Gold Assistant

Chapter 188 Press Conference

Chapter 188 Press Conference

Duan Zhenyong pondered for a while, then said in a hoarse voice, "As soon as the detention is over, I will leave immediately."

"Okay, I'll do my best to arrange it."

"It's not as much as possible, it's necessary! There is also a remittance of 300 million to my account." Duan Zhenyong raised his head and looked at him firmly.

"You...Okay." Yu Ling had no choice but to agree first, and it depends on the effect whether he will give it later.

Next, the two began to improve, and later they will talk about the content and caliber of the press conference, trying to make Duan Zhenyong look more pitiful.

Xue Yao realized that there was nothing to listen to, and was about to turn around and leave, but was startled by the black shadow beside her.

Fortunately, she found out that the man was Shi Lekang, so she immediately covered her mouth with her hands so as not to shout out.

Shi Lekang smiled and took her aside.

"Brother Kang, scary people will scare people to death!"

"Whoever let Xiao Yao'er hear such an interesting thing, didn't tell me. By the way, I didn't hear it before. Why did Duan Zhenyong want Hei Lili?"

Xue Yao curled her lips and said, "It's not about Tao Chengxuan and Qin Yi." She briefly explained what she had just heard.

"Brother Kang, if you let him say this at the press conference, even if it is false, it will have a great influence on Lili.

You have also seen the attitude of his fans after Duan Zhenyong's accident, and there are still many who support him.If their plan is carried out, those fans will not let Lili go, and it would be very annoying if they make trouble under her scarf every day. "

Shi Lekang thought that Xue Yao had used something he didn't know about when Xie Lin held a meeting last time.

And when he went out in the morning, Chen Ting told him to try his best to help and satisfy Xiaoyao's request.

He asked: "Last time you wanted to use something to deal with Xie Lin, right? Do you still have those things, and can you use them this time?"

Xue Yao thought about it. Anyway, Shi Lekang already knew that he gave the amulet, and he also saw the effect of the quick amulet last time, so he probably couldn't hide it.

At most, it would be fine to justify that it was given by someone else in the future, and said, "Well, there are one-third of the truth pills and a few spells that make people unlucky."

"Truth pills, one third? Something that can make people tell the truth?"

"En." Xue Yao nodded.

Shi Lekang thought for a while, "Let's keep such an important thing first. How about the effect of that bad luck charm?"

"It can only make people a little unlucky, such as wrestling and being hit by things."

"Sounds interesting, how do I use it? Will people see it after posting it?" Xerox Kang raised the corners of his mouth, these things aroused his interest.

Seeing his appearance, Xue Yao felt a little creepy for some reason.

"Just stick it lightly on the person, and it will disappear after sticking it on, but the effect is only about 10 seconds."

"Ten seconds is 10 seconds. As long as Duan Zhenyong falls when he is playing, I will ask Brother Tai to take him away for safety."

Shi Lekang talked about his plan, then sighed.

"Brother Kang, what's the matter?" Could it be what he told Jian Letai just now?
Xue Yao added: "If it's a confidential matter, don't talk about it."

"Actually, it's nothing. This matter is considered public." He explained, "Although many people were caught this time, they were all small fish, such as Duan Zhenyong, who can only be detained for 14 days."

"Only 14 days?! That's too cheap for them. The front-line police officers are working hard. Without consumers, there will be no market."

Jian Letai, who was walking this way, heard her words and walked over with a smile, "Thank you Xiaoyao for supporting our work."

"Brother Tai."

Shi Lekang hurriedly handed him the bad luck talisman and asked him to help, but he didn't say where the talisman came from.

Xue Yao also looked at this talisman pretending to be curious, she wasn't bragging, she had experienced several small worlds, and she also had some acting skills.

Jian Letai had no doubts, took the talisman and left.

After he left, Xue Yao continued to ask what he hadn't finished talking just now.

"In this operation, an important bulk carrier escaped. He was in charge of drug distribution in City B. And this person is very mysterious. After asking around, no one knew who he was."

Xue Yao was a little curious, "Isn't it all face-to-face for things like bulk cargo?"

"They also had an intermediary, when Brother Tai chased him to the roof, that man said he was just an intermediary and asked to be turned into a tainted witness.

If the police agreed, he would provide the bulk cargo person's information, but before they finished negotiating, that person was shot dead, and Brother Tai almost died there.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Xiaoyao for giving me the amulet, which saved Brother Tai's life. "

"Ah, that would be great if it worked. Have you found the killer yet?"

Shi Lekang shook his head, "Brother Tai, when they arrived at the opposite building, people left it empty. But it's strange, the location chosen by the killer happened to overlook Duan Zhenyong's apartment.

It proved that he must have stepped on the spot beforehand. The forensic evidence at the scene said that the killer stayed there for at least one day.But Brother Tai and the others kept their actions very secret this time, and they only notified the accompanying people before they set off. "

"Ah, could it be...?" Xue Yao didn't dare to say the following words, if this is the case, it would be the most hurtful.

"Brother Tai doesn't want to doubt, and his brother who has been through life and death, so maybe Xiaoyao's truth pills will be used at that time, is it okay?"

Xue Yao nodded, "Yes."

In order to ease the atmosphere, Shi Lekang said one more thing.

"That middleman has something to do with you."

"Ah? What's the matter?" The news was a little scary.

"On the day Hou Zhenzhen was arrested, a reporter accompanying her saw the arrest warrant from the police station and discovered that the person had appeared in Duan Zhenyong's apartment.

They thought about Hou Zhenzhen's drug use and suspected that it was related to that person, so they reported it to the police. That's why there was an anti-drug operation against Duan Zhenyong later. "

I didn't expect such a coincidence to happen. This should be the recovery of Skynet, so I didn't miss it.

"By the way, Brother Kang, why did you arrange such tight security for Duan Zhenyong?"

"That's what he asked for, and he said it would be dangerous for him to appear in public."

"Ah, then why does he hold a press conference? Just hide it. It's a waste of public money."

"Who said it wasn't."

After finishing speaking, the two walked out together, preparing to watch this press conference.

It was almost time, and the bored Xue Yao began to think about this case.

In the book, after Jian Letai died in the line of duty, the police began to carry out internal rectification, but there was no relevant information in the follow-up. Does it mean that there are actually no internal problems?

And what is Duan Zhenyong afraid of?He's just a star, why would his life be in danger?
In the book, after he splashed dirty water on Liu Li and successfully cleaned himself up, he did not debut again, and there was no news of him at the end of the book.

Xue Yao sighed and stopped, why is the style of this entertainment article getting crooked!

She always felt that the appearance of the killer was a bit strange. If there was any inside information, Duan Zhenyong should be informed to leave instead of letting the killer go somewhere and wait.

Could it be that Duan Zhenyong's life is really in danger, isn't it because he wanted to show off and lied?
 The third update is complete~~
(End of this chapter)

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