Gold Assistant

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
The other crew were thinking about ordering the dining car, and Wang Weiyi would send her subordinates to talk to them, but she didn't expect that she would appear on stage in person.

The many bargaining plans that I had originally planned were completely useless, and they would be defeated in a while.

However, the final price was similar to their expected psychological price.

Xue Yao watched the whole process, she was really envious of people who can make money, and said with emotion: "Sister Yi, you are so powerful."

Wang Weiyi smiled gracefully, "It's not because of your good idea that I have such a chance to make money."

"Hee hee hee."

But at the same time, Xue Yao was also a little puzzled. When she went to check the information before, she found that the Wang family was not as rich as the book said, and Wang Weiyi did not look troubled by love.

Could it be that the matter of the dead policeman hasn't happened yet, or did she settle the matter after she contacted SHI last time?

She thought of Duan Zhenyong's drug abuse case, which may have changed one of the branches of the story. It would be great if this was the case.She decided to contact SHI again in the evening. He hadn't replied about the dark night last time.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the two chatted until the end of today's shooting.

Wang Weiyi only found out after inquiring around, that the person who bought the jade bottle was Xue Yao.However, she also learned about An Mo's thoughts on jade, and was going back to prepare a set of jade jewelry for Wang Jun.

It was rare that Wang Weiyi came, Zhan Minghui discussed with her whether to speed up the pace of shooting.

"The current progress is already fast enough, there is no need to speed up, the extra time can allow the actors to adjust, I believe you will make a high-quality film, which will be better than the money saved by speeding up the pace of shooting."

After Xia Tian heard this, she was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

Excellent!Her first self-written TV series will be a masterpiece, and everyone else thinks the same.

At the beginning, they just wanted to work hard to complete a TV series, and now they have slowly transformed into completing a high-quality TV series.

Afterwards, everyone seemed to be pumped with blood, and became full of passion in doing things.

Of course, some people were excluded, such as Shi Cheng, who was packing up the sundries. When he heard this, he smiled disdainfully.Boutique TV series?Hmph, it will be too late for you to cry.

At this time, Mi Jiawen passed by him with a gust of fragrance, and the alluring fragrance made him a little intoxicated.

When Shi Cheng saw her running to Jiang Hao's side, that petite and lovely posture set a fire in his body.

There are several newcomers in this crew, among which Liu Li is the most beautiful, but she is always followed by someone, so it's not easy to get started.

Last time he was kicked by Shi Xiaonan, it still hurts to breathe.

Shi Cheng used his identity in the previous film crew to fool some young girls who just came in, and also did some things to help 'introduce friends'.

Thinking of Mr. Song whom he met yesterday, Shi Cheng grinned.Mr. Song is under Mr. Liu, a well-known investor in the circle, and he spends a lot of money.

Mr. Song asked him to help introduce some young girls who just came in and needed help. Mr. Liu was happy to invest in them.

Liu Li has Shi Lekang as his manager, and he always has people around him, which doesn't meet their requirements.Although An Mo is not very old, he is an old fritter who has been in the crew for many years, so he is not easy to mess with.

But this Mi Jiawen and the clothing assistant Min Shasha who just joined the team are good targets.

Especially when Min Shasha heard that she was still a junior intern, these young girls who had just entered society were the easiest to coax.

As long as you tell her that your sister is the stylist for this crew, and give her a little hint, they will swoop over.

The more Shi Cheng thought about it, the happier he became. He looked at Min Shasha with a smirk, and he would take over when Mr. Liu and the others got tired of playing.At that time, with the handle in hand, the little girl will not be able to escape from his palm.

Little did they know that his smug look caught everyone's eyes, and when they saw his eyes cast on Min Shasha and Mi Jiawen, they all became more vigilant.

Nothing happened that day, but Xue Yao still reminded Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao.

In the book, Mi Jiawen retired after filming "The Chronicle of the Summer Palace" and was hacked by the whole Internet.During this period of observation, I found that Jiang Hao really loves Mi Jiawen very much. Thinking of the relationship between him and Xie Lin in the book, he was definitely framed.

But Xue Yao still hasn't figured it out, what happened to Mi Jiawen in the book?

After seeing Shi Cheng now, Xue Yao seemed to have some clues, so she went back to check Shi Cheng at night to see if he had any bad records before.

Xue Yao refused Liu Li's request to share the same bed that night, because she had a lot of things to do tonight, she needed to contact SHI, Zha Shicheng, and the most important thing was to draw a talisman. The talisman that she gave to the male god before would expire tomorrow.

After she bathed and changed her clothes, she took a piece of the spirit animal blood cake that she quietly prepared for dinner, and began to concentrate on drawing the talisman. The effect of the talisman finally got was much better than last time, and the effective time became 15 days.

It may be that cooked spirit beast blood is more effective than raw blood, and it leaves a fragrant aftertaste in her mouth, which gave her the energy to draw an extra recovery talisman, but it's a pity that it can't be used in combination.

She dreamed again yesterday, but fortunately she didn't cry, but she still couldn't remember the content of the dream.

Xue Yao began to feel that the matter of her memory being sealed was a bit strange. Recently, her head still hurts from time to time. Maybe the injury from the last time was not healed, and the extra talisman was just for her own use.

After drawing the talisman for the first two times, she always felt exhausted, but this time she was fine, instead she was very energetic, not tired at all, and didn't want to sleep.

So she turned on her laptop and checked SHI's message first, and there was only a sentence in it to contact her later, telling her not to touch the matter of the dark night, and said to leave a message if something happened.

She had no choice but to send a message to ask how the last anti-drug case turned out.She thought about it, and asked about Wang Weiyi, whether her lover was involved in this anti-drug case.

After finishing one more thing, she was still not sleepy, and started to investigate when she remembered about Shi Cheng.

Before joining the crew, she had read everyone's files, which recorded their work experience.

Among them, Shi Cheng's records say that he has been a martial artist in TV series such as "The Great Master" and "Wandering".

Xue Yao began to check the news of these crews. Thanks to the enthusiastic netizens, they sorted out all the previous materials and uploaded them to the Internet, which made her much more convenient.

I really don't know if I don't check. I was shocked when I checked. Those crews had some bad rumors during the filming.

For example, directors potential newcomers, investors take newcomers to a reception and take them away, etc.

It's just that there is no real evidence, and no one has come out to clarify things, so let's just let it go.

 Today's three updates are complete~
(End of this chapter)

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