Gold Assistant

Chapter 168 Hallucinogenic Talisman

Chapter 168 Hallucinogenic Talisman

The people outside the door did not continue talking, and 602's bow and arrow also stopped.

Seeing that there was no movement from both sides, Xue Yao squatted down to think of a way.

Most of the various talismans in her hand are auxiliary ones, none of which can directly attack people.

She looked into the small space, and there were the most unlucky talismans, acceleration talismans, and powerful talismans. It would be fine if the unlucky talismans in that box were attacking talismans.

Generally, the production of attack talismans requires higher materials, and the materials in her hand were not suitable. Suddenly, a method flashed in her mind.

Taking out the spirit beast's blood from the small space, as well as the high-quality rice paper delivered with the jade bottle, she endured the bloody smell and took a mouthful of the spirit beast's blood, preparing to draw amulets.

The situation is tense now, and there is no time to bathe and change clothes, so she can only rely on luck, so she used three lucky charms for herself.

Although there were not many lucky charms left, she didn't feel a pity this time.

Ah Er in 602, wearing a mask prepared in advance, calmly pays attention to the situation outside the door.

When the enemy destroyed the monitoring, the alarm system issued a warning, and Chen Ting immediately contacted Chang Yuande.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the attack of the dark night would be such a big scene.

Soon the people outside the door started talking again.

"Vincent, the police have arrived downstairs and must be resolved quickly."

The man called Vincent did not speak.

He raised his hand and made a few gestures. Those people nodded, and they all crawled forward on the ground. They slowly entered 602, which was still surrounded by smoke.

It's just that when they climbed into the hall, several more bows and arrows shot at their bodies, and bursts of muffled humming came from the bottom of the smoke.

Vincent frowned. Could it be that there are experts in it.

Thinking of Chang Yuande's visit yesterday, could it be that he reserved some people?It's just that they investigated before they came, and there was no transfer of the Special Task Force.

Vincent also found out that Chang Yuande had prepared a protection house for Chen Ting. If he was picked up, it would be difficult to kill him in the future.

That's why Vincent hastily brought newcomers to the field under the shortage of manpower, and chose today to implement the plan.

The previous operations all went very well, sneaking into the apartment building from the parking lot, breaking the surveillance so as not to leave a trace, etc.

But what I didn't expect was that these rookies were so good when they really attacked.

Just when Vincent decided to play in person, the door of 601 behind him quietly opened a crack.

A small hand as white as jade threw a talisman out, then quickly retracted it, and closed the door gently.

Xue Yao looked at the scene outside the cat's eyes with a pale face, and unconsciously clenched her fists.

She heard what they said just now, the police have arrived, just delay a little time.

Although the hallucinogenic talisman was successful, it was only effective for 5 seconds due to material limitations.

But as long as the leader Vincent is knocked down, the other people who have been injured by the arrow will not be a threat.

The male god is really powerful. He used bows and arrows to deal with heavy guns and won!
In an instant, both Vincent and the people on the ground entered a psychedelic world, and they all froze in place.

Chen Ting, who had been observing the outside with his spiritual sense, frowned slightly when he saw the opened door of 601 and that little hand.

He had already reminded Xiaoyao not to interfere in this matter, but now she still made a move.

It seems that his own strength is not enough, which makes Xiaoyao worry, he must change in the future after meditating in his heart.

Chen Ting found that the police officers were already rushing here, so he immediately said to Ah Er: "Ah Er, spray out the ether."

Since the last time they realized that the explosion was not an accident, they had prepared these things in advance.

Thinking that if there are more enemies, it can still come in handy, and now it is just used to cover up Xiaoyao's hallucinogenic talisman.

Soon, the Special Task Force members in full gear came to the 6th floor.

They moved forward cautiously. Before coming, everyone was notified that the prisoner might be the world-renowned top killer organization Dark Night.

But when they approached 602 and saw the person tied up by Ah Er with a rope, they were all stunned with surprise.

Especially when Ah Er's body is just ordinary clothes, while the bound person is fully armed, it creates a strong visual contrast.

They were all thinking in their hearts, where did this master come from? !
Jian Le'an looked at Ah Er. He knew that Chen Ting had bodyguards arranged by his father before, but because of his busy work, he was not as familiar with him as Shi Lekang.

I really didn't expect his bodyguard to be so strong.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Ah Er knew that they had misunderstood.

"We used ether and didn't fight directly."

The Special Task Force didn't believe it. There were obvious bullet marks at the scene of 602, and those people had gas masks on their faces. Who are you kidding?

Ah Er also knew that this incident could not be explained, even he himself was a little confused at the time, why did those people suddenly stop moving?
But the young master said so, he can only do so.

"Head, these people have arrow wounds on their bodies, and it is estimated that the wounds need to be bandaged first."

"Okay, call the ambulance."

Chen Ting came out pushing the wheelchair, holding a compound bow in his hand, and Xiao Bai followed behind with a calm expression.

Everyone showed surprised expressions. The injuries of those people could not be caused by the bow in his hand, right?

The killers' injuries looked serious. Although they avoided the vital points, they could still make people unable to move for a while. They all thought it was the bodyguard who shot them.

And that child, why is he so calm, he didn't cry, and even his expression didn't change!

The people in this room are too abnormal, they don't look like hostages at all!

Xiaobai walked up to Chen Ting, frowned and asked, "Sister?"

"She's fine."

Xiaobai didn't believe it, and ran to 601 to knock on the door through the crowd, but he couldn't reach it because the doorbell was too high.

"Sister, sister, it's all right."

After Xue Yao finished throwing the talisman, she leaned against the door in a state of exhaustion, not paying attention to the situation outside the door.

She is quite confident in the hallucinogenic talisman, and the person wearing the talisman will not be affected. Ah Er will definitely grasp this opportunity.

Hearing Xiaobai's voice at this time, she reluctantly stood up and opened the door.

Her face was pale, and she touched Xiao Bai's head with her hands, but she seemed to be trembling because she didn't have much strength.

Everyone in the Special Task Force thought she was afraid, and said in their hearts: This is a normal person, and everyone on the 602 side is abnormal.

"Xiaobai, why are you here?" Xue Yao asked softly, he should have stayed at Saint Laurent today.

"It's something." Xiaobai said sullenly.

Last night Chen Ting told him that he wanted to change his place of study, but if he changed it, he would not be able to see his sister, so he came here early in the morning and asked not to change.

After Xiaobai finished speaking, she rushed over and hugged Xue Yao as usual, but she was so weak that she almost fell down because she couldn't stand still.

"Hmm!" She snorted, hit her back against the door panel and slowly slid down, sitting on the ground.

Xiaobai squatted beside her nervously, patting her body with his small hands, "Sister, what's wrong? Woooooo..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just scared, and my feet are a little soft."

The moment Chen Ting fell, he pushed the wheelchair away and wanted to run over, but he couldn't stand up at all, and fell back into the wheelchair again.

(End of this chapter)

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