Gold Assistant

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
After Shi Lekang and the others left, Xue Yao went to 602 to find Chen Ting with the recovery talisman.

She smiled and put the talisman on the table without explaining too much, sometimes the flaws appeared because of talking too much.

"Brother Ting, this is a new talisman, you can change it after 15 days."

Chen Ting didn't ask, but moved his body a little, a trace of sadness flashed on his handsome face, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Thank you, can you bring it here for me? I... can't reach it."

"Ah, sorry, let me put it away for you."

Xue Yao immediately picked up the talisman and walked to Chen Ting's side. She was annoyed in her heart, why didn't she take it from the beginning?To let the male god show such a sad expression, you must pay attention next time.

"Can you put it in the bag for me?"

"En." Xue Yao put the talisman into Chen Ting's chest bag, and when she got close to him, she smelled a fragrance, not shower gel or perfume.

It smells good, refreshing, and she likes it very much.

"Okay, remember to put this close to your body." She patted the bag lightly with her hand, and stepped back somewhat reluctantly, but before leaving, she took a deep breath.

When Chen Ting saw Xue Yao's movements, there was tenderness in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Okay, I'll definitely do it."

"Then...then I'm leaving. Brother Ting, rest early." Xue Yao's cheeks were hot, and the movement of inhaling just now seemed to have molested the male god.

"You too."


Xue Yao hurried out of the room and ran to 601.

The members of the Special Task Force, seeing the blush on her face and the shy expression, became even more desperate. They really are a couple.

After returning to 601, Liu Li and the others exclaimed while watching the news on the Internet.

"Hey, all the people on the list have been invited to investigate. I didn't expect that Zhang Ying also took drugs, and I like listening to her songs very much. Momo, why do you think she touches those things?"

"Well, I heard a rumor that she was trying to lose weight." An Mo rested her chin on her hand and thought for a while before telling the rumors she had heard before.

Liu Li was very surprised, "Ah, there is such a reason. Didn't she always run at night before? And the weight loss exercises she created are also very effective."

"Hey, in this industry, the life schedule is too irregular, so many people use morbid weight loss methods to maintain their figure."

Having said that, An Mo rubbed his belly worriedly, he seemed to have eaten too much today.

After Liu Li saw her movements, he also touched his stomach. The two looked at each other in unison, smiled wryly at each other, and shook their heads together.

Xue Yao happened to see the expressions of the two, "What's wrong?"

"Sister (Sister Yao), the food you cook is so delicious, how can we bear it."

"Ah, are you guys getting fat?" Xue Yao was also a little nervous. The things she made recently seemed to have too many calories.

Shi Xiaonan said directly: "Go to the scale and you will know. If you are really heavy, start practicing with me tomorrow, and you will definitely lose weight."

Liu Li and An Mo held hands, walked to the electronic scale, took several deep breaths, as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

"Okay, let's go to the scales."


Liu Li closed her eyes and stood up first, and asked tremblingly, "Momo, how are you doing?"

"Hey? 43 kg, and lost 0.5 kg!" An Mo was very happy, and his tone became much lighter.

"Really?" Liu Li opened her eyes and found that the number on the electronic scale was indeed 43 kilograms.

"Momo, you should try it too. Maybe it's because we've been filming recently, so we burned some calories."

An Mo also felt that the possibility was very high, she stood up with a glimmer of hope, and asked anxiously, "Lili, how is it?"

"Momo has also lost weight, now only weighs 42.5 kilograms."

"Really?!" An Mo looked down and hugged Liu Li excitedly, "Hahaha, we've all lost weight, that's great."

Seeing their interaction, Xue Yao felt a little funny.

But the strong friendship between the two made her feel very relieved.

Hold hands and face fear together, I will help you see what you are afraid of, and help me see what I am afraid of.

Xue Yao sincerely hoped that their flower of friendship would be made of superalloy, and that they would not be unhappy because of resource status or something.

But why are they skinny?
"Wow, Xiao Nan has also lost a little weight, it seems that we have all lost weight."

The two turned around and pulled Xue Yao, who was still thinking about something, to the side of the electronic scale.

"Sister (Sister Yao), you can try it too."

Seeing their expectant eyes, Xue Yao couldn't bear to refuse, and also stood up.

"Wow! My sister has lost 6 catties."

"Great!" The three of them shouted happily because of the result.

Xue Yao touched her face, she seemed to have lost weight a bit since the impurities in her body were discharged.

Thinking of the past two mornings, she has been cooking porridge with the water used to boil the blood clots of spirit beasts. Could this be the reason why they lost weight?

An Mo looked at Xue Yao with her big eyes, which glowed with longing, and she begged softly, "Can we continue to have a big meal tomorrow? I want to eat chicken curry."

Liu Li also held onto Xue Yao's clothes tightly, looking at her expectantly, "Sister, is it okay?"

Xue Yao covered her face, did she abuse or starve them?
"Aren't you afraid of being fat?"

"Isn't there still room for 0.5 kilograms, hehe."

"All right, let's make chicken curry tomorrow night."

After driving the crazy happy couple to bed, Xue Yao also returned to the room, took out her laptop and sent a message to SHI, saying that there may be other computer experts in this world.

[This is a very normal thing. Although this is a small world, its structure is actually complete and it will evolve automatically. It is also common for people with special aptitude to appear. 】

Xue Yao thought about it, and felt that she was making a fuss.

[Brother Big SHI, I want to sell the extra spirit beast meat as snacks, but I am worried that others will test it and find that those ingredients are not available in this world. What should I do? 】

Sell ​​money?Chen Ting frowned. Could it be that Xiaoyao lacked something that he didn't know?

[Why sell it for money? 】

Xue Yao smiled, SHI must be a master with no shortage of money in this world.

[Buying things, such as those jade bottles, are very expensive. 】

[Didn't you change five jade bottles last time? 】

[Not enough, the five bottles are so small, they will be filled with a little spirit beast blood, and the rest will be contributed to the space, so wasteful. 】

Xue Yao's heart aches when she thinks of this, if all the spirit beast blood remains, she can make more spirit food so that the male god can recover quickly.

[Don't you know how to engrave formations?These five jade bottles are of good texture and can withstand an expansion array, so that the space in the jade bottles can be enlarged. 】

Seeing this, Xue Yao patted her forehead annoyed, how could she forget about the formation.Suddenly she came to her senses, how did SHI know that she would engrave the formation?
(End of this chapter)

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