Gold Assistant

Chapter 160 The Ancient Law

Chapter 160 The Ancient Law
Sun Chengfu said apologetically: "We are not good at making pastries."

"Then change today's two scenes to tomorrow's shooting, and let the stylist prepare the costumes now." Director Fu has calmed down and gave instructions.

The field manager said with a smile: "I met Shi Li just now, and she said that Shi Cheng was seriously injured, so she asked for leave and left."

Everyone looked at Shi Xiaonan who kicked Shi Cheng away, they didn't expect her strength to be so high.Everyone said in awe that they would not dare to look at this shy little girl directly in the future.

"Shi Li lied! Shi Cheng wasn't injured at all. I only used one percent of my strength just now. When he stood up, his face looked normal and nothing happened."

Shi Xiaonan was no longer shy, and immediately stood up to defend himself.

One percent strength?Everyone felt even more scared.

When Xue Yao was about to speak for Shi Xiaonan, Yang Yi stood up.

Alas, everyone is scrambling to stand out... Feeling stuffy.

"When those two people left, they ran away, and they didn't look injured at all."

No one in the crew expected that Yang Yi would stand up and speak for Shi Xiaonan first.

This is the first time he has played an important role with dialogue, and he has been cautious in his words and deeds in the past two days.

Since he and Ye Xingqing haven't been scheduled for a play yet, he and Ye Xingqing will take the initiative to help everyone. They like these two hardworking young men very much.

Everyone looked back and forth between Director Fu and Yang Yi, worried that he would offend Director Fu because of this.

Sure enough, Director Fu's face sank after hearing his words, and the air at the scene froze instantly.

But he didn't speak, instead he closed his eyes.

After a while, he said to Zhan Minghui with a tired expression: "Minghui, I will leave today's filming to you, and I will go to rest."

After saying this, he turned around and left, and Zhan Minghui immediately asked a staff member to follow.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, they could only look at Zhan Minghui helplessly.

Xue Yao took the initiative to say: "Brother Minghui, I can make the ancient osmanthus cake, but I don't know if it is suitable for this scene."

"I forgot about you, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake provided by Chef Long Teng."

Xue Yao looked at the photos on her mobile phone. It contained traditional Jiangnan-style sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and there was some innovation, that is, there was a layer of transparent paste on top of the pure white jade pastry, and the surface was dotted with golden sweet-scented osmanthus flowers.

"Well, I'm going to make something different from this one, the pastry is pink."

"Then let me ask Xia Tian."

After talking to Xia Tian, ​​Zhan Minghui smiled and said: "Xia Tian said that she mentioned to Chef Longteng that there is an osmanthus cake with lotus root powder, but they didn't agree with it, and finally chose this Jiangnan style. The kind you mentioned It's exactly what she wanted."

"Then I'll go find the materials now."

"What do you need? Longteng is closed, we moved a lot of things from the big kitchen today." Ancient method?Sun Chengfu was very curious about this, and he responded immediately.


"Yes, Missy said that Long Teng needs to decorate."

Xue Yao suddenly remembered what she saw yesterday, maybe it had something to do with Zhou Kun's arrest.

In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, Xue Yao reported the required materials one by one.

"Sugar-free lotus root starch, glutinous rice flour, sweet-scented osmanthus, milk, sugar."

"Well, there are all of these."

"Brother Minghui, I can finish it in about an hour."

"it is good."

Xue Yao asked Shi Xiaonan to take good care of Liu Li and An Mo, and then left with Sun Chengfu.On the way, she called Shi Lekang and told about the Shijia siblings.

Shi Lekang said that it would be arranged, which made Xue Yao feel relieved.

After walking to the dining car, Sun Chengfu found out all the materials.

Xue Yao took a look, the lotus root powder was fine and smooth, white and red.At first glance, it is known that it is produced in West Lake, and it was once the royal family's "tribute powder".

As expected of a premium restaurant, even the materials are so particular.

When she was about to start production, Sun Chengfu and Qiu Yuanwu were spinning around in front of the dining car.

She asked suspiciously, "Is there something wrong?"

"I... can we watch from the sidelines?"

"of course can."

It is no secret that this pastry appeared in Dream of the Red Chamber.

But Sun Chengfu and Qiu Yuanwu were very excited, and they even raised their fingers, "We swear to the lights, we will never leak this formula."

Their serious looks made Xue Yao confused.

"Haven't you heard of this practice?"

The two shook their heads together, "I've never heard of adding lotus root powder."

"Have you heard of Dream of the Red Chamber?"

"No, what is that?"

Sun Chengfu and Qiu Yuanwu felt a little confused.

Is there no such book in this world?Where did you hear of sweet-scented osmanthus cake with lotus root flour in summer?

"I just asked casually. This is not a secret recipe. You guys help me record it with your mobile phone, and it will be posted on the scarf for publicity in a few days."

"Ah, this is an ancient method that no one knows about, and it's exclusive." The two of them hated iron and steel, thinking that Xue Yao was too incapable of protecting their own interests.

Pfft, these two are so funny.

"This recipe is not complicated. Others can know how to make it once they eat it. There is no need to hide it."

"But..." The two still wanted to say something.

Xue Yao interrupted them, "No but, in fact, many traditional crafts are hidden in this way, and some masters still keep their skills, which leads to the loss of many special crafts."

Sun Chengfu and Qiu Yuanwu felt that what she said seemed reasonable, so they stopped arguing.

Qiu Yuanwu took the phone and prepared to help Xue Yao take pictures.

Xue Yao reminded him, "Only clap hands and materials, don't take pictures of people."

"it is good."

After weighing all the ingredients, Xue Yao started to make this lotus root flour osmanthus cake.

She poured lotus root starch, glutinous rice flour and a small amount of sugar into the basin and mixed them carefully.

When she was about to add sweet-scented osmanthus, Sun Chengfu suddenly took a glass bottle without a label from the upper shelf of the cabinet.

"Use this bottle."

Xue Yao took the bottle and opened it, and immediately there was a strong fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus.There is also a hint of alcohol, which is different from those sold in the market.

Good stuff!

"Where did you buy this sweet-scented osmanthus? When you order next time, can you help me order some more?"

Xue Yao wants to stock up on such good things, so that they can be used when making snacks in the future.

"Ah, I didn't buy this, it was made by Longteng's Chef Yu." Sun Chengfu said in a low voice, "This bottle was snatched out of the chaos, and he would never give it away."

Ah, it turned out to be made by the chef himself, so Xue Yao was a little disappointed that he couldn't stock up.

But she soon cheered up, she can also do it by herself, it's just a little more troublesome.

Then she didn't continue talking, poured a spoonful of sweet-scented osmanthus into the basin, and added room temperature milk to blend while stirring.

When the batter in the basin has no more grains, the texture disappears quickly after stirring.

Ask Sun Chengfu to take a chassis, rinse with a thin layer of oil, and then pour the batter into it.

Then he picked up the chassis and paused lightly on the table, waited for the surface to become smooth, then covered it with plastic wrap and steamed it in the pot.

"This one needs to be steamed for 25 minutes."

Then she made a lot of batter, but she used ordinary sweet-scented osmanthus, and put it aside after stirring.

"Time is up."

(End of this chapter)

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