Gold Assistant

Chapter 184 Blind

Chapter 184 Blind
Chen Ting didn't give Shi Lekang a chance to breathe, and continued: "I had no choice but to call my father to talk about it. He told Uncle Jian and explained it to you, but you just didn't believe it. In the end, they took you to do parent-child training." Identification.

You cried and said that the result would be deceiving, and asked me and my dad to do the appraisal together.You don't remember all this?
I still remember that later you put those two appraisal reports in your little treasure box, and you will know when you go home and have a look. "

After hearing these words, Shi Lekang was a little speechless. It turned out that he had been so cruel before. He was afraid of Sister Na since he was a child. It seemed that it was caused by the shadow of his childhood.

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, "I don't remember anything, how can you remember it so clearly, you are one year younger than me!"

Looking at Shi Lekang, Chen Ting suddenly couldn't bear it. His friend had done so many things for him, so he couldn't beat him anymore.

I can't tell him, because when he returned to this body, his personal life before coma was played back once, and he saw a lot of his dark history in it.

Whether it is childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, there are baskets and baskets of black material.

Compared with my life of only studying, studying, and finally studying since I was a child, it is much more interesting, so I will tell Xiaoyao as an interesting story in the future.

"After waking up, I thought about the possibility you mentioned. It was only when I looked through the saved materials that I found my two identification reports. That's why I gave up investigating the line of blood relationship."

Shi Lekang sat down and slumped on the sofa. In addition to inquiring about the news last night, he also thought about it for a long time, such as how to word it and how to comfort Chen Ting.

For him who had been rescued since he was a child, it was a rare opportunity to comfort Chen Ting, but unexpectedly, it was of no use at all.

"It's back to the original point. I really can't figure out why your old man is so decisive, except for the blood relationship."

Just when he was about to fall asleep, Chen Ting said, "It's not like I've been standing still. Brother An's words yesterday gave me a little inspiration."

"What! Do you have a clue?" Shi Lekang jumped up from the sofa.

Chen Ting sat lazily on the bed. He stretched out his slender fingers and pointed at the computer screen. The corner of his mouth raised a mocking smile, and a cold light flashed in his deep eyes.

Shi Lekang looked at Chen Ting quietly, since he woke up from the coma, he has become more and more.As if it was even more incomprehensible, I couldn't help saying silently in my heart: Hmph, evildoer!

Duan Zhenyong's agent, Yu Ling, was on the other end of the phone, eloquently talking about how he would arrange things.

He said that after dragging Liu Li into the water, he would reveal the content that Liu Li asked him to post after a while, in order to catch the heat of this matter.

Qin Yi was very happy to hear that, so that when people mentioned Liu Li in the future, they would think of the drug abuse incident.After Yu Ling's news is "exposed", everyone will feel disgusted and disgusted, saying that she even goes to the heat of this kind of thing.

However, when she saw the public opinion on the Internet, she was so angry that she wanted to curse.

Netizens didn't pay any attention to Yu Ling's words at all. As long as Liu Li was mentioned, others would post comments saying that they were not popular, that they would not make an appointment, that Liu Li was lucky, and so on.

Not only did it have no negative impact on Liu Li, but she even gained a lot of fans because of her refusal to film "Very Friendship".

Qin Yi looked at the computer screen distressedly, it still showed the transfer record half an hour ago, the money will not be wasted again!

She no longer had any money to use, so she couldn't do anything else for the time being. Hearing the complacent voice on the phone, she frowned.

In order to maintain her image as a celebrity, Qin Yi took several deep breaths to suppress her anger.

She gritted her teeth and jumped out word by word, "Didn't you read the comments after sending out the scarf? Now there is no effect of what you said, go and read the declaration of no appointment!"

Only then did Yu Ling stop and didn't speak any more. He flipped through the comments on the Internet, his whole face darkened.

He said so much before, but he wanted to find a new backer.

Qin's enterprise is a well-known large group in China, and the news that the young lady of the Qin family wants to invest in the entertainment industry has already spread in the circle.

So without Duan Zhenyong as a cash cow, he decided to join Qin Yi.It's just that he didn't expect that what he did just now not only failed, but also made everyone hate him even more.

"I...Miss Qin, don't worry, Duan Zhenyong still has a press conference, we can still use it at that time. These people on the Internet are just a small number of people, they can't represent anything.

At the press conference, I would ask Duan Zhenyong to blame Liu Li for the incident. If she hadn't rejected the film, he wouldn't be so stressed that he would take drugs. "

Qin Yi thought of Xie Lin's press conference last time. At the beginning, the people from Xingguang also talked about it, but they didn't even have a P.

Since then, Xie Lin has been given the title of a scheming girl. If it wasn't because she had already signed the contract and her acting skills were not bad, she would not have let Xie Lin be the heroine.

Now she is very much looking forward to Yu Ling's plan, even if it doesn't achieve the desired effect like Xie Lin did, or fails, it doesn't matter, as long as it makes Liu Li sick.

Anyway, this Yu Ling was sent to the door by himself, and has nothing to do with her at all, even if he is killed, it will not affect her.

Qin Yi snorted coldly, she wanted the public to think that Liu Li was a troublemaker.Not long after his debut, there are so many things on the table, and when the time comes, we will find someone to release some remarks, such as flies don't bite seamless eggs, and see how Liu Li marries Tao Chengxuan!

And she has a backhand, which is Shi Li's plan!But it will take about 3 months to implement.She could only bear it any longer, and what she had to do now was to complete and broadcast "Court Chronicle" as soon as possible.

Qin Yi is very confident that the plan will be successful, after all, he has participated in the whole process.

During this period of time, she came into contact with some people in the circle, and Qin Yi felt that talking to them would simply lower her style and IQ, such as that fat lady who couldn't even control her weight.

He still walks around Luo Yuan every day, which is very annoying.

Thinking of Luo Yuan, Qin Yi blushed.

When she was walking in the set that day, she almost fell down, but was supported by Luo Yuan.

Hearing his concerned question: "Are you injured? The crew is quite chaotic, you must be careful in the future. I may not be able to appear by your side in time next time. If I get injured, I will feel distressed."

At that time, her heart was beating very hard, and she kept hearing that Luo Yuan had a bad temper, but she didn't think so.

Every time Luo Yuan sees her, he is very gentle in speech and actions, a gentleman.

Ever since she was rejected by Tao Chengxuan, she once doubted her own charm, but now seeing Luo Yuan's performance, she knew that Tao Chengxuan was just blind.

Thinking of Luo Yuan, Qin Yi smiled sweetly, it would be nice to keep a little wolf dog for fun.

(End of this chapter)

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