."


Shi Lekang recounted what happened last night.

"Ah Ting, what do you think Uncle Chang wanted to say when he came to you? I asked Brother Guo and Brother An, and they said that this matter might involve you, so I'll wait for Uncle Chang to tell you."

After Chen Ting thought for a while, his expression was inscrutable, and there was a trace of coldness in his deep pupils.

"It's probably related to my previous accident."

Xue Yao and her team came to the crew and found that the staff present looked at them a little differently.

Liu Li noticed this, grabbed An Mo's arm and asked, "Why are they so weird?"

"Yeah, I also noticed that they have been acting strangely since yesterday afternoon."

Xue Yao thought for a while and said, "It's probably related to yesterday's opening ceremony."


"Didn't Director Fu say yesterday that we brought money into the crew, so now in their eyes, you two are not only actors in the crew, but also investors and their bosses."

"So it is."

Several people entered the dressing room, Xue Yao started to help Liu Li and An Mo put on makeup, when Mi Jiawen walked in.

"Sister Xue Yao, Momo, Lili, Xiaonan, good morning."

"Morning Xiao Wenzi, don't you have no show today? Why did you come here?"

Mi Jiawen smiled and said, "I'm here to learn, after all I don't have much experience."

An Mo patted her shoulder very maturely, and said with a smile, "Well, very good, very good."

This made everyone couldn't help laughing.

After the filming was finished yesterday afternoon, Shi Li learned from others that Liu Li and An Mo had brought money into the group.

She was worried that Xue Yao, a little assistant, would speak ill of her in the ears of Liu Li and An Mo, so she rushed over early in the morning, wanting to take the opportunity of giving away clothes to say something.

While preparing clothes outside the door, Shi Li heard Mi Jiawen's words and muttered, "Hmph, sycophant."

If it wasn't for Xie Lin's resignation, how could it be Mi Jiawen's turn to ask her to change the size of the clothing, which is extremely troublesome.If Liu Li took the leading role, she could use it directly without changing it. I don't know how the director chose the role.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel that she had discovered something.

Liu Li and An Mo brought money into the group, and neither won the heroine of the show.Mi Jiawen is an ordinary person who has never acted in any drama, but won the heroine, there must be something tricky about it.

After Shi Li saw them leaving, she secretly went to find her younger brother Shi Cheng and asked him to follow Mi Jiawen, maybe she could find something and use it when the time came.

Today we are going to shoot the scene where the second prince and Xiaowan meet for the first time.

In the previous plot, when the second prince was resting in the garden, he heard two passing old mothers talking and learned that he might not be the queen's biological son.

It is said that the imperial concubine and the queen were pregnant at the same time, but later the imperial concubine gave birth prematurely and gave birth to the first prince.The emperor was ecstatic, and immediately named the noble concubine as the imperial concubine.

Although the queen was the second prince born at full term, many people rumored that she actually gave birth to a daughter.Because the imperial concubine gave birth to the first prince, if the queen gave birth to a princess, she might not be able to keep her position as queen, so she exchanged a bought baby boy for the newly born princess.

The evidence is that the queen has never laughed since the second prince was born, and she is indifferent to the life of the second prince.It wasn't until Princess An Le was born that things began to change.

As long as Princess An Le is around, the queen will always smile happily.It was rumored in the palace that the queen devoted all her love for her eldest daughter to Princess An Le.

The second prince, who had never been loved by the queen since he was a child, thought that the reason why the queen mother strictly demanded himself was to train him to be an excellent royal child.

He had never doubted his life experience, but at this moment he was shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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