Gold Assistant

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
Take out the first steamed osmanthus cake and set aside to cool.Xue Yao pointed to the batter next to her, and said to the two of them, "You guys are here to make these later, it's for the people in the crew to eat."

"it is good."

Xue Yao took out the cooled sweet-scented osmanthus cake, cut it into pieces, and painted on it with sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus.

In just a short while, small and exquisite bouquets appeared on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

The crystal bright cake body is dotted with golden osmanthus bouquets, and it is very elegant on the simple wooden plate.

Xue Yao looked at the finished product with satisfaction, took back her mobile phone, and watched the video just shot, the effect was good.

Afterwards, she took several photos of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"I'll go to Assistant Director Zhan, and I'll trouble you for the rest."

Picking up the wooden tray, Xue Yao walked to the shooting scene.

When she arrived, Jiang Hao's filming didn't go very well, probably due to a temporary change of the shooting scene, and she NGed several times.

"Haozi, don't be nervous, you can do it." Mi Jiawen comforted Jiang Hao from the side.

Jiang Hao smiled wryly, he had already tried his best to show that he lingers on the delicious food.But Assistant Director Zhan's side was not good, but An Mo's performance was very good, which made him even more nervous.

When Xue Yao walked over with the wooden tray, the fragrance of flowers in the air made everyone stop their movements and look at her.

Xue Yao, who was aware of this situation, said to Zhan Minghui: "Brother Minghui, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is already ready, why not shoot according to the arranged scene."

Zhan Minghui saw the salivation of the crowd, he probably didn't hurry up to take pictures, or they would rush up to grab the food.

"Okay, everyone pay attention to change to the second scene."

Xue Yao put the wooden dish on the stone table in the garden, and someone always came over to take a look and take a breath of the fragrance.

She had no choice but to say in advance: "Everyone, don't worry, there is an after-dinner snack today, which is this lotus root starch osmanthus cake, you can eat it."

After the people in the crew heard it, they all responded excitedly: "Okay, everyone will try not to make mistakes, and the meal can be served as soon as the end is over."

After Jiang Hao heard it, his scalp felt numb and his pressure doubled.

Mi Jiawen tugged at Jiang Hao's clothes, her eyes sparkled, and she looked at him expectantly, "Haozi, that lotus root powder osmanthus cake looks delicious!"

"Well, it will be eaten soon."

Jiang Hao's eyes were full of Mi Jiawen's cute appearance, and the pressure on his body immediately turned into motivation.He decided to pass one by one, and end the filming early so that Mi Jiawen could eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake earlier.

"Everyone is ready, the 202nd game, start."

The second prince walked into the garden a little dejectedly, and he saw An Le who was embroidering flowers in the sun.

"Second brother, you are here, sit down quickly."

An Le smiled happily and asked the second prince to sit opposite.

"Huh? Second brother didn't sleep last night, okay? You look so haggard."

The second prince felt a bit bitter. Could he still be able to sleep after hearing such news? But he didn't want An Le to be troubled, so he said, "Yes, there is no sleep in summer."

"Second brother came just in time. Today Xiao Wan said that he would make a special pastry. He said that it is made of lotus root powder, which can calm the nerves and help sleep. It is the most suitable sleeping food for this season."

An Le pulled the palace servants aside, and said with a sweet smile, "You tell Xiao Wan to bring out the cakes quickly, and you tell her that there are already guests. Although the second brother won't mind, you can't neglect it."

The palace man held back a smile and said, "Yes."

After speaking, he left quickly.

Seeing such lovely An Le, the second prince sincerely hoped that the news was false, he didn't want to lose such a good sister.

At this time, a clear laughter came from a distance, and there was a soothing power in the voice.

The second prince raised his head subconsciously and looked over, a figure in blue clothes appeared in front of his eyes, and then a scent of flowers filled the air.

An Le couldn't hold back when she heard the voice, she kept stretching her neck to look out.

I saw Xiao Wan walking over with a simple wooden plate, and pieces of pink osmanthus cakes were neatly stacked on the plate.

"Wow, Xiao Wan, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so beautiful, I am a little reluctant to eat it, does it have any special name?"

An Le stared blankly at the pastries on the plate, struggling.

The second prince looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate, and also showed a surprised expression.

As the children of the royal family, they also ate a lot of delicate cakes, but the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was already fragrant just by smelling it.The pattern embellished with sweet-scented osmanthus is so elegant.

"This is lotus root flour sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Xiao Wan stood aside, seeing An Le's entanglement, she smiled softly.

"I haven't eaten it yet, just hearing the name has a sweet taste."

"Then you can try it quickly. If you like it, Xiaowan will make it often in the future."

An Le looked at Xiao Wan happily, "Really? You don't lie to me."

"Well, as long as His Highness doesn't worry that the green feather won't fit, Xiao Wan can make it for His Highness every day."

"I knew you were going to say that, hehe." An Le pouted and glared at Xiao Wan. "Second brother, try it quickly, if it tastes good, send it to the queen mother."

"it is good."

The second prince picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully.As soon as you enter it, you can feel its softness and delicateness.The sweetness of lotus root powder, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus and the mellowness of milk blend together.

Both of them closed their eyes and savored the aftertaste. The overlapping deliciousness, sweetness and coolness, dissipated the heat.

They ignored the royal etiquette, and then extended their chopsticks to the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate.

When there was only the last piece of pastry left on the plate, the two of them stretched out their chopsticks at the same time.

The second prince was a little embarrassed, he actually robbed his sister for something to eat.He blushed, pushed the plate towards Anle, and reluctantly said, "Anle, eat."

An Le looked at the piece of pastry on the plate, covered her eyes with her hands, "Second brother eat it, Xiaowan can make it for me in the future."

Seeing her cute movements, the second prince laughed heartily. He used his chopsticks to cut the pastry lightly and divided it into two halves.

"Second brother, have you finished eating?" An Le was still covering her eyes with her hands, her tone full of reluctance.

"Put your hands down."

An Le didn't let go immediately, but looked out from the space between her fingers.

"Huh?" When she found the pastry divided into two pieces, she immediately put down her hand and asked, "Second brother, did you divide this?"

"Yes, we are half of us, eat quickly, or the second brother may not be able to resist eating them all."

"Well, well, eat quickly."

The two ate the last piece of pastry, and they felt that it was softer and more delicious than the one they ate just now.They looked at each other with a smile, maybe this is the same taste

Xiaowan made a bowl of sour plum soup chilled with well water for the two of them, letting them neutralize the sweetness in their mouths
An Le waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's not greasy at all. I want to make this taste last longer."

"Ka, very good, pass this one."

(End of this chapter)

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