Gold Assistant

Chapter 187 Press Conference

Chapter 187 Press Conference

Today is the day when Duan Zhenyong called for the press conference, Xue Yao helped Liu Li and the others put on their makeup early, and asked Ah Yi from the crew to send her to the venue.

Because Shi Lekang would also go, Liu Li did not stop Xue Yao.

It's just that she couldn't understand, when did my sister start to watch the press conference so keenly? Is it different to watch the live broadcast?

This press conference will be held at the Hill Hotel in City B, and will be broadcast live by major media and TV stations.

When Xue Yao left, thinking of what she found last night, she reminded Min Shasha and Mi Jiawen again to pay attention to Shi Cheng.Also, if someone in the crew told them about job introductions, they should be more vigilant, and the two nodded one after another.

Min Shasha has a unique talent in modeling. She has mastered these makeup techniques just after listening to Xue Yao's talk. What she lacks is proficiency in using them.

With her here, Xue Yao doesn't have to worry about touch-ups.

In addition, I sighed again, talented people, what a nuisance, hum.Under the guidance of the cold system, she had to study for three full years before she barely graduated.

Duan Zhenyong is actually still in detention, this time because of Yu Ling's special application, saying that if he is not allowed to come out to hold a press conference, the fans will be uproarious.

After discussing with his superiors, Jian Letai decided to let him go. He can be used as a model to let the public understand the dangers of drug abuse.

The press conference this time was surprisingly heavily guarded. The visiting media reporters had to press their previously declared names and show their identity certificates in exchange for admission badges.

There is also a security check channel at the other end of the venue, and everyone has to go through at least two levels of checkpoints to enter the venue.

Xue Yao followed Shi Lekang and saw that many media and fans were blocked outside.

There was still half an hour before the start of the press conference. Hundreds of reporters and fans gathered inside and outside the venue, with half and half numbers, but the number of fans was still coming from outside one after another.

In order to avoid accidents, the venue was surrounded by fully equipped armed police officers, and a two-layer cordon was established.

"Wow, Brother Kang, does Duan Zhenyong have such a high status in the circle? Not to mention the number of people who came, the most amazing thing is that so many people were dispatched to protect him?"

Xue Yao was a little surprised by the scene. Even the national treasure-level actor Li Jian didn't have such a show on his tour abroad last time.

Xue Yao followed Shi Lekang to the preparation room, and saw a man who was five points like him.

"Brother Tai, this is Xiaoyao." He introduced them respectively.

Xue Yao obediently called Brother Tai, Jian Letai also greeted her with a smile, and then Shi Lekang pulled him aside to talk.

Helplessly, Xue Yao, who was so close to others, heard the conversation between the two.

"Brother Tai, why is the arrangement so strict today? Is there a major incident going to happen?"

Jian Letai gave him a strange look, usually he wouldn't ask such a question, thinking of the phone he just hung up.Jane Letai smiled and asked, "Xiaona asked you to ask?"

"As expected of my own brother, he's really smart, he guessed right." Shi Lekang immediately raised his thumb.

Jian Letai shook her head, "You have been a bear since you were a child, but when you saw Xiaona, you changed from a bear to a coward."

"This is caused by the shadow of childhood." Shi Lekang thought of what Chen Ting said yesterday, and thought he had found the reason.

"Brother Tai, don't change the subject, look."

Shi Lekang raised the phone that was ringing, and the caller ID on it was Wang Weina.

At this moment, on the other side of the preparation room, Yu Ling was lobbying Duan Zhenyong, and was heard by Xue Yao who was standing by the door.

Xue Yao innocently stated that she didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but the sound was just passed into her ears like this.

The things said on both sides seemed to be quite important, but in the end she decided to concentrate on listening to the conversation between Yu Ling and Duan Zhenyong. After all, she could ask about Shi Lekang later.

Yu Ling pulled a chair and sat opposite to Duan Zhenyong, and said seriously: "For what happened to you this time, you can be held in the detention center for 14 days. But your current career can only stop here. After you come out It's hard to keep going.

All the money earned before has to be paid to advertisers and producers, so you don’t have much money left now. "

"The previous work remuneration totaled more than 3000 million. How could there be no leftovers? Do you want to swallow all my money!" Duan Zhenyong's face became very ugly.

Some of his jobs are paid after the other party has finished everything.

Yu Yan looked sincere, and said very affectionately: "How can you say that, in the contract signed at the beginning, I was your agent, and I was going to take [-]% of the remuneration, and since we have cooperated for so many years For the sake of it, I will not ask you for liquidated damages."

"Say, you asked me to hold this press conference, what do you want me to do?"

The two have worked together for so many years, and Duan Zhenyong knows very well that Yu Ling would not do these things for no reason without any interest.

Yu Ling said with a smile on his face, "I called this press conference for your sake. After this incident, it will be very difficult for you to get up again in China."

Duan Zhenyong didn't speak, he closed his eyes and sat listening.

In the detention center for the past few days, due to the onset of drug addiction and some reasons, he did not rest well, and now he is very tired.

"But if you can't develop domestically, it doesn't mean you can't develop abroad, especially in country M, where there are many stars who have a history of drug abuse. You still have a lot of diehard fans. No matter where you go to develop, they will continue Support yours."

"You will have the resources of country M?" Duan Zhenyong said sarcastically, not because he saw Yu Ling dead, but because he knew his manager very well.

Although the entertainment industry in Hua Country is the most mature in the world, Country M is only slightly inferior. Many people who are not doing well in China will go to Country M to seek a way out.

But Yu Ling thinks that the grade there is not enough, and has always believed that the market there does not need to be operated.

"I don't have the resources of Country M, but I might have them in the future. Let me tell you, I'm working with Qin Yi, the eldest lady of the Qin Enterprise."

He deliberately put himself in the same position as Qin Yi, just to make Duan Zhenyong believe that he has enough bargaining chips.

Duan Zhenyong frowned and searched in his mind. He had heard of the Qin Corporation, a large group, but he had never heard of the name Qin Yi.

Seeing that time was running out, Yu Ling didn't let him continue thinking.

He quickly said: "Miss Qin asked you to wait for the press conference, saying that the drug use was all because Liu Li refused to make this movie, which led to Hou Zhenzhen, who was not suitable for this role at all, as the heroine.

In this way, all the pressure of carrying the box office is on you, so you want to relieve the pressure by taking drugs.In fact, you have been secretly detoxifying for a year, and you did not expect to be overwhelmed by the pressure this time.

After the end, she will arrange for the Qin family's company in country M to help you stand up again. "

Hearing this, Xue Yao couldn't help cursing in her heart, this Yu Ning would really turn right and wrong, and Qin Yi really intervened.

(End of this chapter)

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