Gold Assistant

Chapter 158

Chapter 158
Jiang Hao plays the second prince who is stimulated.

He was dressed in a black robe, holding a jug in one hand and a wine glass in the other, wandering in the imperial garden with drunken eyes.

The palace servants in the imperial garden all disappeared under the orders of someone.

The second prince soon came to the lake full of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

He seldom drank, and was already very drunk. He lay on the boulder by the lake and vomited into the lake.

At this time, he suddenly heard a voice, "Xiaoman, you go over there to pick, I'm here, remember to pick the ones that have just bloomed, and don't hurt these trees."

"Understood, sister Xiaowan."

The second prince raised his head and found a blue-clothed palace lady walking towards him in the distance.

The name seems to have been heard somewhere, and her voice is like a trickle, which is very comfortable to listen to.

Xiao Wan, played by Liu Li, walked to the lake, carefully picking osmanthus flowers, and suddenly heard something, she turned cautiously and walked towards the boulder.

"Ka, this period is over, Jiang Hao and Liu Li are doing well."

Liu Li laughed happily when she heard Director Fu's praise. She looked at Xue Yao and An Mo beside her, and made a small V for victory.

Xue Yao and An Mo mouthed cheers to her!

Director Fu asked the two to continue, and the reporter took the board and clicked it in front of the camera, shouting: "Start."

Seeing the second prince leaning against the big rock, Xiao Wan covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Second Highness, why are you here?"

The second prince looked at her drunkenly, "I'm not a Second Highness at all, but someone bought from outside the palace."

"What are you talking about?!" Xiaowan immediately took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth with both hands, and looked around. "Your Highness is drunk, where is your attendant? I will call someone for you."

Xiaowan was about to stand up and call for someone, but was stopped by the second prince.

When Xiaowan covered his mouth with her hand just now, it made him feel warm when he was cold, so he unknowingly relaxed his guard.

He recognized that this was the person next to his sister An Le.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?"

"Do you think the Queen Mother is indifferent to me?"

When Xiao Wan heard this question, she slightly opened her mouth in astonishment.

"Why do you think so, Your Highness?"

The second prince smiled bitterly, "Isn't this obvious? The queen mother never smiled at me, but when she was with An Le, she always laughed."

"Your Highness is drunk. The princess is going to get married after she is a woman. It is normal for the empress to be partial."

After saying this, Xiaowan looked left and right again, bent down and whispered in the second prince's ear: "The princess told Xiaowan that the empress would often turn back and leave the princess alone, and she said she cared about His Highness if."

At this time, Xiaoman's voice came from the other side, "Sister Xiaowan, I've finished picking, where are you?"

"I'm almost finished picking it, so I'll go find you, wait a minute."

Xiaowan took out a sachet from her body, and it exuded a delicate fragrance. "This is a sachet made by the princess. It can make people clear their minds. The Imperial Garden is not a place to stay forever. Your Highness should leave earlier."

"Ka, good, pass! Get ready for the next scene."

As soon as An Mo heard this, he immediately ran to Liu Li.

Shi Xiaonan carefully helped her grab the costume to avoid falling.

"Momo! Watch your step." Xue Yao, who had already walked to Liu Li's side, shouted quickly when she saw this scene.

An Mo turned around and found that Shi Xiaonan was helping her carry the costume, and turned around and said, "Xiao Nan, thank you."

Shi Xiaonan blushed and smiled.

With Shi Xiaonan's help, An Mo finally walked to Liu Li's side. She compared her thumbs up and said proudly, "Li Li, you did a great job just now! You deserve to be taught by me."

Liu Li caressed her heart, which was still pounding, "Really?! I was so nervous just now, and my palms were sweating."

She stretched out her hand to show everyone that her palms were indeed wet.

Mi Jiawen helped Jiang Hao up, walked to them and said, "Lili's Xiaowan played really well. I was only looking at Lili at the time, and even Haozi didn't notice."

An Mo lifted her chin with his hand, and said with a smile, "Oh, haven't you seen enough of your Haozi in private?"

"Momo!" Mi Jiawen blushed instantly.

Jiang Hao pulled Mi Jiawen into his arms, looked down at her, and announced domineeringly, "Isn't it because I haven't seen enough?"

There was a burst of clicks from the crowd, but they refused the dog food.

When they switched to another scene, several prop masters dragged Shi Cheng over with hurt faces.

"Let go, let go, you #¥...¥, I'm the martial arts director of the crew, don't talk about it."

Shi Cheng was full of vulgar words and kept struggling, his face was no less injured than the prop masters.

Several prop masters dragged Shi Cheng to Director Fu.

"Little Hu, what's going on?"

Xiao Hu pointed at Shi Cheng angrily, "He ate the sweet-scented osmanthus cake for the next game!"

Shi Cheng stared at Xiao Hu and yelled loudly like a rascal.

"Who told you to put it indiscriminately! There is no sign, no cover. How do I know that it is a prop that I will use later, but it is just one or two pieces of pastry, what's the big deal?"

Xiao Hu and the other prop masters raised their fists angrily, wanting to hit Shi Cheng again.

Director Fu raised his hand to stop them, he gave Shi Cheng a stern look, and asked everyone, "What's going on?"

Several prop masters looked at me, Xiao Hu stood up and told everyone what happened.

"According to screenwriter Xia's request, we ordered a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from Long Teng, and put it in the prop room after we got it.

However, when I was going to get it just now, I found that Shi Cheng had opened the crisper and ate all the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes.

After discovering this, we ask him to come and explain to you, he is not willing to beat others.He is a martial artist, and we were all wounded, and we finally dragged him over with our joint efforts. "

Xue Yao suddenly discovered that this little Hu had a good eloquence.

He emphasized that after the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was delivered, it was placed in the prop room and had a fresh-keeping box.It's not random as Shi Cheng said, without signs and covers.

It also explained that what Shi Cheng ate was a box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, not one or two pieces.

Director Fu's gaze stayed on Shi Cheng, "Is what they said true?"

Shi Cheng's eyes dodged, and he said: "I...I..."

Shi Li was notified by others and rushed to the scene immediately.

Seeing his brother surrounded by everyone, he rushed in immediately, pulled him behind him, and asked with a dry smile, "Director Fu, what's wrong? Are they bullying my brother again?"

Everyone at the scene: "..."

The two brothers and sisters are really biological, and this shameless technique must be a family gene.

"He ate the props to be used today."

Shi Li immediately turned back to her brother and asked, "Is this true?"

Shi Cheng raised his head and saw his sister winking there, signaling him to look at Director Fu, and immediately understood.

(End of this chapter)

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