Gold Assistant

Chapter 176 The Scary Attention Ceremony

Chapter 176 The Scary Attention Ceremony

Chen Ting said lazily: "Actually, it's not possible, but it has a soothing effect. Listen to it a few times, and let the psychiatrist guide you."

If it is combined with Xiaoyao's diet, it will be faster.

But he won't say anything about it. Letting Xiaoyao play music for them is already the limit, how can he let Xiaoyao be their cook.

It may be that repairing the body consumed too much energy, Chen Ting closed his eyes a little drowsily.

Seeing his appearance, Jian Le'an immediately said: "You are tired today too, take a good rest and leave the safety to us."

"Thank you Ange."

After exiting and closing the door, Jian Le'an saw the compound bow in the hall.

Say no!He didn't finish what he wanted to ask.

He still had many questions in his mind, such as where did Chen Ting learn his bow and arrow skills?Or how they charmed each other with ether while the other had a gas mask on?
When he reported these problems to Uncle Chang, Uncle Chang said that if he couldn't get an answer from Chen Ting, he should not pursue it and let them pass like this.

Did Ah Ting really get involved with the Tang family?
Although he had heard stories about the Tang family since he was a child, he didn't believe it.

For example, the destruction of the Supernatural Research Institute 15 years ago was definitely not done by the Tang family.He had found a special file in the special task force, which recorded this incident.

Shi Lekang held a bowl of noodles and ate it with a snort. Because it was so delicious, he didn't say a word.

Finally finished the soup in the bowl, put the bowl down, and said with emotion: "Xiao Yao'er's cooking skills are really getting better and better."

"As long as Brother Kang likes it."

Xue Yao put the other divided noodles into the wooden tray, ready to serve to the opposite side.

"Where are you going?"

"Give it to the big brothers on the opposite side, they have been busy all morning."

The team members who were still trying to inhale the aroma and imagined that they were eating noodles immediately sent someone over.

"You are polite, these are too heavy, we will carry them by ourselves, by ourselves."

"it is good."

At this time, Xiaobai wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and walked out in a daze.

"Sister, I'm hungry."

Seeing him, Shi Lekang said with a smile: "Xiaobai, you slept under the bed, why is your face so dirty? You've turned into a disfigured cat."

Xiaobai woke up immediately, ran to the bathroom to have a look, screamed, and slammed the door forcefully, the sound of water from inside indicated that he should be taking a bath.

It seems that Xiaobai also excreted the impurities in his body, which will be very beneficial to him in the future. I wonder if he can let the male god try it?
Xue Yao imagined that the male god also expelled the impurities and then went to take a bath.Thin waist, long legs, ah, that picture is too embarrassing!

She picked up her mobile phone and swiped her scarf to cover herself.

But it really hasn't been taken care of much recently. In the scarf of the last article, everyone is leaving a message asking where Lili has gone.

She immediately sent a message using her own number.

My Goddess is Awesome V: [Besides filming, do it yourself.This is what Momo did. (Crispy Langgan photo) (Moli cooperation photo)]

[Ahhhhh, what did I wait for, it turned out to be my daily photo of Moli.Beautiful! ]
[Is this the crisp Langan in the novel?It looks so beautiful. ]
[It’s actually lettuce. ]
[Will the upstairs do it? ]
[Miss assistant, is there a tutorial? ]
[Seek tutorial. +1]
[Bronze Ball. ]

I didn't expect everyone's response to be so fast. In just a while, another N floor was built.

After taking a shower, Xiaobai poked his head out, "Sister, I didn't bring any clothes."

"Okay, wait a minute." Xue Yao put down her phone and went to 602 to get her clothes.

After entering, they were watched enthusiastically by the members of the Special Task Force.

Although she accompanied Her Majesty on the military parade and was watched by others, those people's attention was on the Queen.

Being stared at by a group of burly men at close range, no matter who it is, it will panic.

Xue Yao walked quickly to Jian Le'an, and asked softly, "Brother An, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's just that the noodles you made are so delicious, they are so excited and show their respect to you."


Can such respect be avoided? She regretted cooking noodles for them. "'re welcome, you are here to protect everyone, which is what you should do."

After finishing speaking, she immediately walked into Xiaobai's room and found two sets of clothes.

After they came out, they still looked at her brightly.

"I... I'll just grab some clothes, let's go, goodbye."

Xue Yao didn't know that after they finished eating the bowl of noodles, everyone felt a warm force, and their bodies felt much more comfortable.

The effect is even more miraculous than qigong treatment.

After Shi Li left the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle", she went to "Court Chronicle".

Just in time to see Qin Yi walking out of the crew, she immediately chased after her, "Miss Qin."

Seeing her, Qin Yi immediately frowned, and the look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Why did you come here? It's not good to be seen." She cautiously looked around, but fortunately, there was no one there.

"Now this time is the busiest time in the crew, no one will hang out outside."

hang out?Qin Yi glanced at Shi Li, meaning that she is also one of the idlers?Hmph, the mud that can't even speak.

"Let's go out and talk." Qin Yi thought for a while, and then said: "Let's go separately, I'll wait for you in the parking lot, and you will follow after three minutes."

"it is good."

Shi Li answered obediently on her face, but said in her heart: Hypocritical.

After Qin Yi left, Shi Li looked at the time on her phone and waited for 3 minutes before heading to the parking lot.

When she arrived, Qin Yi said impatiently, "Why are you so slow and inefficient."

Shi Li's face froze for a moment, "You said just now that you would follow up in three minutes."

"Let you follow up in 3 minutes, you won't speed up behind."

"Will pay attention next time."

When the two got into the car, they didn't realize that someone in the distance had taken their photo.

"I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest, so this photo should be given to Mr. Shi as a gift."

Qin Yi in the car rolled up the windows and asked coldly, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

Shi Li said flatteringly, "I've already figured out a solution to what you told me yesterday."

She explained in detail about the matching of clothes and how to operate in the future.

The most amazing thing was that what she said was almost the same as An Mo's guess.

The difference is that Shi Li wants to wait until the show is over before revealing it.

"Why did it have to be exposed after the broadcast? It should have been exposed in the middle, so that the show had to be cut in half due to public opinion issues.

She will always bear the stain of making the crew and the TV station lose money, and it is difficult to think about it. "

"But this is too cruel. It will not only offend the TV station, but also offend Chen Ting. I heard that he is from the Chen family."

Qin Yi said with a look of disdain: "Chen Ting used to be a member of the Chen family, but he has been expelled from the Chen family."

(End of this chapter)

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