Gold Assistant

Chapter 189 Press Conference

Chapter 189 Press Conference

Duan Zhenyong came out of the preparation room, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

This is what made him popular in the first place, the look in that advertisement.

To be honest, Yu Ling is really good at planning these things.By doing this, Duan Zhenyong can evoke everyone's memories and remind them of that pure sunny boy.

It's just that now Duan Zhenyong only has a decadent aura, not the cleanliness and warmth of that time.

"Why are you here?!" Yu Ling was very surprised when he saw Shi Lekang beside him.

They wanted to pour dirty water on Liu Li, but his manager came instead.

Shi Lekang didn't say anything, but slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

Yu Ling saw cold sweat on his back, and felt that his plan seemed to be seen through.

The police officer pushed Duan Zhenyong from behind to let them continue walking.

Xue Yao and Shi Lekang at the side happened to see the police officer sticking the bad luck talisman on Duan Zhenyong's back.

When Shi Lekang and the policeman saw the disappearance of the talisman, their eyes widened in surprise.

After they left, Shi Lekang said in surprise: "It really...really disappeared automatically!" It completely lost the shrewd look just now.

Seeing Xue Yao's puzzled look, he smiled shyly and said, "Isn't that smile just now very handsome and handsome? I spent a month imitating Ah Ting's, and my acting skills are actually not bad."


Xue Yao felt as if she had discovered a terrible truth.

Duan Zhenyong stood in the background, looked around the situation, saw the tight security, nodded in satisfaction.

But when he stepped on the front steps, he slipped suddenly and his whole body leaned forward.

Before everyone could react, Yu Ling stretched out his hand and pulled him up, but he was too forceful, and he fell to the ground by himself.

The media waiting in front of the stage all discovered what happened here, and they immediately swarmed up to take pictures of this scene with their cameras or video cameras.

If the police hadn't stopped me, they might have rushed over to take a close-up shot.

When Yu Ling fell down, he thought of using this incident to make a scarf. He had already thought of the title, calling it the best manager who sacrifices himself to save artists.

The police officer immediately stepped forward to check the steps, and Duan Zhenyong returned to the backstage again.

His whole body was trembling, his head was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't stop muttering: "They are here, I can't go out, if I go out, I'm sure to die!"

Experienced police officers guessed that he was a drug addict and suggested canceling today's press conference.

Yu Ling looked at the people next to him. If it doesn't open today, Shi Lekang will definitely use public relations to suppress them when he goes back.

He immediately retorted, "No, I have to finish the press conference today, and there will be no chance after that. Ah Yong almost fell down just now, so he was scared, and he will be fine after taking a rest."

When he helped Duan Zhenyong aside to rest, Yu Ling heard his words, "They want to kill me to silence them, no, they can't go out, they can't go out."

Yu Ling frowned, did Duan Zhenyong cause any trouble?Then this press conference is not to be missed!Who knows if he will survive in the future.

"Ayong, what happened just now was indeed not an accident. I guess it was done by Shi Lekang. They may have heard about our plan just now, so they used this method.

If you don't go out, there will be no chance in the future. "

Xue Yao, who was standing aside, heard Duan Zhenyong's words, and a thought flashed in her heart.

She pulled Shi Lekang aside, "Brother Kang, can you let Duan Zhenyong drink a glass of water with Zhenhua pills before going on stage?"

Shi Lekang frowned, "Isn't that reserved for internal investigation?"

"I have observed Brother Tai's subordinates. They are all righteous people. It should not be an internal problem. If there is a need at that time, I will ask for another truth pill."

"This..." Shi Lekang wanted to refuse at first, but thinking of Chen Ting's words in the morning, he changed his words and said, "Okay, I'll find someone."

After a while, Duan Zhenyong stood up under Yu Ling's urging and was about to go on stage. At this moment, a police officer came over and gave him a glass of water.

Just now he broke out in a cold sweat, Duan Zhenyong happened to be thirsty, so he drank all the water.

When Duan Zhenyong walked onto the stage, the sound of taking pictures below broke out instantly, the clicking sound continued, and the camera was aimed at him.

Yu Ling walked up to the stage in a disheveled manner, which was caused when he fell down just now.He deliberately didn't clean it up, so that everyone would notice his appearance, so that everyone could publicize the fact that he saved Duan Zhenyong just now.

After Yu Yan came to the stage, he bowed deeply to the front, apologized to everyone, and apologized again because of the accidental delay just now.

He first made some requests to everyone: First, the incident concerning Duan Zhenyong is still under investigation, and the specific details cannot be disclosed. I hope everyone can understand;
Second, I hope everyone can give Duan Zhenyong a little more tolerance. He became famous at a young age, which caused too much pressure. He also blamed himself very much, which brought a bad influence to the society. Today, he mustered up the courage to stand here and apologize to everyone.

Duan Zhenyong has been suffering a lot these days. He just fell down because he didn't have enough rest. I hope everyone will understand.

Finally, Yu Ling announced the start of today's press conference.

When Xue Yao saw him chattering in the background, she was very nervous, for fear that the effect of the truth pill would be overwhelmed by him.

But this Yu Ling is really slippery when he speaks nonsense.

Duan Zhenyong stood up, lowered his head slightly, and said slowly: "This happened and let everyone down, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for everyone's love. No matter what the reason is, I was wrong."

After he finished speaking, he began to sob non-stop, and the tears kept flowing out.

Xue Yao frowned, how could he not be affected? !Could it be that the time for the medicine to take effect was really delayed by Yu Ling?

Yu Ling handed Duan Zhenyong a tissue and asked him to wipe away his tears.

"At the beginning, because of an advertisement, I suddenly became popular, and I lost myself. Under the introduction of some caring people, I became addicted to drugs.

But then an accident happened, and I discovered that those so-called friends were all fake.When I saw the letters written by everyone and the gifts I made by myself in the ward, I immediately woke up.

I swore I would never touch those things again, but after a year of sobriety, I took on the part of Very Friendly.

This movie needs me to carry the box office, and my pressure will increase immediately..."

Xue Yao stared at Duan Zhenyong on the stage with wide eyes, and clenched her hands nervously.In the end, it was discovered that Duan Zhenyong hadn't entered the state of Zhenhua Wan from the beginning to the end.

She was so angry that she wanted to scratch the wall, Xie Lin had something wrong last time, why did she take the risk this time!She took out a blinding talisman and a quick talisman from the space, intending to rush to the stage and knock Duan Zhenyong unconscious.

But just when she was about to act, Duan Zhenyong stopped suddenly, and he stared blankly ahead.

 Thank you for your support, I have gained another [-] votes, so happy~~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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