Gold Assistant

Chapter 170

Chapter 170
Liu Li and An Mo came to the film crew. Today's filming is mainly about the male lead. They appear as the background and there are not many scenes.

However, the two of them are still preparing seriously. Since Xue Yao is not around, the makeup artist in the crew will help.

The makeup is not as exquisite as Xue Yaohua, so it can only be considered passable.

The matter of makeup made them discover the problem.

Although Xue Yao would usually accompany them, if the two of them took on different scenes in the future, then Xue Yao would be at a loss.

An Mo is used to letting Xue Yao put on makeup. After she puts on makeup, her face will be refreshed and not sticky, and her makeup won't smudge after a long time.

It feels just right, especially after removing makeup without feeling uncomfortable on the skin.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "I want to learn makeup from my sister (Sister Yao)."

After speaking, they laughed together and hugged each other. Shi Xiaonan immediately took out his mobile phone to take a picture of this scene.

Xue Yao told her that when she encounters some interesting things, she should take pictures in time for future publicity.

After the two of them finished their hairstyles, Shi Li appeared with a straight face, turned around and left immediately after putting down the costumes, without even giving the most basic explanation.

Although they are only serving as the background today, we still need to make it clear about the styling.

For such an unprofessional person, they can only sigh, and hope that Shi Lekang can find someone to replace Shi Li as soon as possible.

When they were about to change costumes, Shi Xiaonan stopped them and took out two magnets from his bag.

"Ah, Xiao Nan, you really need to check with a magnet."

Shi Xiaonan said very seriously: "Of course we need to investigate!"

Liu Li and An Mo had no choice but to step aside and wait.

After 10 minutes, Shi Xiaonan finished the inspection, but did not find any iron needles.

"Can we wear it?"


When the two changed their costumes, they always felt that the clothes were weird.

Liu Li is a court lady, but today's clothes seem a bit too gorgeous, while An Mo seems too plain for a princess.

After the two stood together, the whole aura became even more strange.

Liu Li looked at the two people in the mirror, "Did we take the wrong clothes?"

"I think so too." An Mo nodded.

"That's how Shi Li sent it here. Could it be her fault? I'll go find her."

As soon as Shi Xiaonan finished speaking, she rushed out to find someone, but was told that she had already left early because of something.She had no choice but to ask a clothing assistant to come over, but the other party said that there was no problem with the matching of the two sets of clothing.

Helpless, Liu Li had no choice but to call Xue Yao to ask her opinion, but the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.She said worriedly, "my sister didn't answer the phone, is there something wrong?"

An Mo comforted her and said, "Brother Ting lives across the street. She will be fine. I guess she is busy making delicious food, so she didn't hear it. I think someone can help, so I'll ask."

Anyway, it will be a long time before they show up, and there is still more time.She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the fans who always gave her costumes before.

This is an iron fan who has always supported her. After so many years, the relationship between the two has developed into a friend.

"Sasha, are you free now?"

The other party immediately replied, "Ah, I'm free, I'm free."

"Is it convenient for you to start the video? I have something to ask you."

Min Shasha looked at the people around her. They were all nervously waiting for the interview results, but no one paid her any attention.

"I can just wear headphones."

So An Mo made a video call with her and talked about today's two outfits.

"Stand up and look around."

Shi Xiaonan held the phone, Liu Li and An Mo turned around twice in front of the camera, and then they stood together for Min Shasha to see the effect.

Min Shasha looked at the phone screen and soon discovered the problem.

"I know what's wrong, the blue emerald feather hair ornament on Lili's head can only be worn by people of class.

There is a plot in Xia Dada's novel, a palace official wears this hair ornament and is arrested, according to the content of the book, the person who can wear it should be Princess Anle.

And the belts on your bodies, exchange them and see if they look better. "

An Mo immediately changed the belt with Liu Li, and inserted the Cuiyu hair ornament on An Mo's head.

"How about it?"

"Well, that's much better."

Liu Li and An Mo also felt much more pleasing to the eye when they looked at the mirror.

An Mo immediately took the phone, "Thank you, Sasha!"

"It's okay, it's okay, but shouldn't the crew's stylist be responsible for Momo's costumes?"

"The stylist dropped the clothes and ran away."

At this time, Min Shasha began to announce the results of the interview. When she heard that she was not on the list, she lowered her head in disappointment.

She knew some of those names just now, but their grades are not very good, but the other party has shown off that she has a sister who knows the person in charge.

Alas, related households.

"Did Sasha announce the results of the interview just now? Are you looking for a job? Aren't you just a junior?"

While packing her things, Min Shasha said to An Mo, "Well, it's the result of the interview. I'm coming out for an internship now, but the company I contacted before suddenly changed, so I had to look for it again."

After hearing what she said, An Mo had an idea and immediately asked, "Sasha, what kind of job are you looking for as an intern?"

"It's a clothing assistant." Then Min Shasha laughed at herself, "Oh, no one even accepts free assistants these days."

An Mo narrowed his eyes and smiled, looking a little cunning.

"Then why don't you come to our crew and try it out? Although it's a costume drama, you can learn a lot. The salary may not be too much, but we take care of the food. It's made by the future chef of Longteng. It's delicious. .”

Min Shasha was very moved when she heard it, but she still asked about it considering the need to issue a certificate for the internship.

"Can the crew help you to issue an internship certificate? This is what you need when you graduate from school."

An Mo knew this, and the netizen who helped edit it also had the same request.She immediately patted her heart and said, "There's no problem with this, don't worry."

"Where is the crew? Can I go and have a look today?" Min Shasha became more excited as she thought about it.

In fact, her major and interest are ancient culture, otherwise she wouldn't have sent so many ancient costumes to An Mo.

But now stylists mainly help stars or celebrities do styling, and there are relatively few costume dramas in dramas. To be on the safe side, those crews will find familiar stylists, and generally rarely find outsiders.

"Of course. I'll send you the address. Let me know when you arrive. I'll have someone bring you here."


After hanging up the phone, An Mo dragged Liu Li to find Director Fu. She had to make a small report about what Shi Li had done.

"I really don't understand, what's the benefit of her doing this? If she matches the wrong look, won't she be scolded?"

An Mo snorted twice angrily, and said, "She did it on purpose, and she will definitely continue to mess up the clothes for us to wear like today in the future. I have already figured out the routine."

"What trick?"

Liu Li was very curious. These were the experiences Momo had learned in the film crew since she was a child. She felt that it was great that she got to know Momo.

(End of this chapter)

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