Gold Assistant

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

There is no news about Shi Cheng in the information found.

But he is just an ordinary martial artist, and it is normal that no one uploads his information.

But the production crews he has been in, without exception, have some scandals, which is not normal.

It's just that if he really has a problem, why did the crew hire him?
At this time, an online profile about Y media in the entertainment circle caught her attention.

In this file, there are some people suspected of Y media in the past ten years, such as Mr. S who was updated recently.But the people and things recorded in it all use code names, so it is impossible to directly guess who they are.

Many people commented that the content in the file is just for sensationalism, there is no real hammer, and it is probably all fake.

But Xue Yao felt that there must be some reason for a person who insisted on recording things for ten years, and there may be useful information in it.

She remembered the plot in the book, and there was a paragraph about Y Media, which would happen in the near future.

At that time, the heroine Mu Xuan in the book became popular because of "Top of Shu Mountain", but in the book she has emotional entanglements with Lin Weiyan, and has not yet become a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with the hero Li Jinghui.

Therefore, she was entangled by a Y media named Yingge. She kept lobbying Mu Xuan, saying that she knew many people and wanted to invite her to the dinner.

The phenomenon of "entertainers accompanying dinner" is a status symbol in the rich circle in the book. The presence of an artist can help the owner of the meal to be honored, and the invited artist will also get a lot of money.

Some rich people want to pursue a certain star, and they will also hold such a dinner party, so that they can get to know the person they have admired for a long time and pursue them.

This was originally a normal business relationship, like cutting a ribbon, but gradually the atmosphere changed.Invited artists, in addition to accompanying them for meals, will also conduct some special transactions in private.

Yingge used various reasons, such as discussing cooperation, discussing movies, etc., to invite Mu Xuan to the dinner.

But Mu Xuan is not an ignorant girl who has just stepped into the circle. Instead, because she has worked as an assistant beside Zhang Ru, she knows the twists and turns inside.

In the book, Liu Li was also forced to participate in the dinner scene, which was arranged by Song Kai, but it was a side story after all, so the space was not much.

According to that file, most of the people who work as Y media are very well-connected, such as agents, makeup and stylists, out-of-date artists, etc., who often deal with people.

The Inger in the book happened to be a makeup artist.

Xue Yao subconsciously glanced at the dramas that Shi Cheng filmed, and suddenly had an idea, and listed all the time from the start to the end of the drama, as well as the names of the staff,

Unexpectedly, apart from Shi Cheng, the name of a stylist Wan Yuqing appeared repeatedly among the staff.

Xue Yao immediately went to the file to find the relevant time period, but she did not expect to find the information.

There is a paragraph in it that a large-scale costume drama started filming in a certain month, and many extras were recruited. It was the graduation season at that time, and many of them were newcomers who had just stepped out of school.

W, a staff member of the show, used reasons such as important roles or investors' optimism to invite several newcomers to a certain banquet.

Afterwards, everyone remained silent, and no news came out.

Xue Yao noticed that the last update time of this file was last year, which means there is new news?

She immediately scrolled down and saw a passage in which a new actor who attended the banquet that year suffered from depression and committed suicide at the age of 23.

Since there was no specific name, Xue Yao had to use cross-screening methods to find a 23-year-old artist who committed suicide, but only found a message of condolences, and there was no name, so the clue was cut off.

She used the same method to search for the crews that Shi Li had worked in. Although there were not as many crews as Shi Cheng's, there were still one or two scandals.

It's just that there is no record in the Y conspiracy file, I don't know if it is the hype of the crew or the real thing
But these materials alone gave Xue Yao a rough outline of the incident.

At this time, SHI sent her a message back.

Xue Yao quickly opened it, and saw that although the process of this anti-drug operation was thrilling, overall it was smooth.Wang Weiyi's lover is Jian Letai, this time there is Xue Yao's amulet, so he escaped.

The jade bottle is what they use to exchange for amulets.

"It turns out that, hehe, Jian Letai is not dead, so this branch line will be considered a successful change." Xue Yao put her mind at ease, packed up and got ready to go to bed.

Suddenly she thought of the description in the book, Wang Weiyi devoted herself to her career to heal her emotional injuries because of her lover's death in the line of duty, making Wang's enterprise the leading consortium in the country.

Now that Jian Letai is fine, will she only care about love and not create a business kingdom?Did they lose a powerful backer?

But she thought about it, and it's okay without this backer, because in comparison, human life and sister Yi's happiness are more important.

She decided to send more amulets to SHI tomorrow and ask him to help pass them on.

Putting the recovery talisman under the pillow, after playing the Xun as usual, Xue Yao fell asleep.

The guards at 601 quietly replayed the Xun song they had just recorded, but it had no effect.

Unlike listening to Xue Yao playing live just now, it can relax the mind or relieve physical pain.

"Why didn't this work?"

Member A of the Special Task Force frowned, and said sadly: "Oh, it seems that only the performances heard on the spot are effective. The brothers in the base will not be so lucky."

Team B proposed a method, "How about asking the captain to apply and invite Miss Xue to play at the base?"

"Hey, you can have this, but I don't know if Miss Xue is willing?"

"Miss Xue is a nice person, and her cooking is delicious. I wonder if she has a boyfriend?" Team member B's face turned red when he said that.

But because of his bronzed skin, no one noticed.

"This...does she have anything to do with the person inside? Last time I saw her crying outside the door very sadly."

"Ah, if it's the one inside, there is probably no hope." Team member B looked at the door of Chen Ting's room, a little disappointed.

Chen Ting happened to be exercising his consciousness, and heard the conversation between the two. When he heard Team B's suggestion, his eyes turned cold.

Although his idea is to let the team members pay attention to Xiaoyao and protect her when she is in danger, it doesn't mean that he is willing to let Xiaoyao play for them endlessly.

It seems that I will talk to Jian Le'an tomorrow, and then I heard their discussion, Xiaoyao's boyfriend, and he immediately felt a chill.

His Xiaoyao is so good that even though she has disguised her appearance, she still attracts the attention of others.

Tomorrow, Jian Le'an will be warned and asked to manage his team members well. How can he think about these things when performing tasks.

Chen Ting thought that there was hope for his body to recover, so perhaps he should have stamped Xiaoyao with the stamp of 'this person is the owner' earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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