Gold Assistant

Chapter 177 Miraculous Martial Arts

Chapter 177 Miraculous Martial Arts

After Liu Li got Zhan Minghui's approval, he took Roy to visit various scenes in the crew.

The two of them communicated in French throughout the whole process, and everyone in the crew was in awe of Liu Li.

Due to the power of China, most people from other countries take the initiative to learn Chinese. Except for professionals, not many people learn foreign languages.

Lin Xia sat aside to rest, chatting with An Mo.

"So Lili's French is so good?"

When she was in "Fantasy Travels" before, she heard Liu Li dubbing in a foreign language, but she always thought that the few words Liu Li said were learned in advance.

I didn't expect her to be so fluent in French.

An Moyou said proudly, "Well, well, Lili is not only fluent in French, but also very good in German, English, and Italian."

"She can speak so many languages!"

"Well, Lili said that she learned from her classmates when she went to Vienna to learn piano."

Lin Xia was a little surprised, "Then what grade is her piano?"

"It seems to be professional level 10." An Mo frowned.

"The highest level?!"

"Well, it's the tallest one. I have a video here, and someone else put it on the Internet. They also said that Lili is a piano princess. Look, Aunt Lin."

An Mo played the specially downloaded video to Lin Xia, and a burst of elegant and beautiful piano music came out of the phone.

In recent years, Lin Xia has reduced filming and started to learn a variety of things to enrich her life, one of which is piano appreciation.

The video played by An Mo, although there were some live noises, did not affect her to enjoy the piano music.

When the video finished playing, people stood around them and started applauding.

"Isn't this the piano princess? I heard it once before, but I couldn't find this video later. Miss An, can you forward it to me?"

The sound mixer in the crew asked An Mo happily.


When Liu Li came back with Roy, everyone looked at her with admiration.

She touched her face and asked, "Momo, is my face smudged? Why do you look at me so strangely?"

"Hehe, I just released the video clip of you playing the piano at the Qin family's birthday banquet last time for everyone to enjoy, so they all think Lili is very good."

Liu Li thought for a while, and instantly understood An Mo's intentions.

She has never filmed before, and only filmed a few MVs and one commercial before. She doesn't look like a rich person at all, but she can bring money into the group.

When the filming started, Xie Lin made a false accusation. Although everyone knew it was fake, there was still a little doubt in their hearts.

But she couldn't stand up and shout that her family was not poor.

An Mo knew these things in the crew very well, so he used this piano video to divert her matter away and at least silence some people.

After figuring out the twists and turns inside, she threw herself on An Mo, "Momo, I love you so much."

An Mo also smiled and said, "Hee hee, I love Lili too."

"No, no... in love." Roy pulled Liu Li away forcefully.

Shi Xiaonan immediately stepped forward with a cold face, and patted Roy's numbness.

"Ma...ah, what did you do? You rough woman!" Roy shouted in French, pressing his hand on the numb place.

"Shut up, I don't understand!"

Seeing her fierce look, Roy didn't understand what she was talking about, but he closed his mouth wisely and looked at Liu Li resentfully.

Liu Li suppressed a smile, and explained to him, "That's the martial arts of our country Hua, isn't it very powerful, don't make our Xiao Nan angry."

"Martial arts?" Roy imitated Liu Li's pronunciation.

"Yes, martial arts."

Roy turned his head to look at Shi Xiaonan, looking at his head and feet very seriously, which made Shi Xiaonan feel like he was seen through.

Fortunately, at this time Zhan Minghui announced the start of shooting in the afternoon.

In the afternoon scene, the princes asked their subordinates to compete in the school martial arts field.

For Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi, who were filming for the first time, Ah San explained the content and movements to pay attention to, and showed them the rehearsal with the martial artists in the crew.

His movements are firm and soft, like clouds and flowing water, but the martial artist who is fighting with him looks very clumsy.

Although Ye Xingqing watched and studied very seriously, the first fight scene had to be NGed several times before he passed. He stood by the side with a frustrated face and watched other people's filming.

Ah San walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "You haven't filmed fight scenes before, but today's one is considered good."

"How can I do it better?"

Ye Xingqing loves the actor industry more and more. If he wants to go further, he must put in more effort.

"If you are interested and not afraid of being tired, you can go to this place to study, but you have to pay the tuition."

Ah San took out a crumpled business card from her bag and handed it to Ye Xingqing.

"Thank you." Ye Xingqing didn't feel disgusted, but carefully put away the business card.

Ah San's skills are obvious to all, and what he introduced must not be wrong.

Then it was the turn of Xiao Dezi played by Yang Yi to end, but Xiao Dezi's force value is not very high, so the audience mainly dodges.

"Huh?" Ah San was a little puzzled after seeing his movements.

"It looks familiar, doesn't it?" Shi Xiaonan walked quietly behind Ah San and said something.

Ah San was startled, and patted her heart with her hands, "Little aunt, why are you walking silently. Can you stop scaring me like this next time?"

"Little San, you can't even hear my footsteps?"

Ah San's face changed, and she covered it up with a playful smile, "That's because I was too focused on watching the filming. After all, I am the martial arts instructor in the crew."

Shi Xiaonan looked at him suspiciously, "Little San, do you have something to hide from me?"

"How can it be."

When Ah San was almost overwhelmed, Yang Yi's filming ended. Unlike Ye Xingqing, Yang Yi had his own way.

Shi Xiaonan could only look at Ah San's back with worry.

Ye Xingqing walked over and lightly punched Yang Yi on the shoulder, "Ah Yi is amazing, I know you are good at it, but I didn't expect it to be this good."

"Hey, I practiced with the old man at home before."

"This is the place Ah San Wuzhi introduced to me just now. Do you want to study together? If you want to stay in this industry in the future, it's right to learn more."

Ye Xingqing took out the business card he had collected just now.

"Hong Family Martial Arts School? Hong Family Iron Fist?" Yang Yi couldn't help saying it when he saw the surname on the business card.

"Oh, does Ah Yi know about this family?"

Yang Yi scratched his head, "I've heard of it, but I don't know if it's the same family."

"We don't have a show the day after tomorrow, why don't we go and see it together."

"it is good."

The day's filming soon came to an end. Today Roy not only saw Liu Li who he misses so much, but also saw the miraculous Huaguo martial arts. He said that today's itinerary was perfect.

 It's still three o'clock until Saturday~~
(End of this chapter)

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