Gold Assistant

Chapter 169 Crying

Chapter 169 Crying

Ah Er immediately walked to Chen Ting's side.

Xue Yao was blocked by Xiao Bai just now, and she didn't see what was going on with Chen Ting. When she heard this exclamation, she immediately looked over with concern.

"It's okay." Chen Ting replied with a livid face, the one stop just now made him hurt even more.

Ah Er discovered the problem, and immediately took Chen Ting back to the room for inspection.

Jian Le'an asked the team members to bring all the killers back to the bureau, and then walked to Chen Ting's room. He was also a little worried.

Xue Yao refused the help of the members of the Special Task Force, and helped Xiaobai stand up after a short rest.

"Xiaobai, let's go see Brother Ting."


Xiaobai helped Xue Yao walk over slowly, and leaned against the door.

Chen Ting was lying on the bed with a shocking scar on his back.

The moment she saw this scene, Xue Yao's heart ached, she immediately covered her mouth with both hands, not letting herself cry out, and tried her best to hold back the tears that were about to flow from her eyes.

Xue Yao knew that Chen Ting was unable to stand up because of his injuries.She always wanted to use food supplements and talismans to restore him as soon as possible, but it was a long process.

When she saw Chen Ting's injury with her own eyes, it was as if a switch in her mind was turned on, and pain quickly filled her whole heart.

She turned around and ran to the hall, sat on the ground with a mournful expression, weeping uncontrollably.

Xiao Bai followed with a box of tissues, and took out one after another to help her wipe her face.

After taking all the killers away, the members of the Special Task Force waited for Jian Le'an's next instruction.

Seeing Xue Yao crying, they didn't speak, and they didn't dare to go forward to comfort her.

Because they are single and don't know this skill.

The girl cried so sadly, is she afraid?

There was no other sound in the room, except for the sobbing of the girl.

Chen Ting lay on the bed, frowning deeply.

Except at the beginning, in order to confirm his identity, he would appear in front of Xiaoyao, the rest of the time, he has been deliberately avoiding it.

The reason is that I don't want to bring up her sadness, and I don't want her to recall the pain of that life.

Every time she ran over to hug him and cry when she was unconscious, he would feel a broken heart.

In this life, he only hopes that Xiaoyao can live happily.

When Saint Laurent confirmed her identity, apart from being pleasantly surprised, he struggled in pain in his heart.

His physical condition was so bad that he rationally reminded him to stay away from her, but he couldn't hold back his longing for her.

We can't be together, but it's good to be in the same place every day and breathe the same air.

Later, he found that the food she made had the effect of regulating the body. Although the effect was very mild, it gave him hope of recovery again.

Maybe they can go on together in this life.

One day when he accidentally heard Liu Li calling his brother-in-law, when Xiao Yao didn't deny it, his heart was both sweet and bitter.

In order to divert her attention, he shouted: "Xiao Yao, I'm a little hungry, can you help me make something to eat?"

"Okay." Xue Yao stopped her tears, and felt better after crying.

What she has to do now is not to cry, but to help Brother Ting recover as soon as possible.

I can't draw the magic talisman for the time being, but she can still make some food with aura.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Special Task Force sighed that the actor's method of keeping his sister from crying is really special.

How about learning it?Write it down in a small notebook.

After Ah Er helped Chen Ting check his body, Jian Le'an pulled him out.

"What happened to Ah Ting's body?"

Xue Yao stood up from the ground, her eyes were red, and she looked at Ah Er expectantly.

"The young master pulled the wound that is healing, and he can't move recently."

Jian Le'an nodded. An Ye suffered such a big somersault today, so she probably won't come again.

However, to be cautious, he still called to arrange staff.

Suddenly there was another gunshot downstairs, Jian Le'an immediately asked his subordinates to keep an eye on the place, and rushed out to check it out by himself.

After a while, he came back.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Jian Le'an said to them annoyedly, "Someone has escaped, we need to strengthen our defenses, and we must leave here when Ah Ting is better."

Xue Yao took Xiaobai back to the opposite side, ready to make something for Chen Ting to eat.

Because there were bullets everywhere in the room, the Special Forces people helped to collect them, and they found two metal plates.

The metal plate is not thick, not even a finger thick.Its surface is full of dents, which are caused by bullets, and none of them are pierced.

The members of the special task force looked at the metal plate fondly.

"Captain, this hardness is top-notch, it can't even penetrate the bullet specially made by An Ye."

"This is a super alloy developed by Ah Ting Company. It has been handed over to the Ministry of National Defense, and everyone will be able to use it soon."

Jian Le'an noticed that the team members looked like they wanted to move the metal plate away, and immediately explained.

Xue Yao returned to 601, pretended to take out a handful of grapefruit leaves in the kitchen, and asked Xiao Bai to take a bath.

Although he wasn't very dirty, Xue Yao always felt that he wanted to wash away the bad luck.

While Xiaobai was taking a shower, she closed the kitchen door, and took out the vindictive chicken that was put in this morning from the large space.

This vindictive chicken has shrunk a circle from before it was put in. Now it is only the size of a person, and it won't take up too much space in the kitchen.

She chopped off the fighting spirit chicken's wings with a superalloy bone cutter, but she didn't expect that there was still spirit beast blood left.

Immediately put it in a large porcelain basin, but only half of it was filled.

This spirit animal blood is very good for the human body, but she was also worried that it would make Chen Tingxu unhealthy, so she finally thought of a way.

She sliced ​​off all the meat from the chicken wings and set it aside for later use. The amount of meat was more than a normal chicken.

It stayed in the large space for a while, and the skin and flesh were naturally separated, saving Xue Yao the time of plucking.

Take out the previously made high soup cubes, add water and cook a large pot of soup.Then cut the chicken blood that has been solidified with salt, cut it into pieces and put it in the soup for a while before picking it up.

In this way, a part of the spiritual energy of the spirit beast's blood will be left in the soup without being too aggressive. She seems to have used this method in her memory.

Then she boiled the paper-thin pieces of chicken in the soup for a while, and then took out the meat.

Put the soup and the washed rice into the casserole and slowly boil it into porridge.

Although Chen Ting said he was hungry, she asked Xiao Bai just now that they had breakfast before those killers came.

She understood instantly that Chen Ting deliberately said that he was hungry in order to divert her attention.

I tried the chicken cooked in the soup. The meat is very delicate and delicious, and it doesn't burn at all.

After eating, there will be a slight warmth in the body, which feels very comfortable, but the spiritual energy inside is only a little bit, and it will not harm the human body.

At this time, Xiaobai knocked on the kitchen door to look for her after taking a shower.

"Sister, sister."

He wanted to stick to his sister while Mr. Big Vinegar Bucket couldn't get out of bed.

Otherwise, when he went to other places with the teacher, it would take a long time to see his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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