Gold Assistant

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
Xue Yao and Chen Ting stayed in the room quietly, neither of them spoke.

One of them feeds porridge and the other drinks porridge, enjoying the tranquility.

After finishing the porridge, Chen Ting felt a gentle spiritual force repairing his body.

He immediately recited the Dharma silently, guiding the spiritual power to concentrate on the back.

Xue Yao stared blankly at Chen Ting with her eyes closed and rested, a familiar feeling welled up in her heart.

She has experienced such a scene!But she couldn't remember the details and who the specific person was.

Following her instinct, Xue Yao took out the Xun from the small space and played a song "The Rhythm of Water".

This piece of music has a healing effect, but she has no spiritual power now, so she can only comfort her.

The team members outside the room, who were a little irritable due to the smell of food, calmed down after listening to this song, and at the same time felt that their bodies relaxed a lot.

The wounds he had suffered in the past actions seemed to be healed and no longer hurt.

They looked at each other, and they all tacitly made a secret movement, listening to the music quietly.

After Chen Ting silently recited the mantra, the spiritual power began to run automatically. Because the spiritual power was too weak, the effect was not very satisfactory.

But today's strain is much better.

He closed his eyes and listened to Xue Yao's playing, his consciousness drifted out of the room, just in time to see the players' movements.

Chen Ting skipped them in satisfaction, he didn't mind letting the Special Forces know Xiaoyao's abilities.When her ability is exposed, they will pay more attention to it, and they will pay more attention to protecting her.

Although according to the number of amulets in Xiaoyao's box, she may not need much external protection.

After Xue Yao finished playing "The Rhythm of Water", she opened her eyes and saw Chen Ting staring at her, and a blush immediately climbed up her little face.

"Are you used to living here?"

In fact, what he wants to ask more is, is she used to it in this world?

"Well, the environment here is very good, and the surrounding facilities are also very comprehensive, so it is very suitable for living."

Today was the first time she and Chen Ting spoke formally, her heart was beating a little fast, she was so excited!

"Then are you... happy in this ordinary place?"

There is no magic, no spiritual power, no supernatural powers, etc. in this world, it is just an ordinary small world.

He who has passed through many worlds soon feels that this world is too ordinary.I don't know how she felt about this world when she was a child who liked to take risks everywhere.

Xue Yao looked at him a little strangely, not understanding why he asked such a question?
"It's good to be ordinary. You don't have to worry about walking on the street and someone falling from it, or when you're eating, a monster emerges from a bowl.

There is also no need to worry about not completing the task, being punished and deducting points. "

Speaking of this, Xue Yao immediately covered her mouth with her hands, how could she tell what she had encountered in Kuaichuan.She glanced at Chen Ting carefully from the corner of her eyes, and found that he didn't pay attention to the content of these words.

She immediately added: "Ah, those are all my guesses, it's written like this in novels."

Chen Ting echoed with a smile, "That's right, it's written like this in novels."

Now Xiaoyao said it simply, but when he thought of what happened to her when she traveled through time, he felt a little distressed.

When he was about to say something more, Shi Lekang ran in.

Shi Lekang glanced at the empty casserole, then smiled and said to her: "Xiao Yaoer, you have finished feeding Ah Ting, do you have time to make me something to eat now?
In order to rush over as soon as possible, I didn't even eat breakfast. "

The pink bubbles in the room were all punctured by Shi Lekang, Xue Yao also wanted to escape from the accidental revealing thing just now, so she immediately packed her things and went back.

"I'll cook some noodles for you later."

After speaking, he left 602 as if fleeing.

Seeing her disappearing back quickly, Shi Lekang looked back at Chen Ting.

"Ah Ting, what did you do to Xiao Yao'er just now? Let me tell you, you shouldn't be too hasty in chasing girls, you have to take your time. Would you like me to pass on some tricks to you?"

Chen Ting squinted at him lightly, and asked jokingly, "Have you ever had a girlfriend? A virgin."

Shi Lekang was about to talk eloquently, and immediately pointed at him when he heard this, ""

At this time, Jian Le'an came back after arranging all the security matters.

Hearing that Shi Lekang was coming, he pushed open the door, just in time to see him pointing at Chen Ting.

Seeing a savior, Shi Lekang said excitedly, "Brother An, Ah Ting has changed, he has gone bad!"

"Huh?" Jian Le'an was a little confused.

"A Ting just made fun of me for being a virgin."

Jian Le'an frowned and thought about it for a while, and asked calmly: "Oh, isn't it? When did you leave the boy boy? Why don't we know? What kind of person is the other party?"

Shi Lekang didn't expect him to say that, and stared at him blankly.

Jian Le'an continued to insert the knife, "Actually, you don't need to worry, our family generally gets married late, you see, Brother Tai and Sister Yi have only recently reunited.

Ah, and you can't go to those bars to mess around again in order to get rid of the virgin body, isn't the lesson from being almost kidnapped last time not enough?
If you really go, you must take safety measures, don't make an illegitimate child or something, just like Chen Li, our family will not admit it. "


Shi Lekang looked at him with a look of lovelessness, this is his brother, this is the knife inserted by his own hand, can he say no?

Chen Ting grabbed the pillow and grinned.

Hearing this laugh, Shi Lekang came to his senses, there was someone other than his blood!He ran away immediately, and while rushing out, he shouted: "I was hurt by you, I want to heal my wounds with the delicious food made by Xiao Yaoer, hum!"

After he ran to 601, Chen Ting raised his head and looked at Jian Le'an, "Brother An sent him away, did you want to say something to me?"

Jian Le'an pulled the chair and sat down, and smiled. People who can guess everything are really annoying.

"When I came back, I heard from the team members that the little girl opposite just now played a piece of music."

Chen Ting did not answer, and waited quietly.

Jian Le'an had no choice but to continue: "They all said that after listening to it, their physical injuries seemed to heal by half. Why is the little girl's song so magical?"

"More than half of these words are too exaggerated. At most, they can relieve their spirits and let them relax."


"After an injury, especially a serious injury, many people will subconsciously remind themselves of this, resulting in long-term muscle tension in that place.

Even though he recovered later, the subconscious in the spirit still did not remove this reminder, so he still felt pain from time to time. "

It was the first time for Jian Le'an to hear this theory, but it really made sense.He had seen a person with a leg injury before, and the physical injury had healed, but the person couldn't stand up no matter what.

"The song played by the little girl, can you cancel this reminder?"

(End of this chapter)

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