Gold Assistant

Chapter 190 It's Not Just Me

Chapter 190 It's Not Just Me
Shi Lekang was also infected by Xue Yao's nervousness in the background, he asked quietly: "Xiao Yaoer, when will the truth pill take effect?"

"I don't know, Brother Kang, I'm sorry, maybe the truth pills are useless after being left for too long." Xue Yao lowered her head in frustration.

"It's okay, it's okay, even if he splashed dirty water, we can break it back. Qin Yi has no ability to sell people's hearts, so the biggest possibility is to spend money. As long as you find evidence that Yu Ling took the money, it's not okay question."

Xue Yao thought he wanted to ask Wang Jun for help, and immediately explained: "You can't ask Jun for help, it will affect his work, isn't he not even able to play online games?
I heard that his online behavior is being monitored, so I can ask others for help. "

Shi Lekang smiled secretly, "That's what he said on purpose to gain sympathy. In fact, it's not so strict, and I'm not looking for him."

"Ah, who are you looking for?"

Could it be that there are other Internet experts in this book, should she remind SHI?

Before Shi Lekang could say anything, there was another commotion on the stage.

Seeing Duan Zhenyong stop, Yu Ling didn't move for a long time, so he immediately walked over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yu Ling said to the audience: "I'm sorry everyone, Zhenyong may be too sad, give him a little more time."

When he suddenly stopped, the people in the audience began to discuss in low voices. Everyone was at a loss, and they didn't know what was wrong.

People who watched the live broadcast in front of the screen also sent messages to discuss online.

[What's wrong with Duan Zhenyong? Why didn't he speak suddenly? ]
[Are you a drug addict? ]
[Very likely. ]
[No, don’t you make a lot of noise when you’re addicted to drugs? ]
[Maybe he is using a new type of drug with a different effect? ]
[Stop, stop, stop everyone, don't discuss this kind of thing. ]

The people at the scene turned from a small discussion to an uproar.

Yu Ling anxiously pushed Duan Zhenyong with his hands, and urged: "Hurry up and talk, you are stupid! If this continues, let alone go to country M or 300 million, you will have nothing."

Duan Zhenyong suddenly shook his body, as if he had just woken up, he looked ahead and laughed out loud.

"Isn't it just smoking a drug? What a big deal this is, and I'm not the only one smoking in the circle. Let me tell you, that pure girl Zhang Ying, the energetic boy Shi Zhe...

These people are smoking, how do I know?Haha, because they all order from me.You don't know it, so it's no big deal. "

When Duan Zhenyong said these words, Yu Ling was stunned. By the time he realized it, he had already said a lot of names.

If he was allowed to continue talking, he would not be the only one who was ruined, and even himself would be implicated.

Thinking of how the benefactors behind those people would retaliate, Yu Ling's mouth trembled. He rushed forward with all his strength to push Duan Zhenyong down, preventing him from continuing.

Who knew that Duan Zhenyong was extremely strong at this time, he pushed Yu Ling away, causing him to hit the background board behind him.

"Let me tell you again, today's press conference is not what I want to hold, it's all at Yu Ling's request. He robbed me of all the money I made, and I reluctantly agreed to it in order to survive.

He made me pour dirty water on people..."

When Duan Zhenyong was going to continue talking, Xue Yao felt an inexplicable panic in her heart. She looked up and found a black gun protruding from the corner of the second floor of the venue.

She immediately walked to Jane Letai, "Brother Tai, there are guns on the second floor at 3 o'clock!"

Jian Letai looked up following her words, and immediately used the communicator in her hand to remind the team members.

It's just that the other party had already fired at this time, and a bullet flew over from the second floor of the venue, and the target was Duan Zhenyong who was speaking on the stage.

Jian Letai rushed out quickly, pushed him away, and just dodged the bullet.

The people in the venue instantly became a mess, they screamed in panic and fled around.The police officers immediately deployed manpower to disperse the crowd.

Some people rushed to the second floor, and Jian Letai took Duan Zhenyong to the preparation room.

When the bullet appeared, Shi Lekang stood in front of Xue Yao and wanted to take her away.

Xue Yao poked her head out behind him, looked up to the second floor again, and saw a man wearing sunglasses.

The man was tall, wearing ordinary casual clothes, and was running up in panic, but his movements were very clean and neat.

Then he took out a gun from his jacket, and when he looked at the venue again, he found Xue Yao's gaze, and the two exchanged a glance.While he was surprised, a cruel smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, he raised his gun and shot at Duan Zhenyong on the stage.

Xue Yao immediately grabbed the chair beside her and threw it out forcefully.

Feeling that there were more bullets, and they were too dense to hide, Jian Letai pulled Duan Zhenyong behind him in desperation.

At this time, the chair just flew over, and the bullet shot through the chair.

Jian Letai also took this opportunity to drag Duan Zhenyong to the backstage.

The man on the second floor squinted at the chair, then looked backstage, trying to find the person who threw it, but at this moment Xue Yao and Shi Lekang were already hiding.

The man left the second floor before officers rushed to the scene.

"Brother Tai, are you okay?" Shi Lekang could see that the chair only blocked part of the bullets, and two more hit him.

"It's okay, you all look at him." Jian Letai took out a handful of ashes from his pocket.

He handed Duan Zhenyong to the police officers on the side, ready to go upstairs to participate in the search.Xue Yao immediately took out an amulet from the space and stuffed it into his hand.

"This..." Jane Letai looked at the things in her hand in surprise.

Xue Yao said to him very seriously: "For the sake of Sister Yi, Brother Tai must come back safely."

"it is good!"

Jian Letai put away the amulet and ran upstairs.

The man wearing sunglasses pretended to be panicked and ran upstairs, but actually easily escaped all the checkpoints, avoided the police officers who were searching for him, and finally reached the roof.

As he was about to flee, a voice came from the corner behind him, "Stop, police! Put your hands up and put them where I can see them, or I'll shoot."

The man wearing sunglasses, with a mocking smile on his lips, said, "Still so old-fashioned."

Seeing that he was not moving, Jian Lekang shot the ground beside him.

"Come on, put your hands up."

With a playful smile on his face, the man slowly raised his hand.

Jane Letai continued: "Now turn around slowly."

But the other party didn't listen to him. Instead, he turned around quickly, threw something towards him, and immediately ran forward and jumped off the roof.

"Captain! No one was found." The other team members also rushed up.

At this time, the thing thrown by the man rolled to Jian Letai's feet. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be a grenade!
(End of this chapter)

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